I now assume everyone posting about Syria is a falseflagging Russian

I now assume everyone posting about Syria is a falseflagging Russian.

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Other urls found in this thread:


day of the rake is upon you, pacifist scum

u 2?

Attached: Anti shill tactics.png (851x721, 231K)

>muh Russian trolls

They just called me a troll and some other name I can't remember.
Dimes to dollars their source is that same fucking web site that I can't remember the name of.

>omg russian trolls everywhere

ffs russia cant even pay their doctors or teachers, how come they suddenly took control over the whole internet?

sober up people

Lmao such bullshit.

Nice proxy

I cant fucking believe our world retardation level is so high. Pentagon is fucking "repporting" about "russian trolls". Better call fucking geralt.

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by having a shitton of disposable people who need the money to pay for doctors and teachers.

>american right wingers are now crying about muh russian trolls

mutt politics is so funny

>not over 9000 percent
Fake news.

comical but brought us to the brink of a global conflict. ill laugh when my nukes fly

Nice who do you use jw

without "my" lol

delet this post btw after you reply, because mods may ban you for it

1337 russian h4x0rz 1101010101001



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It's all the kike worshippers can call us now.

member when the term "troll" was just someone messing with people on the internet for fun, and not this misleading multi-term phrase used to describe someone that simply disagrees with you so you can avoid a proper debate with them?

i member


I admit it, I'm a Russian troll. I am tired of trolling for forty rubles a day. In exchange of political asylum I am willing to provide a list of all Canada-based Russian trolls.

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you saw nothing

not wanting ANOTHER useless fucking war makes you a russian troll

If helping Russia is such a bad thing. Why should we respect the politicians who gave lend lease to communists in ww2.
Don't forget all modern politicians sending our jobs and industry to communist china effectively building them up.
Lend lease to commies 2.0. Thanks globalist Jew worshipping politicians

Russia is too weak to fight us directly so they try to lie to us to get an advantage.

>right wingers

Both the "mainstream" left and "mainstream" right are basically deep state Zionists. They just use different tactics to get people to support wars and suck Jewish dick.

The right harps about how all sandniggers need to be killed because they're brown and Muslim; while the left harps about how Russia and its allies (including Syria) need to be bombed because they're secretly working with Drumpf to support a neo-nazi coup, which is paradoxically staffed with elite Jews.

You have to be a boomer or a brainlet to believe this shit.

ehhh idk m8

i really dont know m8

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The longer we wait the more people that are going to die once it’s time.

>everyone who disagrees with the action taken for whatever reason is a russian troll
using a HRC talking point to defend against criticism from your base is a really fucking bad move desu

It's way easier to figure out who to ban and report to the proper authorities when you know right wingers are all insincere jerks who are only trying to hurt people's feelings.

>budget of 100 rubles increased to 2000 rubles

Trump niggers are the mainstream right. They have no fucking stance, except what Trump tells them to have.

Oy vey

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>Every time Americunts attack a country the Russian troll bots get launched.

They are literally admitting that Russia are the good guys.


>believing the pentagon

Reporting for duty.

im sorry but it looks like they are...

>/ptg/ now believes in russian trolls
countdown until they start believing CNN unironically

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Are you ready for the Zerg rush?

Obviously Communist Russians are better than the evil neo-Tsarist bigots who run Russia today.

At this point, "russian troll" is just a buzzword for "person I dislike on the internet"

>believing the pentagon
>believing what the media says the pentagon says

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Nah, just the blackpillers.

Now we know and can ignore anything said that is critical of our glorious military operations.

>The right harps about how all sandniggers need to be killed because they're brown and Muslim
lol no they don't
The problem with the mainstream "right" is exactly that they don't do that.

are there actually any other jobs in russia, except for anal prostitution or alcoholism

The Confederacy is my geographic location, mutt.

a mutt calling his brother-mutt a mutt. caption this

>Russian trolls

So this is how they will try to discredit the anti-war / isolationists in America.

now you know who the magapedes are you're arguing with, some bunker somewhere is full of US propaganda agents shitposting on the taxpayers dime against their own taxpayers

it's going to be funny watching you bong muttpost when your prince shits out a half-nigger.


Last time I checked, Putin literally made it illegal to deny the Holocaust or be anti-semitic. Also, Russia has more Muslims than any other European nation.

I'm actually disappointed in them.

Also, thanks for proving my earlier point about how leftists are easily-rused into supporting Zionist wars.

UK doesn't have nukes Theresa

You don't think Russian's are using bots to push anti-war sentiment?


check again. pic related

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I literally live in, work in, and raise a family in the Midwest. No More Jew Wars.

