Why are most SJWs white?

Why are most SJWs white?

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Guilt complex from years of social conditioning in school/media/corporate ads/government etc. Combined with the fact whites have more empathy and mercy than other races, this combined with modern tech and living makes the average white a pathetic spineless weakling

white supremacists with a guilty conscience. They believe the white race is superior therefore other races needs jump starts and boosts to keep up otherwise the white man will take over

Because masochistic racism is the only racisms officially permitted in white countries.

that's someone who's never had more than a couple hundred dollars in their bank account


I would just go up to that kid and say "give me that shirt" and he would say "no its mine"


This nigga gonna be abolished if he step on my private property.

They live in a white suburban middle class bubble with their parents paying for everything, so they're easily tricked into believing complete and utter bullshit.

Jewish isn’t white OP

What a faggot in OP's picture

they believe in white supremacy far more than anybody else

Because liberals think they're better than everyone else including other whites.

White people are most readily able to have both a superiority and inferiority complex, simultaneously

This, pretty much.

They western whitey is too soft.

Yeah but a t-shirt is personal property which even anarcho-communists accept as legit.

based leaf alert

Just look at this cunt's smug self-satisfaction, his face radiant with an edgy sense of rebellion he's never experienced before. All his life a weakling, all his life a diligent student and obedient child, never risking anything, never rocking the boat. Now he's gone to university and found that there is a socially acceptable form of rebellion that he can partake in. His professors are into it, the girl he likes is into it, and all the well adjusted men with whom he has failed to form a peer group with are against it. It's perfection to the cuck: an ideology as lacking as him. An ideology as steeped in failure as he, deep down, feels and knows himself to be. An ideology that on the surface appears edgy and contrarian, that allows him to position himself as a revolutionary and strongman, but just as always allows him to follow others and conform.



Steal his shirt and scarf. Then he'll understand the value of private property.

I could say the same about most of the alt-right pol/sters here, but you'd be in denial.

>private property and personal property are somehow different
oh my god there is no hope for you fucking people.

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Maybe you are just uneducated. Personal and private property are legal terms, not philosophical. In most civil law systems personal property means movable property.

yeah good luck arguing that against the military police in an actual communist state, as opposed to the happy fun time dreamworld you faggots seem to think communism is. have you ever talked to anyone that escaped the USSR? they didn't enjoy it.

I was born in the USSR, Ukraine specifically. Also a "communist state" by all means is an oxymoron, as anarcho-communists don't believe in the state (duh). And I'm not even a communist, you sound both agitated and dumb to argue about things you don't understand.

If you argue with someone based on concepts you either deliberately or accidentally misinterpret then you either have no legitimate arguments (because then you wouldn't need to deliberately misinterpret concepts) or a dumbass (because who else would argue about things he isnt familiar with?)

what about the alt-right is acceptable in the mainstream?

Says his nationality but rocks a meme flag. Okay faggot

I was born in the Ukraine, I don't live there anymore. And we actually "escaped" capitalist Ukraine...

Because white people are more prone to autism than any other race.

Because weak blacks are killed before they can become edgy teenagers.

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There are non-white SJWs too, but whites tend to achieve higher ranking in their activist groups due to the higher IQ. It's why Shawn King and Rachel Dolezal excelled as black leaders despite not actually being black.

Most people are white.

Good summation.
Intelligence also factors into it. higher IQs can follow logical arguments even if there results/application are faulty

Similarly hypnosis only works on people ith good attention and focus. Idiots lose track or have no focus to follow commands

Oh bullshit, I talked with a polish professor, thick accent and everything, who said the communist system was terrible.
Even if what you're saying is true, holols are subhumans so fuck off.

Whites are addicted to virtue signalling against other whites. It's genetic. Most problems of whites were caused by other whites, which is why white nationalism or Jow Forums's dream of a white ethnostate is hilariously doomed.

You fucking idiots don't think Jews like wealth and property. You're a bunch of schmucks. Like saying babe Ruth hates baseball

>not knowing that the situation for women worsened after they were freed from "communism"

Ok then, that sums it up quite nicely. /Thread.

