russia will invade the baltic states next tuesday
you heard it here first
russia will invade the baltic states next tuesday
you heard it here first
Narva has already fallen.
Only the based Lithuanians will put up a fight.
Esti and Latvians are taking turns on Russian d*ck.
They won't do shit. Their cover is blown nothing but propaganda and empty fishy stories for poor people to waste their time with.
and nothing of value something something
If they do, Russia goes boom
Lithuanians have beat Russians before. Sacked Moscow. Good night Putin!
>Esti and Latvians are taking turns on Russian d*ck.
Do you even know what Kaitseliit is? Eesti will put up the hardest fight. They are the most Nationalistic and Patriotic of all the Baltic states.
Latvians will be too busy trying to find a supermarket that won't collapse on them to notice invasion.
>russia invading itself