Why are you smelly Christians okay with Chik-Fil-A *INFILTRATING* New York? Don't you know they are mean...

Why are you smelly Christians okay with Chik-Fil-A *INFILTRATING* New York? Don't you know they are mean? Even The New Yorker says it's *CREEPY*, and honestly I have to agree. I will not stand for covert chicken infiltration!

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I bet you enjoy being infiltrated you fag


See what this place does to you? There's no place in the rainbow city of New York for such intolerance!

the rainbow is a sign of the covenant between god and mortals, not the universal sign of amateur male proctologists

I think I'm going to get some Chik-fil-a for lunch now, thanks OP.

Maybe you faggots don't understand the free market. If you stop eating there they don't get money

>the rainbow is a sign of the covenant between god and mortals,
Thats right. It's time to take back the rainbow and make its meaning pure again.


>NYC is such a godless hell hole that Christianity in it is viewed as an infiltration

You know if you wanted to talk about the article you can do it without roleplaying as a gay

Chick-fil-a is overwhelmingly mediocre.

But you are a fag, fag

Man, I'm hungry. Thanks for reminding me Chick-fil-a exists. I almost went somewhere else.

>this passes for news

Your posting causes cancer

Never post here again

t. Burger King employee

>Our faux culture shithole full of brands and fast food is being invaded by a franchise! OY VEY

No idea how any right winger can stand to live around these types of people. Right wing New Yorker's must have high amounts of patience

*Chick-fil-A you faggot. If you're going to make a thread about it, at least spell it right. But on the other hand, it seems that you may be Mandela Affected.

If it were 'Chicken from Hell' or 'Halal chicken' it'd be perfectly acceptable.

hey faggot

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I honestly don't get why people like Chick-fil-A so much. I think their waffle fries are the only good thing they have and I wouldn't mind seeing other places do their kind.

Aside from that all the sandwiches are pretty meh, usually dry, not that tasty or worth the price they sell them at. I've had better chicken sandwiches elsewhere.

I knew the new yorker was bad but what the fuck?

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Death to Israel.

Christianity is like AIDS.

And Jews are cancer.

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i miss chick fil a, haven't had it in years and the closest one is over 30 min away
shit sucks

what open hatred from jews
jew york city should be nuked

Thank goodness it's Saturday. I'm going to go get myself a spicy chicken sandwich with no pickles and the largest frosted lemonade available. Thanks for reminding me, OP!

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Didn't ask, faggot. Fuck up with that Reddit spaced bullshit, bitch.

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Christianity enabled your degeneracy; if New York were predominantly Muslim you would be thrown off the nearest skyscraper you ungrateful shit.

Chik-fil-a has a modest skirt option for their female uniform. Took me by surprise the first time I saw it but I appreciate it.

sage the shill

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>creepy infiltration
That's hilarious, you can smell the insecurity. Chick-fil-A is almost always immensely busy during lunch on any day (except obviously Sunday).

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>I will not stand for covert chicken infiltration!
They've taught chickens how to be covert?

*looks around worriedly*

lmao, don't cut yourself on that edge soyboy.

>creepy infiltration

They just opened up another fast food place

>leftist journalism

lel fpbp

>Infiltration is only okay when we do it

>looking this deep into opening a fast food restaurant

Chick-fil-a makes decent fast food and there is a demand for it.

God, my country is retarded. People here want to be opressed.

Right wing San Diegan here, I have no patience for these people and am counting the days until I move back to glorious Arizona.

kek, I can't blame you. I left New Orleans because I got fed up with the leftists. Luckily a lot of them end up victims of crime in new orleans.

>the New Yorker
>le Trump has no chance meme

My Pleasure


>amateur male proctologists

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Only fags hate Chick Fil A

chick fil a is the best
get some every week to support the death of all faggots


Was it ever explicitly b&?

I am a pervasive Christian traditionalist

>'Chicken from Hell'
Sounds badass, where can I get some?

not enough of them, New Orelans is a graveyard now where a unique culture used to be, but they think as long as they have fucking parades no one will notice

wtf i love satanic poultry now

>go to mcdonald's
>openly leftist black365 diversity shit food
>employees don't give a shit
>employees are loud and obnoxious
>food is meh
>order is often wrong in some way or another
>overall a shitty experience

>go to chik-fil-a
>traditional christian ownership
>employees are mostly smiling and happy to be there
>employees helpful and attentive
>food is actually pretty decent
>order never wrong
>great experience every time

>It's creepy not wanting an aids ridden cock in your ass.

