Hilder was right-wing

>Hilder was right-wing

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Hitler was though.
>b-but muh socialist in the name of the party

this argument is always fun to have because all the propaganda surrounding them was formulated when the left held a lot of current day 'extreme right' positions, so things like for example taking all ur guns are supposed actions taken by the the nazi party. thus the libshit has to either acknowledge there's a ton of untrue shit said about a group that is dead and gone and no one will defend, or admit that their own policies enabled the holocaust.

>one-dimensional politics

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>socially right wing
>economically centrist
>rejection of equality, embrace of hierarchy

Yeah I'd say that nets being right wing bud, its axiomatically opposed to leftism even if it shares some ideas with it.

Jesus Christ, you're one of those who says
>s-sound like a NAZI to me
when some leftist says something authoritarian.
Hahah, you sure showed them bud.

nationalism and socialism are both collectivist which is left wing

Wtf I hate national socialism now

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>economically centrist

umm, nein
he wanted to nationalize all business, unionize all workers and have all business organized as worker-run co-ops. All of this is in the Nazi manifesto in Mein Kempf.

He was a socialist. Hence the socialist in National Socialist...

No matter how many times lefties want to say "muh privatization," it will not change the reality that National Socialism was... wait for it.... Socialist.

Privatization as a term was indeed coined for Nazi Germany, but it was in a book written by a communist whose explicit purpose for writing the book was to try and reclaim communism/socialism's reputation.

None of the corporations in Nazi Germany were private. They were controlled by the govt and obligated to produce and price as the govt demanded. They were private in name only. There was nothing free market capitalist about them. They were even more statist than the corporations we have today.

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>they were socialist because that's their name

no, they were socialist because they were socialist. Read mein kempf and study history, faggot

>Good goy

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In nazi germany government controlled corporation, now corporation control government (actually they're more like the exact same thing with strings tied to an international power structure, hmm what was it hitler was absolutely against again?)

It was more like state capitalism than any sort of marxist socialism. The distinction between marxist socialism and volkish socialism is very important. They come from almost entirely opposing places ideologically.

read the 25 points and shut the fuck up. he literally wanted to ban rent, for fuck's sake.

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yeah, sure. and Venezuela is state capitalist, too.

irrelevant comparison, you're conflating leftists rejection of failed marxist socialist states as state capitalism with my assertion that what hitler actually ended up enacting was closer to state capitalism. The very notion of natsoc/fascism is DEFINED by nationalization, but I don't see any reason that's inherently not right wing. I was much closer to economic centrism in practice that it was exclusively right or left approaches to economics. Regardless, the embrace of hierarchy and social policy were both heavily right wing. Thus net right wing.

Yes, what a good socialist Hitler was, killing his fellow socialists, stomping all over Union/Labour rights and this
"When Adolf Hitler became Chancellor in 1933, he introduced policies aimed at improving the economy. The changes included privatization of state industries, autarky, and tariffs on imports. Wages increased by 10.9% in real terms during this period." But no, since he there's socialist in his name, that means that he's socialist. Fucking brainlets.

marxism is not the only brand of socialism or leftism, you know
I do agree that Natsoc was a hybrid, but its economic policies were left wing

So privatizing state industries is now a left wing thing?

>socially right wing
not really. Nazis persecuted real Christian conservatives. Read the works of Joachim Fest e.g. Not I: Memoirs of a German Childhood.
Economically, they were almost on USSR level eventually, together with nationalizing whole sectors of the industry. e.g. steel

>Yes, what a good socialist Hitler was, killing his fellow socialists, stomping all over Union/Labour rights and this
just like Stalin

He nationalized steel, not because of any ideology positions he held but because that's what would be best for the war effort.

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Just because you claim to be something, doesn't mean you are that thing.

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They were more like what we have now. A hybrid economy with social safety nets. Socialism is when the means of production are controlled by the state but Nazi Germany privatized a lot of things.

oh, did the owners of those industries have control over their businesses?

