Please explain this to me like I’m a two-year old

Why are obvious shills bombarding this board with anti-Russia anti-Putin threads? There is a strong push for demoralization. I don’t see the end goal here. Can somebody give me a rundown? It seems extremely obvious what is being DONE, but the REASON for doing this escapes me.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Talmud fanfic my bro.

There are less than 15 families running everything.

They grow strong by currency manipulacion and war conflict since they usually fund both sides of the conflict (See napoleonic wars and the rotschilds).

Also this assholes not only are assholes, but believe in a shitty fairy tale of them being gods chosen people and they must reduce us goyim to cattle.

Also they sickly believe in their right to israel and they will send americans to fight for it.

So yeah, very dangerous parasites that every now and then grow enough to be an issue, but also they are imbeciles so when they get too powerful they slip and get kicked out.

Hope this time we never forget.

Basically Jews have a stranglehold on the world's economies, media, armed forces, etc. Everything has gone according to plan except they have to rule from behind the curtain with their hands up the asses of the elite, treating them as their puppets. If the world found out that they had all of this power the people would all violently revolt. Jewish heads would be rolling around the streets, separated from their bodies.

Now the Jews want Syria out of the picture or at least destabilized so that Israel can grab a bunch of land and expand its borders. The media is pointing at some dead kids going "zomg dey gas da bebies!" and nobody is falling for it, because Assad had no reason to gas them. Now they say he did it for fun, which is also retarded. Syria and Russia have done nothing wrong, but the MSM and CIA niggers have orders from the yids to try to use them as scapegoats and start a hot war between super powers. Now they're mad because Russia is showing self control and the people over here don't believe the lies. There are normies shouting about no wars for Israel. The cat is very much out of the bag and the Jews are super close to being caught with their pants down in front of the world, they'll all have some explaining to do.

They're shilling here because we're shitposting so hard that we're effectively throwing a wrench into their Rube Goldberg tier propaganda machine. Pic related.

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>no u
sage. hide thread

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Government organized meme agencies probably have a lot of data that we know nothing about, maybe normies visit Jow Forums so they post to influence them.

Look up greater israel. they need war with syria and trump is being a good little goy for them.
hence all the
>omg syria and russia bad,. we gotta save the poor gassed brown babies.
and the /rdonald redditfags are too stupid to seeit.

Got any proof the jews have a vested interest in destabilizing syria?

Israel #1

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Oh yeah, this all I agree with. I guess what I’m failing to grasp is all of the “lel putin rekt russia btfo hahahha LOSERS” threads that are flooding in here. I don’t see the reason behind targeting Russia. It seems expressly aimed at demoralizing Russia specifically.

Bro if it was fake news before it's fake news now. It's not like the newspapers suddenly sold off to someone of moral standing just lol.

>US was about to pull out of Syria
>suddenly chemical weapons
>somehow US knows where these are while they were supposedly non-existent

There is still a chance Trump is just lobbing missiles to keep his handlers in check while warning Russia about targets via backchannels, but as long as you realize and never forget that the media is always going to be theatre meant for the average IQ normie then just get what you can from it and move on.

aside from common sense and general observation?

They're already living on stolen Arab land. Why would they want a powerful neighbor with a strong leader and a good economy? Really screws up their whole narrative about them "bringing peace and stability to the region". All they bring is war and death, and now it's being exposed.

If nuclear weapons are out of the picture, the US armed forces could stomp Russia into the ground in less than a year. The problem is that we don't want to. Our soldiers are kike puppets but not even they can be convinced to throw themselves into such a meat grinder for no goddamn reason. Russia has an economy the size of Italy and isn't a threat to us. They didn't "hack le election" or whatever. Russia literally did nothing wrong and the elites are just fucking with them to start a war on purpose.

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There are two big groups on Jow Forums:
The redditors: They are pro-Trump
The muslims: They are pro-Assad

Depending on who of them gets tickled a bit, the spam subject changes. That's all.

>There is a strong push for demoralization.
demoralization of what? ridf?

I'm a Christian and I don't like Trump. What now?

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It is possible that people are just...demoralized?

If you don't understand the purpose of a conspiracy, why would you assume there is a conspiracy in the first place?

They’re so desperate for war that they’ll flood an imageboard with taunts and slander in the hope that it will get back to Putin, he’ll get butthurt, and start a war? This is what all of this boils down to? That is so sad. They are retarded if they think the crown prince of psychological fuckwhittery will fall for that.