>but what about the womyn
Oh jeez sorry, communism forever.
Yeah ANY collapse of ANY system tends to be painful.

if you can't elaborate on that statement with some actual examples you're fucking full of shit. I've NEVER met anyone that escaped the USSR that even wanted to talk about it let alone spoke highly of it. the benefits of it exist only in the minds of the oligarchs that want to instate it and the peasants foolish enough to believe they will rule rather than be enslaved

because they're selfish and out for themselves and use SJW causes to get ahead in life

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your subversive tactics are transparent


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Because SJW psychosis is a mental illness brought about by attending 12-16 years of school and being told over and over that you are evil because you are white.

Most people get through it ok, but just like any other pathology, it will affect some people more.

It appears that about 23% of the population is vulnerable to the most acute form of this induced mental illness.

Black peoples won't be seen in public with this poll smoker.


we got straight up Shakespeare in here folks.

Because mental gymnastics require some semblance of brains.

Nazis are SJWs not communists.

they aren't its just we dont call niggers and other non whites sjws normally
non white hate for whites is just normal
but give those white sjws t replacement and force them to work out and i guarantee they'd cut that sjw shit out in a month

>Combined with the fact whites have more empathy and mercy than other races
Lol, bullshit.
>social conditioning in school/media/corporate ads/government etc
>>this combined with modern tech and living makes the average white a pathetic spineless weakling
Americans are overworked as fucked.

>Lol, bullshit.
its true in every measurable way. tendency to give to charity? white as fuck creating welfare programs? white invention giving tons of money to shitty nigger countries? ever see that in reverse?

It's not true when viewed from an overall historical context. For example, vegetarianism was common in many religions of the Middle East and East Asia in the historical past. And no, they weren't White.
People who are blinded by the present tend to be philistines and stupid.
>tendency to give to charity?
I volunteer at humane societies and even donated to them and rescued one dog. I have seen plenty of Middle Easterners, Mexicans, and more, so try again, edgelord faggot.
>white as fuck creating welfare programs?
I know plenty of poor people of different ethnicities, even one Ashkenazi. Welfare is difficult to get it if you don't have kids.
>white invention giving tons of money to shitty nigger countries?
All you've given them is your bombs. Look at Syria and how you guys supported ISIS and Al-Nusra in a bid to take down Assad. Also, look at how you backed Saudi Arabia's spread of Wahhabism (the main ideology behind terror attacks on Western European soils -- they finance the madrassa schools and spread hate literature), Khomeini (Carter backed him), killing Gaddafi and more.
>ever see that in reverse?
Pick up a history book, snow nigger. You people aren't special snowflakes, and just because you have just time point of being the shit doesn't mean you're saints of impeccable humility, wisdom, and love.

>just because you have just time point of being the shit
just because you have just this** time point of being world powers*
Everyone is treated as factory farmed animals in this country: White, Asian, Black, Mexican, Middle Eastern, and etc.

>I was born in the USSR
not an argument

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ohhh that explains it you're just a muzzie trying to learn things your brain isn't cut out for
For example,
>makes me empathetic and merciful despite the fact we rape like crazy. little boys are just a rape whole for us. but some of us dont eat meat
you can look up the stats on donations to charity but since youre non white you believe your anecdotes are just as valid
I said whites invented welfare. but your non white brain cant understand the difference between giving welfare and using it
Bombing muslim nations is an act of charity itself to the rest of the world

Funny you mention the brain because I got my degree in Neuroscience, snow nigger filth.
>>makes me empathetic and merciful despite the fact we rape like crazy. little boys are just a rape whole for us. but some of us dont eat meat
There were some sects/interpretations of Zoroastrianism, Gnosticism, and Sufism that promoted vegetarianism.
>I said whites invented welfare.
Mazdak the Younger was the one to invent the idea of welfare.
>Bombing muslim nations is an act of charity itself to the rest of the world
You literally finance the Muslims that attack you. 15 of the 19 hijackers during 9/11 were Saudi, yet you give the billions of dollars in arms deals. Please KYS, you confrontational jingoist wanker. Honestly, the amount of war crimes your nation has committed far surpasses any other nation in the historical past. Just read about My Lai Massacres. Spengler (a National Socialist thinker) was right about the USA FYI.