Commiecuck shill

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>Hitler founded the National Socialist party
wew lad

From the NSDAP 25 points:

>All citizens shall have equal rights and duties.
>Every citizen should have a job. Their work should not be selfish, but help everyone.
>No one should live off money from rents or other income unless they have worked for that money.
>So many people die or lose their property in a war, it is wrong for other people to make money from the war. Anyone who made money from the war should have all that money taken away.
>We want all very big corporations to be owned by the government.
>Big industrial companies should share their profits with the workers.
>We want old age pensions to be paid.
>We want to split up big department stores, and let small traders rent space inside them
>We also want a law to take over land if the country needs it, without the government having to pay for it, to abolish ground rent, and to prohibit land speculation (buying land just to sell to someone else for more money).
>Crimes against the *common interest* must be punished with death.
>We want to change the system of schools and education, so that every hard-working German can have the chance of higher education.
>If poor parent cannot afford to pay the government should pay for education.
>The State must protect health standards by protecting mothers and infants, stopping children from working.
>We want to get rid of the old army and replace it with a people's army that would look after the ordinary people, not just the rich officer-class
>We will form groups based on class and job to carry out the laws in the various German states.

Very right wing, indeed.

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Also killing socialists is the one thing socialists are actually good at. It's preposterous to claim that Hitler wasn't a socialist simply because there was factional infighting between socialists.

mere existence of state-owned industries is enough to qualify a country as socialist. by your logic there hasn't been a socialist country yet, because no country ever fully controlled the means of production.
so was Stalinist Russia right-wing too?

He co-wrote the 25 points...

All this proves is he wasn't a Marxist. Marxism is merely one type of socialism. He was still a collectivist and did NOT value individual rights. He valued individual achievement insofar as it helped the collective.

Hitler NazBol boy

can you read nigger?

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Fuck your fake made up constructed notion of 'individualism'

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Nazis are generally socialist even today. They hate capitalism and individual freedom because they think that it does not benefit the common good. They are socialist cancer and are probably all low educated, even though they live in countries where college is free. They believe a majority of low educated people has the right to control the minority of highly educated people and entrepreneurs. Parasites!

(and no, I do not come from a rich family!)

>common good
>his interests must be in consonance with those of the community

The one thing in here that is vaguely individualist is the "without giving up the product of his personal efficiency." Well, the whole reason Marxists hate capitalism is because of their bosses supposedly stealing their productivity.

>tfw people unironically believe this

>hate individual freedom
This. We must die to protect gay rights, trans rights and free abortions

you didn't even post a face, retard

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>Democratic People's Republic of Korea
wtf, i hate Hilary now!

Socialism: I have the right to your income.
National socialism: I have the right to your income because we hide behind the same flag.

You're mom rarted

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>Nazis are generally socialist even today.
In respect to conditions user.

>They hate capitalism and individual freedom because they think that it does not benefit the common good.
They're idealist just like cucked Sweden.

>They are socialist cancer and are probably all low educated, even though they live in countries where college is free.
Terrible terrible terrible, American education is mostly leftist, and is the education you can receive. It takes someone "smart" to sort through the bullshit.

>They believe a majority of low educated people has the right to control the minority of highly educated people and entrepreneurs. Parasites!
Symbolic relationship user, that's all anyone is to the Earf and shit... you need to think about your actions...


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Nobody serious think that fascist are left wing. Theyre literally a reaction to the left wing. The only people who are saying that are popular conservatives talking head trying to sell u their bullshit that fit their agenda and people who think left/right is only about economics
Nazi were a direct reaction the marxism and communism and inherently right wing. strong government, a strong military, and strong industries, natural order, very science based, nationalism, hierarchy etc.

fuck off peterson

Sargon is a collectivist. He's a self-identifying social liberal who believes in welfare and socialized medicine/education, and is a nationalist. All of those things are collectivist.

