you know I get along with a majority of ideas on this board but the fact that people here unironically believe this horseshit being peddle by Russia aka ‘the worlds greatest fabricator of misinformation’ is truly astounding. I just watched every person in the UN’s reaction as they were lied to by that faggot Russian ambassador. THEY ARE LYING TO YOU. And guess what? Trolls are here. They know you spineless soyboys are gullible basement dwellers. Call me a shill or a kike, I’m right. You fags are so contrarian you can’t even accept truth when it’s this cut-and-dry. I get the Jews run the media and the Middle East is about oil but this is not a conspiracy like those.

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fucking boomer

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sure thing buddy
go back to r**dit

>I just watched every person's reactions

nice attempt at jivin' with the youth crowd. fuck you.

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Oh? you amazed by quality of our lies. and we kinda not amazed by quality of US lies. lie better.

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>1 Post by this id
Hi sharia blue!!

No, we are the Russian trolls and our power levels are only just beginning to increase.

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You are not going to confuse me. Before this entire anti-russia narrative started there were a few things i knew were true, and the fact that the same people being anti-russia now are also saying the opposite of those things tells me that they are simply attempting to rewrite reality.

how has this word been so deformed. Shills are not trolls. trolls troll because they find it funny, they're not government operatives

I mean, have you ever listened to a Putin speech? He's not as unreasonable as you faggots shill he is. He's not a fucking Bond villian. Why do you think Trump keeps extending to Putin the olive branch?


Hey vlads, plz translate.


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We know who really pulls the strings.

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Gee, I wonder who is the long-nosed POS behind this post!

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Russian shills ARE Jewish shills

Putin made Holocaust denial illegal and Kushner is connected to him via Chabad

Actually America specifically the United States is the worlds greatest fabricator of misinformation.
Even in 2018 they still have you believing russia is the big bad enemy making moves. fucking kek.

A futher Challenge (danger) for the national Russian identity is connected to the processes we observe outside of Russia. They include foreign policy, moral and other aspects. We see that many Western states have taken the way where they deny their christian roots which form the basis of Western civilisation. In these countries, the moral basis and any traditional identity are being denied - national, religious, cultural and even gender identities are being denied or relativised. There, politics treats a family with many children as equal to a homosexual partnership; faith in God is equal to faith in Satan.

The excesses and exaggerations of Political Correctness in these countries indeed leads to a serious consideration for the legitimisation of parties that promote the propaganda of pedophilia. The people in many European states are actually ashamed of their religious affiliations and are indeed frightened to speak about them. Chrisitian holidays and celebrations are abolished or "neutrally" renamed, as if one were ashamed of those christian holidays. With this method one hides away the deeper moral value of these celebrations.

And these countries try to force this model onto other countries, globally. I am deeply convinced that this is a direct way to the degradation and primitivization of culture. This leads to deeper demographic and moral crisis in the west.

What can be a better evidence for the loss of this culture with the loss of reproduction? Without the moral values that are rooted in religion, without rules and moral values which have formed and been developed over millennia, people will inevitably lose their human dignity. And we think it's right and natural to defend and preserve these moral Christian values.

One has to respect the right of every minority to self-determination, but at the same time there cannot and must not be any doubt about the rights of the majority.


WOW you guys, it's so simple.
Just watch RT and MSNBC for example and compare human behavior and their body language. If you're high IQ you'll see whois Jewing who.

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So let me get this straight.

>Last week the Russian shill could not exist because they were helping trump.
>This week everyone that call trump on his kikery is a Russian shill ?

Damn the joo are desperate to divide and conquer.

Next time don't mention "russian trolls" in your post. You're revealing yourself, shill.

>the worlds greatest fabricator of misinformation

what did chaim mean by this?

>taking any anons seriously
If you arent coming here to argue you must be an actual idiot. If fucking Jow Forums is where you get your political philosophy you are living proof that democracy has failed.
The point of this place is to argue endlessly until you can coherently defend YOUR OWN personal politics from any line of argument.

If I posted a video of US marines saving a child fighting ISIS while all his friends were getting shot up.
20 people would jump in with meme flags or proxies laughing about how funny it was that he was dying for Israel.

You are the ones being playing by Russian shills.

