I have a question for you guys

I have a question for you guys.

Do you personally know ANY people who buy into the whole Russia disinfo election hackers narrative?

Everyone I know thinks it's ridiculous, but there must be people who believe it since they keep hammering that dumbass narrative.

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My mother. Nobody else.

> there must be people who believe it since they keep hammering that dumbass narrative

AKA your average murican

Yeah, I know some Jews who believe it and I have some relatives (white) who do. The jews think Russia is evil but my relatives are more understanding of the Ukraine issue and seem to think the problem is Trump is a moron being manipulated by a foreign power. Obviously they're not J-woke - they were pulling for Sanders, while my Jew friends wanted Hillary.

What "narrative"? The Russians have been instrumental in the massive anti-Israel, anti-democracy shilling that has hit this site recently.

I have to confess. I believe.

I doubt most Americans believe it.

Even my normie friends and colleagues think it's horseshit. Not surprising considering no evidence has ever been produced about it, other than a few fb ads.

The only people I know who believe this shit is my aunt and coworkers. Aunt is a liberal autist who never researches anything she hears from CNN, coworkers are 30 year old grown-ass adults working at a cracker barrel so I never expect anything intelligent from them anyway.

You're too new American are dumb on a different level

My dad, he believes anything the media tells him, I keep trying to Redpill him but he's a lost cause

CNN sources confirm the Russian hacker 4chinz played dominos on my pasta

Russians and everyone else are no doubt trying to hack into anything they can. We do the same thing.

Says the street-shitter whose country can't even figure out basic sanitation

my parents believe in it.

Literally all of my colleagues at school. Yes, we're that cucked.

Can you and pakistan stop sending spam calls please? Everyone knows the IRS sends mail not phone calls.....

Hac выpacтил Cтaлин — нa вepнocть нapoдy,
Ha тpyд и нa пoдвиги нac вдoхнoвил!

They day they stop making money they'll stop

good one bro

Basically everyone I know believes it.
It's not like I even like Trump, but I have to constantly bite my tongue when faced with the stupidity of this whole thing. ffs how obvious does it have to get before people just admit that this Russian thing is all bullshit?
Hating Trump is not an excuse to be retarded.

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A lot of people in CA believe it.

i've had voting machines right in front of me

they record everything with paper fucking tape and are in no way connected to the internet

at no point in voter tallying does the results touch the internet. in fact for each candidate on the ballot, there is a print-out of the results. if any 'hacking' was going on, people would know about it

I don't think they're that dumb

it's easier to do it as an insider with an usb stick

None of the normies I know care about politics anymore. They decided that it's all bullshit and rightfully so.

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user please don't embarrass yourself they are that dumb 93 percent of a state failed reading test