no one died , millions of dollars wasted. Something tells me , theres something bigger about to happen . Lets see what happens this time.
So what was the point of the strikes?
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>millions of dollars wasted.
you can't waste tlams it's just a fact
surgical strikes on companies owned by zionists who manufactured weapons, but Trump is blaming it on Assad and not the MOSSAD/CIA operatives that ran it
Destroyed chemucal weapon facilities
Im happy.
Trump is an Israeli puppet. Just like all of our presidents.
OPCW inspection had to arrive at Douma either today or tomorrow, but the place of chem attack was successefully struck by missile.
Destroy any proof of the False flag gas attack
>Destroyed chemucal weapon facilities
To test if russia would actually back Assad in a real war the answer is no so now thay are clear to actually invade without risking it
>No one died
>Waaahhh must be a waste goy
Fuck off dude, there's bigger things at play here. You fucking idiots just can't see the big picture outside of asking for an Apocalypse that (((you))) will be crying about on here till the power goes out for good.
What Trump did last night was an act of geopolitical genius. He made a proportionate strike against russiacucks who have been assblasted about muh retaliation for days now.
He put the ball squarely in Russia's court and said let's see what you got faggots. And guess what...NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENED because Russia is a joke of a country. A fucking mafia family basically is running an inbred nation of retards.