Yep, it's a fucking joke of a city and corruption is everywhere. Most people have to stay drunk 24/7 just to lie to themselves about it. My family still lives there and I dread visiting even though part of me still loves what the city used to be.

Exclusionary racist Jews threatened by chicken sandwiches.
Story at 11.

I dare you to only eat one of their nuggets.

Tough titty, fag. You've pushed your agenda down everybody's throats and got multiple bakeries closed because christian bakers didn't want to make fag cakes. Not nice when you get pushback, is it?

>2 posts by this id
Sage and kill

This is true, every chick fi la I've been in has had clean and happy employees. Usually high school kids. McDonald's has 50 year old junkies who can't even get the most basic orders right. When I go to a McDonald's and it's all illegal Mexicans I actually get relieved because they get orders right way more often than white trash and niggers who work their.

good point. any infiltration of outsiders into western civ is good except when it's Christian.

>Its expansion raises questions about what we expect from our fast food, and to what extent a corporation can join a community.

Projection galore. Comical in a way

Full article: archive. is / R2CTn

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Isn't this sort of alarmist slippery slope shit the exact same argument leftist faggots mocked Christians for making about gay rights and shit?

It's alright, and the service is top-notch... but I prefer Pop-eye's menu.

believe it or not, there are actually christians in NYC

I tried it once. I don't eat out but it came to our market so I gave it a shot. I noticed they had a nice group of kids staffing the place. Very polite and friendly, but not in a fake way.
The food? It was okay, especially for fast food. If I went there again it would have to be a situation where I had to eat fast food. I would choose them over McNigger365 and the other slip every time, especially because they're closed on Sunday. Not licking faggot asshole is simply a bonus.
Friendly reminder that NYC is a godless sewer infested with kikes.

I live in Columbus. Today there were four douchebags holding anti-NRA signs. In related news, this ivory tower neighborhood's biggest crime problem is burglary/property theft. Makes me laugh, knowing that if shit ever hits the fan I'll know where to go to water a few a few seeds on my way out.

A fucking aristocrat wearing a monocle for the New Yorker logo, the New Yorker is saying that they are against Christian traditionalism, and the dumbass shitlibs can't even figure out that it's the aristocrats telling the people what to think still. What is and isn't appropriate. Smashing!
Go figure that the aristocrats are just concerned about their bottom line and how much they can get away with paying non Christians new citizens versus Americans that have been here long enough to know what wages they deserve to earn.
But muh pervasiveness!
So infiltrated!
Humanity is so fucking stupid it truly boggles the mind.


>create top tier fast food chain
>owner says he has christian morals
>faggots chimp out about it
>spread around the world because money isnt gay
>fags think NYC is thier HQ and consider it infiltration when chickfila moves in
>mfw proves gays have no taste

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I'll bet he thinks nothing of all the kosher delis.
Try the chicken, Jew. Then shut your damn yap.
Tomorrow's headline
> The New Yorker tries Spicy Deluxe. Chik-fil-A can infiltrate anything they want including my Jewish boipucci, just bring me another sammich!

You're ignorant. Spicy chicken sandwich is amazing.

Breakfast minis are off the chain as well m8

>thinking gays will have any power for much longer

Republicans hate gays now because they know that your agenda doesn't end at just tolerating your lifestyle, you want to bludgeon us over the head with it and force our kids to cut their dicks off. And democrats won't tolerate you for long because it's simply becoming the non-white party (mostly blacks and mexicans), both of which simply hate gays and always have. Also blacks and mexicans, despite all their faults, simply don't care about political correct nonsense.

NYC was the testing ground for jews to see how far they could push their anti-Christian, anti-white NWO ideals.

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my dad saw this when he was a very little boy in the mid 60s. It's amazing how quickly things can change.

>2.2 billion Christians
>Zero, yes, zero Christian terrorist attacks in 2016 and 2017

>1.6 billion mudslimes

Oh yeah those EVIL Christians, I feel so unsafe

Well said, the New Yorker is a fucking joke, absolute propaganda from the elites' asses themselves.

The rainbow is primarily viewed as an optical illusion. It represents something that does not exist, only a trick your own eyes play on you.

This. Jow Forums needs to get on this. Drive libs crazy

Fuck off jew yorker

>in n out owned by christians
>have bible verses on their paper products
>no one seems to care

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It sure is creepy to go to a fast food joint where most of the people are white, happy, teenagers, instead of miserable, angry, niggers. It sure is creepy to NOT be able to get food on Sunday because that is the day of rest set forth by god.

Next thing you'll tell me they DON'T give out free dildos with the kiddie meals. The horror!

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do you mind if i steal that one, that's pretty good.