Yea i definitely cant spew verbal drivel as well as a jew, they have a natural advantage there.

you know when you type russian trolls this is all I see behind the post

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stuid shill slide thread. ignore this dumbass

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I am also being manipulated by Israel, marxists, advertising companies, my frenz, my wife, the weather, jews, muslims, christians, jewgle, america, money, greed, a few vices, the news cycle, etc

Because they got you blind from endless counter intel and propaganda.

Nah, trumps a neocon jewish whore

t. trump voter

You can believe the gassing actually happened, and still think bombing and getting involved in another Middle East conflict is a bad fucking idea faggot.

Absolutely NOTHING is gained for the average peon from supporting this bullshit.

I’m right here faggot. You boomers need to write something worth responding to

Jews did 9/11

McCain pls go

Lying is allowed due to free speech.

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Does the Jewish media also manipulate us, friend?

תסתמי את הפה שלך גויים

Turns out that a presidential address isn't worth a response? SAD!

Go away leftypol, no wonder you guys hate Russia so much.

what you just said there to prove this point; "You are the ones being playing by Russian shills" is absolutely fucking retarded and random nonsense. firstly, i have never seen or done that, second i know for a fact its the opposite way around so what are you talking about. is that seriously the best you can do? You're basically trying to shill me right now. Also where were all the US marines fighting ISIS? they basically created and helped them you fool.

Here, let me appeal to your emotion and sense of belonging and then tell you that you're full of shit for believing 'x'...

Stop insulting muh Putin > :^(

>Pentagon claims 2000% increase in Russian trolls
>anyone familiar with Jow Forums realizes that Pentagon actually increasing its disinformation trolls 2000%

Projection, thy name is OP

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I will not shut my mouth you filthy kike.

I have brain.

Go back to Plebbit nigger kike

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oh im sure putin is le monster and I just need more quality cnn programming to fix me right up

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I trust Russia a hell of a lot more than America you neocon boomer.
Do you really believe the United States and Israel are more believable than Russia?

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>anybody I disagree with is old
get an argument, brainllet

>Also where were all the US marines fighting ISIS?
Everywhere & we never got a thank you because you've all been brainwashed by counter intel & lies.
These fuckers spam this board with it & then add on gas the kikes they're behind everything & you stupid fucks eat it up.
Your hate I mean this board is seething with hatred & they use it & they use you.

Incredibly obvious divide and conquer shill attempt taken directly from the shareblue handbook. God damn you guys suck, and so does anyone who doesn't sage and hide this bullshit.

Sage it. Hide it. Go to a real thread.

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Hey Boris, why didn't the S-400 xhot down all the missiles?

>basically created ISIS

Nor just basically. Entirely. ISIS was originally formed out of the Sunni insurgents in Iraq. The coalition provisional govt gave these Sunni insurgents who had been killing American soldiers tens of thousands of dollars a piece to stop fighting us. It was essentially a bribe. The reason was claimed that it was the only way to stop the insurgency. But the reality is that they likely did it strategically to weaken the political power of the Shia majority and thereby Iran (who had been meddling and had revolutionary guard operations in the country in 2007 when the bribery occurred).

I used to believe it was just sincere miscalculation, bribe them to stop fighting us. I'm now cynical and realistic enough to see it was about fighting Iran.

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what do you mean manipulated. i'm just here to shitpost. there's not people who actually take Jow Forums seriously right??? i just thought this was /b/ 2.0 lol

This is one of the only times I’ve disagreed with a majority of the people on this board. That said, it’s so obvious what a fucking hivemind of gullible schizophrenics this board has become. You guys will fall for literally anything that is the opposite of what you perceive to be Israel even when the evidence is out there. I always thought the ’holohoax’ threads were satire but I guess you fags are serious. What a shame. A lot of you are really bright yet when there’s an even a shred of uncertainty about a historical event, you guys will right paragraphs about how it’s the Jews or some other boogeyman. fuck jews but fuck y’all Putin bottoms too

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Guys, don't get brain washed, whatever idealogy it is, it doesn't matter. Becoming brain washed will make you look mentally deranged to other people.

Lately I've been constantly watching alt right shit because of the internet bloodsports and I've literally gone from a centrist to a person that constantly think about sneaky jews and jew nature.

This kind of thinking is not healthy and I know these hard right "real racist here" types even jew harder then the jews themselves when it comes to "redpilling normies".

Honestly when you consume to much redpills you'll literally become unhinged to normal society. And you'll be a constant negative/hateful headspace which is not good for anyone.