drones, following the party command

>Bombing muslim nations is an act of charity itself to the rest of the world
Start with the 9/11 perpetrators, Saudi Arabia. Oh, that's right, they're your allies. Everything about you people here is a joke. Your rhetoric is just as dumb as the liberal multiculturalists.

>Hurr durr we are so kind! I wanna kill you!!!1
>Hurr durr it's the Jew's fault and never ours!!1

>war crimes
against muzzies? thats not possible
any action taken against non whites is perfectly fine

I support bombing saudis too
whites are far too kind and generous but some of us are waking up and want to 1488 all non whites

Muhammad sucks pig cocks in hell you sand nigger.

You do understand that your "actual examples" is just anecdotal evidence? The opinions and feelings of your friends are not representative of the whole ex-USSR population.

Oh, and the majority of ex-soviet citizens want USSR back

>against muzzies? thats not possible
Before you faggots started funding the radicalists, they weren't fucking with you. The reason they're fucking with you is because you have troops stationed all over there? Why? Because petroleum is foundational modern economies. Look up "resource curse".
>any action taken against non whites is perfectly fine
Doesn't sound like something a "kind" person would say, you violent angry piece of shit. I was willing to engage in courteous discussion, but it always falls back to this shit.
>I support bombing saudis too
No, you don't. If you bastards wanted to end Islam, there were many paths you can take. For your information, I hate Islam, but I find you even more detestable believe it or not.
>whites are far too kind and generous but some of us are waking up and want to 1488 all non whites
I welcome you to try. If you even touch my pets, I will do things to you can never imagine. Things that are so beyond this world that you will come to question the very heart of reality. You'll see how the "magi cursed us all". Remember this, faggot, even the word "paradise" originates from Persian.

>pretends to know how many people are sjws and their skin color

get the fuck out of here you pathetic cunt

Absolutely agree with you. Where are you from?

>9/11 prepetrators, Saudi Arabia.
Oy vey!

Fuck Muhammad, but I'll be chanting from the Avesta while I do scaphism on you if you dare lay a figure on me. If you want to get physical, then that's fine by me, you beast that descends from barbarians in the NW. Go back into your fucking mudhuts if that's what you really want.

>lay a figure
lay a finger*

Its a White sub culture

It's obvious. They have been indoctrinated with a heavy dose of white guilt and feel responsible for what happened to the kangz n sheit 200 years ago.

>Before you faggots started funding the radicalists,
jews did that and theyll be purged as well. but youre all barbarians see pic related
Im not kind to non whites anymore
You wont do anything. If you live in the US you're insanely out numbered, out gunned and out brained. Its not a coincidence that whites owned nearly the entire planet at one point

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Because it's a movement in predominantly white countries and as such, most SJWs are white. Literally no other reason.

>but youre all barbarians see pic related
>Im not kind to non whites anymore
Like I've told you, faggot. Read a history book. It was thanks to Safavids that Europe didn't get overrun by Ottomans. The Safavids had an alliance with Hapsburg and later France, and they helped repel Ottomans. They were very cultured peoples, especially compared to the present.

Listen, you faggot. History is not a progressive movement to the top. Sometimes you are at the tops, sometimes are at the bottom. It has happened to every empire.

And no, I do not condone stuff like stonings and harming innocents. Stop assuming what individuals are.
>Im not kind to non whites anymore
You're not kind to anyone, including yourself, uneducated prick.
>If you live in the US you're insanely out numbered, out gunned and out brained. Its not a coincidence that whites owned nearly the entire planet at one point
I never harm someone, but if you attack me, considering I never provoke anyone, I WILL show you worlds of pain, that reaches the existential, that you cannot imagine. I won't, if you don't touch me. People are free to believe what they want, it's called freedom of expression, but once you get physical, you will release an Ahrimanic beast.