A certain little country wants Syria to be a shit hole just like Libya, Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan and soon to be Iran

They want to be the only power in that region and they're willing to use any means necessary.

Because there is a clear organized effort in posting pro-war opinions.
Once you see that you just try to fill in the blanks.

I used to be that you could run similar things in the newspaper or on TV (see "Animal Assad") and whip the population into supporting a war. Now we have the internet which is a total game changer. They don't know how control the free flow information. They can pull down articles but we've archived them. They can shut down websites but another pops back up somewhere else (see The Daily Stormer). The internet is like a Hydra on crack. You cut off one head and it grows 25 more of them.

The shilling a last ditch effort at demoralization and trying to shift public opinion, and it isn't working. The Jews are losing.

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I'm unpayed Russian troll and I'm pro Assad, where do I get my money now??

>russia supports far right to divide western countries
>"shills" try to stop these useful idiots

Hear me brother !

We are power to reckon with.

Unity = Power

(((They))) are trying to fuck up our magic powers. We are making an impact on the world. We are the cool kids... the other little shits are impressionable and we are impressioning them with our memes (and the TRUTH).

Its divide and conquer as always

They are just trying to

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Agreed fully, and chekced

always the EU flag ..

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The Jews are using Jow Forums tactics to subvert the right. They have children on here trying to frame trump as a Jew. Notice they only come when school is out


Excellent post brother!

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Why do you hate Europe? Apart from immigration issues EU only benefits us.

between israel and russia, israel is easily the lesser of two evils. it's sad that you antisemitic faggots brainwashed by putin can't realize this.

always a dumb frogposter

>The muslims: They are pro-Assad
Part of the reason I support Assad is exactly because he's in opposition to the true Muslims.

Wow, the only way to not be a Russian is to be a leftist.... I think you may want to delete this

Fuck off ya dumb fin

No it doesnt it is a corrupt money-sink-hole that has taken away our rights. Both as sovereign nations and as individuals.

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I'm fucking crying

The frog shoahs the yids.

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Oh look boys here comes the backup!

>Schlomo ..big fucking surprise

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>Why are obvious shills bombarding this board with anti-Russia anti-Putin threads?
Because they need the shekels.

Пapтия Cтaлинa — cилa нapoднaя Hac к тopжecтвy кoммyнизмa вeдёт!

What if I told you that I don't speak Russian.

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What if I told you that Jewish shills belong in an oven?

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Trump is a kike puppet tho.

Sweden is a small tiny nations without any power. Together we are strong and divided we are weak puppets of America or Russia.


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If you watched the Tucker Carlson vid where he interviews a senator about the gas attacks the Senator couldn't give any good reason other than, "don't you care for Israel?" To something of that degree.


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There is no "WE" Shclomo Kissinger

Dumb amerimutts doing what they must do. Shitpost absolutely fucking everywhere.

>The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Shut up, Jew.

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no but we got memes, autism, and wild speculations

>but sadly that is usually enough to get enough retarded people to believe something

You people talk about western/european civilization all the time but now it doesnt exist?

ISIS operates in Syria, Donald wanted to pull out of Syria, Russians would have stayed to btfo of any sandnigger terrorists (muh poor "Syrian" rebels) still in the region, Russia is no ally of ours, but enabling them to fix part of the problem would make people change their opinion on Russia, and Israel doesn't want that because they then they can't push terrorists into stable nations to cause civil wars to distract the natives and steal even more land.

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oldfag Australian here. Not jewish. No ties to Israel. Russia isn't even a superpower, yet Jow Forums talks about them as though Russia is leading the world. For some reason, probably because of some weird contrarian autistic sentiment, people here think Russia and Putin is not a propaganda machine, and that Russia is more honest than American media. Everything to them is a giant conspiracy, from the Jews organising war, to America and Britain and France falsifying chemical attack evidence. Perhaps its the extreme anti-jewish sentiment looking for a way out, desperate to cling to anything thats anti-jewish, so they look to Russia. I dont know, but its interesting to watch.

>Not jewish. No ties to Israel
Yeah right, too bad it's literally spelled out right here plain as day you lying kike.

Do you want a photo of my nose for your non-counter argument?

Those numbers don't lie