>strong government
>right wing
How the fuck do you think collectivization comes about? Free voluntary association? Are you that retarded?

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Did you vote for Trump?

>he thinks right wing is just his flavor of amerimutt conservatard
fyi, gov spending and size of the gov increase under republicans

No, I voted for Gary Johnson. I should have stayed home, but I had to vote for legal weed. (we won)

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>>Hilder was right-wing
LITERALLY only /leftypol/ thinks this

Yeah, and Republicans are collectivist cocksuckers that any self-respecting right winger should despise as much as the democrats. Was that supposed to be a "gotcha"?

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lefty pol... and basically every historians

in before ''historians are cultural marxist!'' or some other stupid shit to discredit the whole field

its so hard to take people who use that word seriously

who cares what wing he was? You think you can neatly fit everybody onto a predefined little line? Fuck you

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Libertarians are unironically left wing, as they are progressives. That is unless you're a libertarian primitivist/luddite which is as reactionary as you can get

yeah, you're a fucking retard, mate

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Individualism (Classical Liberalism) is Left-Wing. i.e. Jordan Peterson is a Left-Winger.

go eat peterson dick simpleton

>as they are progressive
I don't think you know what that word means.

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>1 post by this ID

I voted to leave me alone... and you voted for what, a meme?

So then Communism is right wing?

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I actually don't think you do. Progressive, conservative, reactionary come from the french revolution. Individualism is hyper-progressive and therefore left wing.

>right wing

lurk more newfagg

keep fighting for weed and gay marriage to own the left, lolbertardian

1.) Literally what? I've been posting all over this thread and the guy replied to has 3 posts.
>I voted to leave me alone
what the fuck does this even mean
3.) I voted for Allepo man because he wasn't running as a Republican or Democrat and represented a party that at least pretends to foster some of my views. If you meant for weed, then you bet your fucking ass I did.


Progressives believe in using the state to bring about their vision. Leaving people alone to smoke a plant or marry their butt buddy is not inherently progressive by the modern definition of progressive. It's just anti-authoritarian.

Yeah, so you're using the classical definitions of terms that have wildly different meanings today and pretending that I'm wrong for using those modern meanings. You're the guy who points out that "liberal" means libertarian and not left wing, despite knowing exactly what the person meant.

So then the only defining characteristic of leftism is globalism. Got it.

yeah you're dumb to believe this. He was extreme-right

>you're the guy who points out that "liberal" means libertarian and not left wing, despite knowing exactly what the person meant
Except I'm using the true definition of progressive to prove you're left-wing/progressive, not as a gotcha.
The Founding Fathers were far left enlightenment thinkers, as they opposed the current system of governance (monarchy). Classical liberalism is still progressive and the same as modern liberalism. There's no difference bro

Hitler was right wing as he wanted to re-introduce and maintain Germanic culture and lore but he was VERY progressive on an economic and global stage. It doesn't matter. Hitler was not our guy as he was financed by Jews and only had good ideas.

The German politician Adolf Hitler (1889-1945), born in Austria, was a socialist. He was head of the NSDAP, the Socialist-National Party of German Workers ("National-Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei"). It is necessary to translate national-sozialistische by "socialist-national" and not by "national-socialist" as it is almost always wrong, since the order of the words is not the same in French as in German. Thus, Hitler and his party were socialists before being "national" or nationalist.
"Nazi" is a pejorative abbreviation forged by Hitler's opponents and rejected by his supporters for NAtional-SoZIalistische. (We had the trick to take the second syllable of the second word, "zi", and not the first, "so", as it would have been normal, because "naso" would have been too transparent and we would have guessed sozialistische or socialist in this abbreviation ...). The almost exclusive use of the word "Nazi" serves to conceal the socialist nature of the Hitler regime; it is misinformation and propaganda.
Hitler declared in 1934: "National socialism borrows vital and creative socialism from the teachings of Marxism." Socialist, Hitler was obviously not right, let alone extreme right! Hitler was a man of the left.