Not a Boomer, it's ShareBlue.

your off your rocker mate, i barely even come here at all. you lot are the most manipulated people on the planet yet you think anyone who disagrees with your ridiculous views are the manipulated ones. of course. kekkin hell. And again where were all the marines fighting ISIS eh? You do realize US never went to fight ISIS? only volunteers, and there's probably more volunteers from other western and foreign countries together than American ones, so you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

Sure, I just believe what our jewish masters tell us to believe.

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yep. and the same goes for most terrorists and the war on terror itself.

Hac выpacтил Cтaлин — нa вepнocть нapoдy,
Ha тpyд и нa пoдвиги нac вдoхнoвил!

I’m not

You couldn't have tried harder to seem like you're here for anything else other than shilling.
>gullible basement dwellers
>please call me a shill/kike, we do it all the time d-don't we g-guys?
>I get it guys.. the jooz amirite?
>this is not a conspiracy this time got
You sound like a fucking algorithm who trawls threads, amalgamating key words, to make the program "fit in". Get fucked you spastic and for reals.. go kill yourself on a live stream and link us so we can all watch.

user no one is being manipulated by anyone. The great thing about this place is you can think whatever the fuck you want. As long as you argue forcefully enough you'll either win or lose, depending on whether you are right or not.
But don't be fooled by the massive influx of shills. It's obvious who they are.
Oftentimes the shills outnumber the anons, but you can still tell who is a shill or who doesn't have the strength of character to maintain their beliefs. Pol isn't this or isn't that - it's the truth, and people arguing over the truth. If more people are retarded than intelligent, then you have a responsibility to correct them. But dont whinge about muh ur being manipulated. Tell them why theyre wrong.
My take is Trump just won AGAIN, hence all the fucking butthurt and the fact the lefties cant even see theyve lost AGAIN.
Only the strongest country gets to make the rules. That's amercia, and they play by english rules, so happy days for humanity. Even if theyre corrupt, they still believe in the common law so we all have freedom.
You can alternately have russia or china making the rules, who dont believe in the common law so if they were the strongest we'd all be under complete government tyranny.
America IS the strongest, and Trump just proved it by smashing syria with the russians unable to defend it.
So the unspoken superiority of america is made brazen, and the threat of war which russia and china use as a diplomatic tool is reduced, meaning ameica no longer has to march to their tune and can make its own beat.
lots of people do not understand diplomacy, and so have not figured this out yet. They think like children, and believe russia wants ww3, or is indifferent to it so they think we have to be the ones working to avoid it.
We are the ones with the big stick, so THEY are the ones that should seek to avoid it. Now normalcy is returned, and russia knows that US missiles can penetrate their defences at will.

>questioning the narrative is now russian bots' doing
Jow Forums is typically skeptical of anything, this whole "russian shills are overloading this board" is gaslighting by leftypol. their posts usually go like OPs. "i'm one of you but" essentially. they're trying to lump anybody pro assad or questioning the chemical attack or the strikes last night as only coming to that opinion as a result of russian propaganda and that's retarded.
why wouldn't these russian trolls go to more visited sites like reddit? the only place you might except the russian boys to have impact is t_D. and even they are defending the strikes like crazy and labeling anybody skeptical as a "concern shill" and stupid for being pro assad.

last point: if assad really did do it, and all of this is just russian propaganda, WHY would he gas his own people hours after the us announces they are leaving syria?

WAKE THE FUCK UP OLDPOL. nupol is falling for leftypol gaslighting. stop being retarded.

Fuck you nigger and fuck the JEWnited States and it's colonies.

>depending on whether you are right or not.

yeah right i wish that was the case. sadly this place is just fucking retarded full of brainlets trying to be intellectual superior to others

The demoralization and subversion is off the charts.

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I love how the same lefties that used to bend over backwards in apologetics for the Soviet Union are now super butthurt about how Russia is now an openly Christian nation that is hostile towards degeneracy.

While the US, the target of most of their anti imperialist propaganda is now their dearest ally and bastion for the pozz, multicultural future.

Everyone can see the dishonesty on the left's attept at pulling on conservative's American patriotism, laughing at the supposed hypocrisy of a conservative not wanting to defend their thouroughly desecrated home.

