You got your fucking wish
You got your fucking wish
niggers btfo
Feel free to post here how happy you are that poor people are going to die.
Feel happy that you are so strong and powerful of the most vulnerable people in society.
Feel arrogant that you aren't currently poor yourself and that the republicans aren't fucking you all over.
Enjoy the ride while it /feels/ good for you because it's eventually gonna bite you, or someone you know in the ass.
I would help out someone I know. Mayne nogs shouldn’t be so rude and people would volunteer to help them out as well.
Probably the best thing you can do for anyone including nogs, is to take their gibs away. Gibs are like heroine.
the best thing you can do is exterminate a groid. they're like termites. they do nothing useful, and destroy destroy destroy
why are mutts so ignorant of their own country?
Most of our population is white you idiot.
>28% of blacks in in a country that is 13% black.
Ay yo, this is modern slavery bruh.
lol what jobs?
It's the only way to begin correcting welfare culture. Though, if they're smart at all, they'll loophole it by using proxy "businesses" with each other. Incorporation ain't hard.
>25% African American
>population is 12%
>40% whites
>country is 60% white
Per capita is a thing Ahmed.
coons on suicide watch
I work does this mean I can also collect gibz now?
Now post the graphs that show population %
The idiot used hufflepufpost as a source. I'm sure they accept people who identify as black as actual niggers
This is considered white in America
Will do, looking forward to countless dead nigs and spics fren :)
That's nothing new, people already get all sorts of gibz when they're below certain income thresholds.
snap and ebt are veru dif. snap is o ly for when pregnant and a little after and gives milk cheese and healthy shit. white people dont gonout and get soda and candy with snap because you cant
>Most of our population is white you idiot.
>What is charity
I have no feelings to this one way or another.
per capita is rasis yo
You have the audacity to link to a renown nigger propaganda site from here?
Lower your head in shame
please refer to this post
Only the most brain-dead ingrates think that able-bodied people should be able to claim welfare benefits without working. Disabled people and the elderly, sure. Everyone else, get a fucking job and quit crying. Fuck OP too.
you are a weirdo
Im happy the current administration has instituted requirements to help people regain self-worth, and start working/contributing to society.
gibs are a cancer, when they are freely given without work requirements. Help isn't something that should be permanent, unless in those very rare cases it's warranted.
this sentiment is colorblind douchebag.
Your thinking of WIC, SNAP is food stamps.
stuff like this is why I have faith in him
I love driving throught he mexican areas yelling INMIGRACION
We should gas the jews too, just to be sure. We wouldn't want only the people on the bottom to suffer. Equality. :^)
It's a nice first step. Why the hell are we giving anyone welfare though? What purpose does it serve for the actual contributors to this country? It's a parasitic program which only serve the politicians.
Niggers and roastie whores have to get jobs!
>Feel free to post here how happy you are that poor people are going to die.
>Expecting people to make an honest living is a bad thing now.
They'll be better off in the long run if the work incentives are structured correctly.
Having an entire demographic not working because the benefits are too great is not healthy for their culture, the perception of them throughout society and more.
Oh fuck yes
you're thinking of WIC, not SNAP.
>president signs EO mandating something that is already law, signed by President BillClinton in the 90's
USA will have its own Holodomor?
>poor people are going to die.
So you're saying that niggers would rather actually die than go out and get a fucking job to feed themselves.
Pretty much validates that this is the right move right there.
I'm a mentally ill NEET whose only source of income is the NEETbucks, am I fugged? If so, small price to pay to save civilization, remember me in the memes anons.
>Give tyrone the product of your labor goy or you're a bad person
>You're tyrone's surrogate daddy and are responsible for looking after him
There goes 2020... Niggers will turn out to vote just like they did in 2008 just to get their gibs back.
Poor people aren't going to die. Lazy people who refuse to work for their gibs are going to die. The poor but able and willing will still get their gibs, but they will realize that they can by working get more than gibs, and so they will move off gibs and become independent and functioning members of society.
>Lazy people who refuse to work for their gibs are going to die
(they won't)
We don't call white people who receive food stamps "white." We call them "trash." We're better off without them.
>Mr. Trump, several aides said, is unconcerned—or perhaps even unaware—of the distinction between cash assistance and other safety-net programs ... he calls them all welfare.
It is all welfare.
Youtube and Twitch HAVE to give them a partnership and they become technically people with job.
>Lazy people who refuse to work for their gibs are going to die
And it's beautiful
It's just going to get blocked by some nigger judge like everything else
The only thing the american state is capable of doing is bombing Israel's enemies, domestic policy will never shift from what globo-homo wants
>gibs is ok
>poor people need gibs
>ohnoes so mean. Make poor prrple worj for gibs
Fucking kill yourself, worthless faggot. Gibs is abused, and, unchecked in this country.
