Last night on Alex Jones (I know, but hear me out), they implied that Trump has been compromised and that a coup has taken place with Trump completely under the power of (((them))).
I mean, even his eyes look fucked up and different. He looks like a Chinaman who just tried weed for the first time. Something is not right.
I believe that Trump genuinely wanted to change things and stop all the jew wars and get us back on track, but it's become clear he has been MK Ultra'd.
Yeah i definitely sensed something has been odd for the last few months, but say it out loud on here and get called a shill. There has been some form of tampering with his personality.
Sebastian Gray
The same Alex Jones that is back on the Trump train as of 4 hours ago?
I don't support Alex Jones. He refuses to name the Jew and he's a civic nationalist cuck. That said, he is by far the most entertaining news personality right now by a wide margin.
Benjamin Walker
i also thought something was up too
however you guys are fucking silly
not everything is some crack pot lord xenu mind controll thing
Do you know this board has IDs right? you can't same fag.
Bentley Davis
What are you talking about? Where in my OP did I say I support Alex Jones?
Charles Walker
PAY THE FUCK ATTENTION TO TRUMP'S SPEECH. SOMETHING BIGGER IS COMING. He calls out Russia and Iran, but I think this is just a cover for what's to come. >What kind of a nation wants to be associated with a mass murderer of men, women and children. The nations of the world can be judged by the friends they keep. No nation can succeed in the long run by promoting rogue states, brutal tyrants, and murderous dictators. Now tell me....Does that represent Assad at all? I don't think it does, and Trump knows a lot more information than we do and he has setup plays like these before. Who does it sound like to you? Maybe ISRAEL AND NETANYAHU?
Trump continues >Hopefully someday we'll get along with Russia and maybe even Iran, but maybe not. JUST LIKE THIS TWEET ABOUT KIM (embed) >Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me "old," when I would NEVER call him "short and fat?" Oh well, I try so hard to be his friend - and maybe someday that will happen!
>Looking around our very troubled world, Americans have no illusions. We cannot purge the world of evil or act everywhere there is tyranny. No amount of American blood or treasure can produce lasting peace and security in the middle east. We can try to make it better but it is a troubled place. The United States will be a partner and a friend. BUT THE FATE OF THE REGION LIES IN THE HANDS OF HIS OWN PEOPLE. Do you know what this means? This means that Trump isn't going to protect Israel anymore. This means that Trump isn't going to come to Israel's aid. This means that the army of Islam that Erdogan called for will come to fruition. This means that the STAR WILL GORGE ITSELF ON CLAY.
Israel is fucked guys.
Eli Ward
Zionism wants war. They forced his hand in some way, but it is clear he isn't completely under their control. If he were, he wouldn't have pulled his punches. The strikes only resulted in 3 injuries.
Zionism wants full invasion/"intervention". If Trump werr a puppet, he would pursue this.
The most valuable thing I learned last night was that Alex Jones is part of the problem. He shilled like a bitch. Time to boycott that pussy.
The funniest part was when the guy on the phone brought up Jared Kushner and Alex started sweating and trying to control the narrative. >KUSHNER IS CONTROLLED BY THE CHINESE! Trying to make sure the guy wouldn't say he was working for Israel. Truly mindblowing. Alex is a jew shill of the highest order.
But he's still a decent news source if you just replace "Jews" with every time he says "military industrial complex," "elites," or "globalists."