Privilege. The downtrodden are all racialists


not white. jews, or white-guilted 56%-ers.

>If you live in the US you're insanely out numbered
Whites are no longer a majority in USA

>Its not a coincidence that whites owned nearly the entire planet at one point

How is the Zoroastrian culture in Iran doing? Is it seeing a revival? Or is it declining? What is the Iranian newer generation view of Zoroastrianism?

you honestly think jews would have to give up their wealth and property like goyim in a marxist society? it doesn't work like that

>you honestly think jews would have to give up their wealth and property like goyim in a marxist society?

Because white women are traitorous whores and and 1/3 of white men are weak cucks that will not do what is right.

yes they still are and we don't even need to be the majority in order to genocide
Yes this is accurate

>Sometimes you are at the tops, sometimes are at the bottom. It has happened to every empire.
Which is why you'll notice Im not arguing for the US or any other nation. I'm saying white people have always been on top and its time we go back to our more genocidal roots

What do you mean by white I only see beasts because commies aren't people

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>I'm saying white people have always been on top
You haven't always been at the top. Greeks, Romans, and Byzantines were Mediterraneans with little genetic relationship to NW Europeans. NW Europeans and Americans have been on top since Enlightenment era. Also, you conveniently ignore East Asians and their histories.
>its time we go back to our more genocidal roots
And then you'll revert back to going into your mudhuts, which is really what you guys were doing during the time of Rome. Like I'm telling you, sometimes you are at bottom and other times at the top, but you were not always at the top, retard.

Niggers are smarter than whites when it comes to subterfuge.

Because they're the Best Goys.

>Mediterraneans arent white
Maybe youre actually jewish
>you'll revert back to going into your mudhuts
Are you actually this retarded? This has to be bait

Class privilege. An actual real thing. Also living in cities distorts reality. Virtue signaling and brainwashing into self loathing. Also most people in the West are white so ya know.

communists aren't human and jews invented social programs to weaken European nations under the guise of "white" people like they always do, "whites/Europeans"are just as self serving as anyone else but usually depending on the region like to extend their arms in "charity"
also this

>you conveniently ignore East Asians and their histories.
east asians are the only other race I have any respect for

But we are too merciful. If we were not we would have genocided the Africans after we freed them and colonized Africa.

Quality arguments.

We are the majority and the guilt complex propaganda is aimed at us.

Mediterraneans do not cluster closely to NW Europeans on PCA autosomal DNA plots. They spoke a different in a different language branch, had different phenotypes, and more. Moreover, NW Europeans betrayed them during the time of Ottomans, even letting them get overrun without sending much help.
>Are you actually this retarded? This has to be bait
The more you have hateful faggots like that man, the more you'll revert back to your state of living in mudhuts like Varg. NW Europeans had little to no genetic relationship with Meds, hate to break it to you.

This! Whites have come to realize the heinousness of aggression and war, and are taking steps to try to wake up the normies.

Sad part is, because of the media making people hate white people, yellows/browns/blacks/greens just dismiss whites because "muh oppression". Fuck off retards, our own people have been oppressing us too.

This isn't a race war. It's a have vs. have-not war. Elitist vs peace..ist

i'm asian and i noticed this back in the early 90s. when did they actually start this?

>we are the majority
No you arent you dont even know exactly how many illegals and dreamers live in your country.

You are not merciful at all. Just look at yourself and modern history.
I referenced historical events. Your leaders are Machiavellian as fuck.
Meds are a different race from you too, fuckhead. Honestly, you sound like some kind brainlet brute, like invading Visigoths during the time of Rome.

Only the rich and pampered go SJW. Also why most SJWs are from first-world, rich-ass countries while countries like mine they only show up in the upper echelons of wealth (and only among kids who don't work).

Once you start experiencing the real hardships of the world, that whole diversity shit goes away real fast.