And neets, don't forget neets in this. Or would you prefer that we didn't bring that up?
Don't fucking rob me of my hopes and dreams.
>they accept people who identify as black
Sadly not.
Even mentally challenged people, who accept people, who want to cut their dinkie off, don't accept other mentally challenged people, who identify as black calling such people raycists (although it's literally the exact same mental disease).
I have known a lonely old lady or two with a shit family who abanded, so sure - they get aid. But I will be honest here. All able-bodied people I have ever known who were on Welfare were insufferable, sanctimonious, ungrateful shitbags who stayed home all day playing video games or spamming Occupy Democrats memes/pot memes on their social media. I’m perfectly fine with get a job or die. That is how life works.
Except niggers are literally too stupid to work. Forcing people with an iq less than 87 to work will do much more harm than good to the economy.
I think they will remove the: Getting paid because unemployed which is meant to help you find a job.
The unability to work isnt affected, there would be an uproar if the Vets wont get paid with their mental illnesses
>Feel free to post here how happy you are that poor people are going to die.
I fucking wish they would. You know what happened to poor people through all of history? They worked or figured out a way to be useful to society. Otherwise they died. We REMOVED that incentive.
Now poor people just sit there collecting gibs and shitting out more poor people. We've destroyed the social darwinism that was critical for a society to survive, by culling those who were really really too stupid to make it.
>For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.
2 Thessalonians 3:10
Ahahahah oh nononono.
you and i know full and well that this will only hurt poor "white trash" people that literally cannot find a job in backwoods wisconsin. niggers will be exempt because of "racism".
fuck neets
gibs me dat
And avocados.
No more avocados for you either.
SEE ,The Prez aint no racist .
Is there any actual news source? Why does every news article read like an opinion piece nowadays? Blanketted in pejoratives and anything they want to discredit is put in quotes.
Refugees need help, news at 11.
You're all being fucking dumb. Why would you want to force niggers and spics into the workplace anyway? Have any of you faggots had to deal with these people? It's fucking unbearable.
This kind of bullshit is just a bandaid on a gushing wound of a problem.
que the chimpouts and videos of muh starvin children
Why do frogs not understand how easily statistics can be used to confuse idiots into believing anything?
that unborn baby is setting itself up for a tough time getting into the top schools
And one day
And one day
........ Your tendies.
I've always been for having the people on welfare do SOMETHING, whether that's giving them an orange vest, grabbing stick/Trash pocker, and a trash bag and sending them down the highway picking up trash, providing a lawn mower (push or riding) and mowing grass at public places, entering simple data on a computer, answering basic questions on a phone, or who knows what. The possibilities are endless. The only issue I see is child care. While these people are off doing who knows what, there needs to be some type of child care provided for this new "work force".
Implying they won't fucking attack me anyway. At least now, I'll get some use out of those lazy fucking cunts.
Maybe they would turn themselves around if they could work & they wouldn't be such fuck ups.
I cant fucking wait for the first news reports of, "muh poor nigs starved ta ded caus dey got no benefits"
This will devastate the republican voting in the poor states, as people will be redpilled as how the organization actually works.
>protip, it's not very good.
I don't know, faggots with low IQs can still contribute, sorting recycling, picking litter, cleaners, road sweepers, there's an endless list of manual work they could do!
>Trump also reportedly wants to change the word “welfare” to include not only cash payments but also food and medical benefits (SNAP and Medicaid).
>Or he just doesn’t give AF. And I quote: “Mr. Trump, several aides said, is unconcerned—or perhaps even unaware—of the distinction between cash assistance and other safety-net programs ... he calls them all welfare.”
fucking finally someone says it
You can't turn around genetics user. You can't turn a turd into gold. The solution is to not share a society with spics and niggers. End of story, period.
But I have stateside ptsd from my emotionally abusive on and off again bf.
Good, there are tons of jobs people can do. Yes, toilet cleaning is not a prestigious job but it's a job. If you don't want to work you starve, simple as that.
there are no poor people, only lazy people.
That's another job they can do. Welfare daycare
Because all the real journalists got pushed out of field and got replaced by meme degree holder and libtards.
Everything they write reeks of envy and their ideology
This is a globall trend unfortznatly.
You can check this by thinking of the most worthless newsoutlet you know, and search for an artickel published like 20years ago by them
Why can’t I just use a friends llc and loop hole around this?
Do you really think that white trash votes? They probably don't even know when elections are held.
there's always work to be done, user.
I was on food stamps around 2012 for about a year. With my food paid for I could scrounge here and there and had no motivation to find work. Then I was informed I'd be cut off food stamps in 6 weeks if I didn't prove I was looking for work. I ended up finding a job in a couple of weeks, a job I still have where I earn nearly 6 figures.
this is good policy for those that are able-bodied. If they can't work, they shouldn't be punished though. It's a fine line to toe.