Socialist, the Hitlerite movement was also egalitarian, statist, collectivist and revolutionary.
Socialist, he made a policy of public spending and redistribution of income.
Egalitarian, he undermined the traditional hierarchies to achieve a "classless society" where all Germans were to become "comrades".
As a statesman, he established a managed economy in which the freedom of enterprise had disappeared.
Collectivist, he abolished fundamental freedoms and recruited youth.

Revolutionary, he attacked the family, religion and tradition. He did not refer to the Indo-European tradition (in other words Arya or Aryan), under the sign of the swastika or swastika, than to reject the Christian tradition of Germany and the West.
Like Marx's, Hitler's ideology was a millenarian messianism that wanted to build a perfect society (the "thousand-year Reich") over the ruins of the old.

The Hitler regime is said to be "totalitarian". Like "Nazi", the word is used to conceal the fact that he was socialist and collectivist. The notion of totalitarianism was originally conceived by the Italian philosopher Gentile to describe the idealistic society that the state would have invested in its entirety, so that the individual would have existed only by and for the state. . Mussolini had adopted it to apologize for the fascist regime, which was to realize the totalitarian ideal. In reality, the concept was useless, since the so-called "totalitarianism" was never anything but socialism or collectivism carried to the highest degree. It did however flourish when Hannah Arendt took it in bad part after the war to group in the same nightmarish category the USSR and Hitler's Germany while avoiding the central fact that they shared the same socialist ideology.
It was because it was socialist and collectivist that Hitler's Germany resembled so much the USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, to the point of being structurally homologous to it. Admittedly, the Hitler regime was not communist: it had not abolished private ownership of the means of production. It was, however, modeled on that of the USSR, which he had taken as a model and whose main features he had reproduced: the omnipotence of the State, the dictatorship of the single party, the conditioning of the masses by State propaganda, Guide cult: Hitler in Germany (the Führer), as Stalin in the USSR (Vojd).

Classical liberalism was about individual sovereignty and free markets.
Modern liberalism is about welfare.
They couldn't be more diametrically opposed.

"Nazi" and "totalitarian" not to say socialist and collectivist ... "extreme right" to qualify (and disqualify) a party of the left: we are bathed in a flood of lies.

His racism being perfectly reductionist, the Hitler movement could not be really "national" or nationalist, because no nation, Germany any more than another, coincides with a race (like the caucasoid race) or a sub-race ( as the northern sub-race of the Caucasoid race). So he was actually a Europeanist: the Third Reich was an empire in the making, not a nation.
In fact, after the war, many Hitlerite officials or militants relocated safely into the "European construction" behind Walter Hallstein, who had been a member of the Association of National Socialist Jurists and who was the first president of the Commission of the European Economic Community (it was called the Hallstein Commission). Hallstein is considered one of the "fathers of Europe" ... and the European Union is sometimes called the Fourth Reich!

Hitler was the enemy of France, which he defeated in 1940 and that he occupied until 1944. Belliciste, he put Europe to fire and blood and he lost the war, dragging his country in the catastrophe.

A truly right-wing Frenchman who embraces the national-liberal doctrine and who is therefore attached to the fatherland, traditions and freedoms, opposed to socialism and Europeanism, can only reject Hitler's socialist and collectivist ideology. this leftist man, and his revolutionary enterprise.

what are these from?

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Fascism, natsoc, syndicalism, etc. are all part of the "third position" and decidedly not the right wing.

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Reminder that nationalism was scarcely a concept until the French Revolution.

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IT DOESN'T MATTER. Both don't seek to reintroduce lost traditions (so not reactionary like a monarchist/primitivist would be), or conserve current form of government (so not conservative), but rather introduce something new (so they're progressive). Just because Americans think conservatism is right wing doesn't make it so, it's theoretically centrist, but because it's always a derivation of current politics, modern conservatism is leftist.