Racism is the radical notion that this should exist in the future

Racism is the radical notion that this should exist in the future.

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designer babies will ensure that it happens. you guys worry too much.

of course once that happens, then "muh heritage" won't matter because we'll be able to grow nordics in labs.

don't worry
my wife looks just like that
and i am taking good care of her

t. asian guy

you have way too much faith in science/technology. We're hitting a hard wall in terms of technological advancement + resource availability.

Supreme gentleman Hapa master race in the making

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despite our societies current liberalism, science continues to advance in the western world.

plus you forget the eastern world. they love the aesthetics of westeners. i once joked that china may eventually become the worlds largest white nation.

But this is racist Goy, it must be banned.

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Good for you, dude.

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I think I'm pretty rad

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i doubt it will be banned if sold on the premises of healing genetic defects and so on.

plus you forget that this technology wouldn't only be available in the western world but all over. i could see many easterners choosing to have white children. they already try to do this to themselves with hair dyes, skin bleaches, and eyelid surgeries.

besides, a technology like that would be impossible to ban. particularly if it is marketed right. all humans would like to get rid of genetic diseases. all humans would like every man to be handsome, and every woman to be pretty. the only ones who don't are the shitlibs, who are often ugly themselves.

memes like this are what keep me from ending it all

Implying Jews are interested in healing people, they want to make shekels from your misery and they are openly promoting dysgenics, they want masses of dependent, ugly and weak slaves. With eugenics all of us would be fit, healthy, brilliant and good looking but Jews banned that.

And now they have almost made our race extinct, you think they would allow people to become White again?

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the jews do not have an influence in the east as they do in the west. not to mention that many european nations east of germany are increasingly skeptical of jewish influence.

designer babies would in a sense be easy eugenics because then even ugly people could have wonderful babies to raise. it wouldn't cost the amount of time that having to breed people correctly over many generations would.

furthermore, don't you think jews themselves will be interested in this technology? Jews tend to more commonly have genetic diseases due to inbreeding. israel if anyone would be interested in making themselves whiter, why do you think they made judaism matrilenial? that way they could take on good male's DNA as men are the measuring stick of eugenics.

Of course the Jews would use it for themselves, but not the Goyim.

All what you described could have been achieved by now simply by eugenics. But Jews apparently managed to ban eugenics in all countries around the globe, there is no country where eugenics is openly practised.

Who are you to determine what exists in the future? That's up to any individual to decide for themselves. If blonde people don't feel like shagging, who cares.

Whites are actively genocided, for example in South Africa and likely in other Western countries in the near-future, particularly when we have a global financial crisis and resources get scarce.

It is not like Whites just decide not to have children but the work of Jews to undermine us and make us extinct. In fact, their feminist mind virus made White women study and work in their fertile years until they cannot have children anymore or only very few. Furthermore, they promote not having children and instead travel, living a life of hedonism, as well as to be a roastie and to racemix. Also, since women are working now, salaries have decreased accordingly and it is very costly to have children.