>Tasks Create memes & Spread memes on social media Join at least one of the following: AfD, IB, Einprozent to counter subversion Get fit & stay well hydrated Spread flyers and stickers in your city
Wie kommt man auf die idee assad zu unterstützen wenn GB, frankreich und amerika gerade raketen abgeschossen haben und unsere nachrichten eindeutig anti-assad gestimmt sind?
Das ziel sollte sein wähler zu bekommen und nicht sein powerlevel zur schau zu stellen
Hudson White
Grünrotversiffte Pedos unter Merkels Ägide = zogbots
Grayson Rogers
russia truly is the greates super power on earth. controlling the whole internet AND trump AND the AfD AND geert wilders AND Lé Pen AND Assad AND Iran AND the krautchan general.
omnipotent i might say
Anthony Murphy
>die AfD sollte ihre Stellung als ALTERNATIVE zum Mainstream und ihrem kriminellen handeln aufgeben und teil des Mainstreams der kriminell handelt werden
Die Bevölkerung wird zunehmend skeptisch gegenüber unserer Regierung und den medien. Die Leigitimität eines so plötzlichen Konflikts anzuzweifeln ist gut und resoniert mit einem großen Teil der Bevölkerung.
Jason Brown
good luck Assad
Isaac Powell
Guten Glück, Assad
Dylan Gonzalez
Get ass blasted, Assad.
Kevin James
Camden Rogers
Sebastian Price
Thomas Cooper
undercover ass grabber?
Nicholas Diaz
Easton Robinson
>that pic Hhahahahahahahahah It all makes sense now.
Hehe, you might need another Kristallnacht for Kraut/pol/, look in the botoom of this thread: The german user is me right now. Might literally be related to some Jewish tripfag from america. Hahahahha, the irony.
Oh, also, if that one pic that circulated here is actually you and you are actually "chubby", I just want to let you know, that after finally convincing my mother to use a calorie counter and documebt stuff she has already confirmed half a Kg lost. And this after fruitlessly excercising for months. You should try it. I am using it so that I finally gain mass.
Hm, I probably will live with my parents for another year or so, I'll be 20 on the 5th June this year, so I might be out at 21... or later. Modern days aren't like the old days where such a fast independence was still possible.
Not *so* fast, I might have ther classical German version of Morgenstern (vs morgn-shtern) that is from the middle ages, where the Jews didn't occupy names. I probably wouldn't have had these ancestors close enough to get shot in the NS times either way, so sadly I cannot subvert the victim narrative from the inside. Would have been fun: >"Youre a nazi" I would have been neutered after the Rassenschutzgesetze, you idiot >Leftist btfo.
hehehehe. The Austrian. Absolutely eternal. Now, I may have been "happy" about it too early, there is a mittelhochdeutsche Version of the name and a yiddish one, so I might not be oven-material. Funny thing is, even if yiddish, the Rassenschutzgesetzte probably still wouldn't have sorted me out as a potential father to a "German" child. >pol is more antisemitic than Hitler
Wew, that is one high-quaity skull meme there.
RATE. MY. SHITPOST. Pic related. After seeing how there was (((moderation))) in place, after submitting a comment under the name of "Schiklgruber" (look it up, kek), I toned it down to a peaceful message. Agree and amplify is the rule of the land, my multicultural friends. No hate, No walls No state :^)