He's right you know

He's right you know

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he mite be rite
deport him and ban all muslims from western nations, just to be sure

I agree

i mean, wat would we do without muslims?
who needs an extra 3000 dollars a year in their personal income that would otherwise go to pay for the welfare existence of muslim immigrants

Think of all the poor families hiding in research facilities and military depots :(

>syrian doesn't lose his family, loses no friends, faces no attacks from the west
>still snackbars in part and parcel land

He's unironically not wrong.

Don't get me wrong, I don't anymore brown people in the West, but I'm starting to see how (((they))) use Islam as a scapegoat.

>Deporting Muslims

hahahahahahahahaha good one

Islamic terrorism has benefited Jews quite a bit since Munich.

West attacks Korea
0 Korean terrorist attacks
USA attacks Vietnam
0 Vietnamese terrorist attacks
West fucks with Serbia on multiple occasions
0 Serb terrorist attacks
Bullshit argument he has there

The thing is, (((they))) want the Middle East to be even more of a shithole them it already is, making them come here and hate them even more.

forgot the part where all the kids friends and family encourage him to do so and tell him he'll be rewarded in heaven.

So win win?

One of these white kids is about to lose his whole family to niggers.
He’s going to grow up full of hate and anger for blacks.

10 years from now he’s gonna shoot up a school.

Then you people will act surprised and come on here to call him a violent nazi alt righter.

The Brita families of his victims demand a response

>oy vey don't be so islamaphobic

it just ridiculous
that could never be done

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Another spam thread.
Do not reply.

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the Cabal has its proxy army: well trained, well armed and well funded.

Not with Modern Europeans in charge

It's political, unlike your average nigger hate thread. Fuck off mutt.

I agree in principle, but apparently nobody lost their family in the strike because ZERO DEATHS LEL

That couldn't possibly happen if the government didn't want it to. Non-whites could easily be removed and kept out for eternity, which would prevent all such problems.

Nice fallacy.

>we want to be involved in those shitholes
try again mate

>yer kerred me ferther ernd merther
>ner erm gernna alahuackbar
>erf yer ser erm verlernt
>thern yer rayciss

also, i have no idea what an arab sounds like, but i've met lots of people that grew up without parents and didn't decide to blow something up.

He is. And this is also the reason we can't let them in out country. Too many of them want to kill us because of what the Jews did.

>10 years from now he's gonna detonate himself in Westfield

Not if we don't let him into the country.

Hitler liked Muslims though.

They aren't Europeans, they're Jews and servants of Jews that hate Europeans. Any random guy off the street would be better and would prioritize getting rid of Muslims.

>what is collateral damage

He's right, too. If we stopped fucking with the Middle East Europe would be in a much better state than it is now.

i'm not seeing a fallacy.
walk me through your thought process so i can shit all over it.

Not in his country.

How many people died again?

Struggle between nations is axiomatic, so don't expect sympathy or a lack of retribution for this prophesied attack. That being said, remember the National Socialists didn't want to bomb Syria.

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>we bombed his country mate we got to let him in


The Muslim world has been under constant attack by the west for four decades. It's the not the same.