>disagrees with syrian missile strike
>express opinion online

>"Pentagon Report: Russian troll activity up 6 gorillion percent"

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ya нe зaзывaлa

I am onto you, Russian Bot

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They do it subtly, and make it more about culture and religion; I admit.

I wish we actually had more white nationalists with balls among the mainstream right, who weren't afraid to stand up for explicit white interests and cultural/racial preservation. Hopefully, more will follow in Paul Nehlen's footsteps.

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The Russian bot narrative seems to be focused on this talking point:

>American missiles failed, were intercepted, are weak, etc.

The goal of this talking point seems to be making Americans fear conflict. You can already see the effect of this psy-ops on Jow Forums where Americans are practically pissing their pants at the fear that Putin might nuke us in retaliation.

Russia is actually a wealthy super power, didnt you hear?

How stupid is this world going to get before it breaks entirely.

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what do they lie about? having NATO constantly encroaching on their sphere of influence? pretty sure that's true

did they lie about Assad gassing his own people because clearly assad is just an evil monster?

>4D Chess is giving Israel what they want
>4D Chess is cucking on gun rights
>4D Chess is backtracking on a wall
>4D Chess is firing all the nationalists in your Administration
>4D Chess is starting wars on countries that haven't done anything to us
>4D Chess is making Russian relations even worse then Obama's terms
>4D Chess is electing a literal warhawk from the Bush era
>4D Chess is shitting in the face of your supporters while pretending to care about them
>4D Chess is leaving globalist organizations only to rejoin them again (TPP)
>4D Chess is claiming to support stuff like the RAISE act only to forget it even exists
>4D Chess is claiming you're a "globalist and a nationalist"
>4D Chess is funding rebels and literal socialists in Syria to overthrow their democratically elected leader
>4D Chess is wanting to build a wall only to give minor repairs to a fence
>4D Chess is signing shit like the Omnibus that funds other countries and not America

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But a 20 fold increase?

"a bloo bloo blooo you killed your enemies so they won!!"
kill yourself nigger leaf. you cucked out on us.

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Like denying that the Russian's use bots? You people already deny the fucking obvious.

>everyone who is against me is a Russian troll
This is the same shit the libtards pulled, and it's the same shit Antifa and the SJW do ("everyone else is a nazi!")
It's fucking retarded.

>Russia is paying people to troll mutts
Where do i sign up?

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Who believes this shit?

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I'd say that the amount of "Russian bots" are irrelevant, and can't change overall political trends. The left uses it as a boogieman to attack anything that isn't drenched in soy milk.

All I see are shariablue shills left and right, and bad ones at that. They stick out like sore dicks, they clearly aren't regulars here.

>everyone I dont like is a russian troll
glad to see we have hillary 2.0 in every fucking office now.

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It isn't within the Russian sphere of influence. These nations are choosing a way out because they do not trust Russia. NATO is merely a defense pact

More posts from memeflags screaming about Russian Trolls than everything else combined...really makes you think.

Check out /gif/, try not to die laughing. They've infected that board. Anti Trump everywhere.

It's pretty fucking obvious who they are on here.

Basically anyone who pretends that they once supported Trump up until the Syria strikes is an obvious Kremlin shill.

>trumpfags are literally LITERALLY using hillary tactics

you fags got played like a fucking dreidel

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what the fuck is a russian troll



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Why the homophobia?

well, anglo-jewish imperialism is real, they aren't lying about that. they may white wash Putin - he's still have cronies, established Nepotism in Russia. But that's internal thing - who cares other than russians really.
On international agenda - may lie about for example how many missiles were intercepted. Ffs I don't even understand now how many were intercepted really. US says 0, Rus says 71. go figure.

because i fucking hate queers and want them dead :^)

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Basically Russian disinformation that gets spread widely. Useless idiots (Jow Forums) likely gets lumped into what is considered a troll as well

Is this one of your trained responses? We're onto you, Alexander.

Has anyone wired their congressman yet?

"pentagon" is fucking retarded

>Russian disinformation
What kind of disinformation?

So this whole 'russian troll' thing is basically just a way for the left to censor any dissent or wrongthink, yes?

Wow these new Russian bot hackerman 3000s are the real deal! Almost like a real shitposter!

...you new?

>Useless idiots (Jow Forums) likely gets lumped into what is considered a troll as well
yeah in other words its retarded

2000% of what people thought was thousand of troll. do you think half of moscow is paid by putin to shill on twitter?