Nice reverse psychology there, shill. It’s truly astounding that you guys actually spend time here considering how lost all of the autists here are

You're right, I'm a paid Russian troll, every weekend am waiting for the Russian submarine at the coast that brings me some Moscow's gold but they send me some parrots instead for some reason, I think they have betrayed me.

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TIL I'm a foreign operative on a mission to save my country.

No one here thinks Russia wants WWIII. In fact, Putin's measured non retaliation is evidence of that. If anything the US wants WWIII because it has the overwhelming advantage in strategic forward force deployment due to its naval forces and it's plethora of coastline and warm water ports. Any Russo-Sino alliance would need to utilize non-military force to undermine the western war machine (hence the frothing about Russian bots, which do exist, as do western Intel ones). Cyber warfare targeted at western financial markets and infrastructure would really be the only way the eastern alliance could achieve a level of parity with the West in all out conflout (aside from nuclear weapons, which thankfully Putin has no desire to actually employ).

OP, you're right. I'm enjoying Jow Forums more and more because vatniks get btfo'd there and don't get any platform like that retarded /sg/ bullshit

i'm glad to see anons like you. makes me remember i'm not alone. please keep laying redpills in every thread. nupol, reddit, and boomers are here. we have a responsibility as /oldpol/ to fight against faggot leftypol discord larpers.

make a post from geo. stop hiding behind a memeflag. your post screams scripted and coordinated

>Christian nation that is hostile towards degeneracy.
aahhahahahha world leader in abortions, hiv infections and krokodil abuse hostile towards degeneracy
i can only hope for you that you're a paid shill because if you aren't then you must be a retard

can i see a source for your claims about abortions and hiv infections? never saw that. also, stop hiding behind your memeflag.
>now watch you ignore my request for sources and only defend hiding behind a memeflag

Doubtful, less stances are changing than you think and the raid didn't start until after skeptics point had been made.

Man boomers are brainwashed beyond hope.

Boomers are the scum of the earth and want a conflict with Russia before they die off

People posting feverishly with anger over a perceived reneging on Trump's word may employ hyperbolic speech that's over the top, but that doesn't negate their larger narrative construct.

It is undeniable that Jews in the US as a whole, and on both sides of the aisle, embrace US intervention in Syria. And obviously as does Israel given their military actions there.

Thing is, most of us theoretically would want Israel to exist if only so Jews have a place to go and get the fuck out of our countries.

My honest take? I think both the west as well as Israel and the Jewish diaspora are being played by the Saudis under MBS leadership. The smug face he had everywhere he went in the West on his recent tour was telling. And the Semitic tribes are more than willing to fuck each other over after they've crafted an appropriate alliance together.

MBS is fucking loving this. He gets to crush his enemy in the intra religious war and ethnic power struggle for the region with western money and imported African troops (as in Yemen). All while creating a massive humanitarian crisis that can be used as agitprop for flooding the West with his constituents. And to what strategic benefit to the west? MBS' modernization campaign is a recognition of a post oil future for the peninsula so if the future truly is post oil, what advantage do we have propping up an oil despot? Especially for a US that is autarchic and a net exporter with regard to energy production?

We all know that it was primarily Saudis who did 9/11 according to the official narrative. And while they weren't agents of the Saudi govt, the Saudi govt was finding the very religious extremism that inspired it. So is this just a recognition that the Saudis won and achieved their 9/11 objectives?

Fucking this

The difference is that the Russian govt is actively trying to counter the base nature of the Slav, while in the West the govt is actively promoting degeneracy to crush the heroic and righteous instincts of the Saxon

The majority of us are considered part of the Russian trolls. Why would I listen to anything anyone has to say?

Nice try, kike.

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>‘the worlds greatest fabricator of misinformation’
that's israel

this times a million

> A ShareBlue thread trying to convince us it's someone else doing the shilling
classic, pic related

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The shit part is that they've probably pushed many an user towards a more unthinking acceptance of Russian propaganda by calling them Russian trolls.

Ultimately, I'm not Russophile. I habe considerable critiques of Russia and the Slavs largely. I don't consider it as advanced or moral as western European culture and civilization. But when western European culture and civilisation is being co opted and destroyed (primarily by a group descended from the Slav-created pale of settlements ironically enough), the Russians are an imperfect strategic ally.

fuck off vatnik scum

>base nature of the slav
so why is poland the exact opposite then?
