Devs April 14 >RU MoD:UK pressured whitehelmets to stage a fake chem attack to provoke US airstrikes.People were instructed to turn it into a propaganda video alledging CW >RU MoD:Patients from video suffer from smoke poisoning due to bomb explosion. Water was used on them after their relatives were lied about alleged Chem attack >Ru ships seen moving military equipment to Sy (high-speed patrol boat and several BMK-T bridge erection boats along with other military equipment) >DeZ:Douma liberated. Russian Mp's patrol streets >IS advances towards 16th Air Defense Regiment Base located along eastern slope of the Qalamoun Mountains >SAA,Hez kill many IS terrorists as they attempt to drive IS back near Sukhnah >America, the UK and france attack syria with airstrikes after statement by Donald Trump Hitting several military targets >Russian Ambassador threatens further actions as rhetoric heats up >UN remains gridlocked on syria >Airstrikes are over for now >FRENCH DECLASSIFIED INTEL ON ALLEGED DOUMA CHEM ATTACK
=== NGO’s and hybrid warfare: === >WikiLeaks: Turkish oil minister links to Isis oil trade - Top aide to Hillary Clinton: :Al-Qaeda is on our side in Syria -
>Russian UN ambassador >We did not register any French hits, so I will refrain from mentioning them. I don't know what their role is but we did not register anything.