Why are conservative women invariably more attractive than sjw femnazis?

Why are conservative women invariably more attractive than sjw femnazis?

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Other urls found in this thread:

about.illinoisstate.edu/clpalme/Documents/Peterson Palmer The Effects of Physical Attractiveness on Political Attitudes.pdf

Because you're cherry picking.

better upbringing, less crazy

Morals and dignity.

Because SJW feminazis are all filled with nigger cum and STDs and have countless emotional and mental issues and have not an ounce of loyalty in their entire body.

I just watched this video, am I a pedophile now?

shes 14, so yes.

>better upbringing, less crazy
They're still whores


Pedophiles only like girls under 12 moron

Let's be clear: That woman is not a conservative.

She is wearing tight fitting pants. That is the clear give away. I'll bet those pants are also made of more than one fabric. Blasphemy. There are no blended fabrics in the kingdom of conservatism.

Because unattractive women have to turn to the force of government to acquire resources

because sjw feminazis only become such after it's clear to them no man would go fucking near them if their life depended on it.

> tight fitting pants
those pants are clearly very loose (see baggage under left thigh), she's just really thicc, something she can't help.

yes but all women are whores

Better parenting, teaching their children to take care of themselves. SJW feminazis that I've met grew up in trailer parks with deadbeat parents.

>Conflating religious and political conservatism

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women are ugly outside and inside.
you virgins just give them egos.

Post more Kath

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Because they don't always do the reckless self destructive shit that they were already warned against by their predecessors / They listen to prior knowledge gained rather than disregarding it all.

Ding ding ding.


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>trying to separate conservatism from objective morality, which only religion can provide
I remember being 18.

Conservative women aren't confused or intentionally ignorant about their biological role.

Don't EVER insult my waifu like that again.

>bad posture
>strange granny face
>fat belly
>hippo hips
>looks retarded


Because there is no bullshit beautiful at any size ideology.

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Everytime I gaze up at a girl I try to gauge how good of a DNA it is. Mostly, it's inbred in Midlands. Then you look at the anglo mutt or foreigners and their offsprings, and despite being mutts or foreigners as well as liberal, they appear to have stronger DNA. They look healthier. That is not to say that the locals can't yield good litter. Blonde aryan children as still there but there are also the mutt ones whos parents have lived on the same street all their lifes.

It’s not really cheery picking. Unattractive people gravitate toward liberalism because of low self esteem. The correlation between liberalism and low self esteem is a well-documented objective fact. Also liberal/sjw/feminists are overwhelmingly jewish and even when they aren’t they still look jewish with dark pupils and black hair and black eyebrows and that Sara Silverman and Barbara Spectre look which I call ashkenazi face. Contrary to memes, they don’t have large “Khazar milker” boobs, they have nasty Selma Blair “nothing there” flat chests

You forgot the only attribute she has that makes her attractive to a some of the fledgling sex-pests that frequent this site.


Imagine yourself on a cruise and the ship you are on is sinking. As lifeboats are put into the water, it is discovered that half of them are not seaworthy due to lax maintenance. One out of two sink as they are put into the water and its occupants swim back to the sinking cruise ship, desperately climbing back on board as everyone still on the cruise ship is panicking. You find yourself sitting on one of the lifeboats that actually works. However, a man wearing the uniform of a crew member points at you and yells at you. He is demanding that you get up out of your seat.

He says, "There aren't enough seats for everyone. Women and children first!"

You look over his shoulder and see a woman waiting for you to get up. You tell him to go fuck himself, and refuse to give up your seat. You assert that your life is just as valuable as hers and since you got to the seat first, the seat is rightfully yours. The man waves some of his fellow crew mates over to you and they forcefully remove you from the lifeboat. As soon as your seat becomes available, the woman sits in it without hesitation.

The notion that she has priority to that seat has been ingrained into her since childhood. She feels entitled to that seat and whether or not your life is more valuable never even crosses her mind. The fact that you are a professor at an Ivy League university and one of the most renowned physicists currently living and she is just a house wife is irrelevant. She is a woman.

Where feminism is primarily focused on female supremacy, traditionalism is focused on female superiority. Traditionalism is the other feminism. It's the gynocentric, white knight voice on the conservative side of politics and it’s the reason the ship's crew pulled you from the lifeboat. Traditionalism is the assertion that your life is less valuable than a woman and that it is your duty to consider yourself disposable. It is the pedestalization of women.


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Katharina is a qt no matter how much lies you wanna spread.

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because they care about themselves unlike the sjw self hatred

They don't spend the day waking up and seething at everything they see and hear.

reported for islamophobia

>he saved it twice so he can masturbate on both monitors.


The only difference between conservative woman and liberal one is that conservative woman's strong figure that she looks to is husband/father while the liberals one is government. you take the strong male out of womans life and she becomes a liberal roastie.

Purpose in life vs no purpose
Purpose/direction leads to happiness
Purpose is closely related to knowing your role/place in life

>Order vs chaos

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>found the shitskin

both are retards

Intelligence and beauty are correlated.
Conservative people give a damn about how they look.
also, r/K selection strategy

Liberals are losers who desperately need everyone to be on equal standing so they don't feel bad about themselves

>Intelligence and beauty are correlated.

Yeah they are inversely correlated.

Is that you?

Yes, at least in general, because they care about themselves more.

Delete this

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um sweetie there's even studies on this

about.illinoisstate.edu/clpalme/Documents/Peterson Palmer The Effects of Physical Attractiveness on Political Attitudes.pdf

Nah picked it up on some other thread.

How do I get a gf like this?

How is life as an incel?

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go be a faggot somewhere else

Because they take care of themselves. SJWs just.... live until their body gives out.

>Intelligence and beauty are correlated.
No, intelligence and signs of healthy genetics are correlated... And signs of healthy genetics correlate with many beauty standards. No one would argue that painted figure nails are a sign of intelligence; however, many men and women see it as a sign of beauty. On the flip side, symmetry and a healthy body weight are both signs of beauty and signs of intelligence.

Women who have fewer sexual partners have a higher sexual market value due to the limited supply of their vagina.
Economics 101.
Conservative women often employ tighter market controls on the supply of their most precious commodity.
Therefore conservative women are the luxury good of the sexual marketplace.

Can someone please post sauce?


go fuck more pigs like ur mum, mohammud

How old is she?

>walk in room
>see this
wat do?

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Go fap to more traps, virgin faggot.

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There we have a retard.

million studies show right wingers are more attractive than their degenerate counterparts
basically there are top tier genes and shit tier and its not surprising that the shittiest people also look gross

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Someone said earlier she was 14
Looks about right

Because they're actually feminine.

Liberal women have become so poisoned by feminism that they're indistinguishable from men except for being inferior at it

i know you virgins have never done this but:
just look at a woman.
up close.
they are just dumb men with holes and fatty areas.

The uglies turn she feminazis because they're ugly. Which leaves the pretties in the right wing

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>whether or not your life is more valuable never even crosses her mind
she isnt capable of such thought
however the reason we value women more is for the survival of our kind. when shit hits the fan we need far less men than women to rebuild our numbers
tldr you're a faggot trying to fight basic human nature kys

This is why the pc term for woman is "identifies as a front hole haver". The previously used "front hole haver" was too TERF.

Conservatives pick mates on their ability to produce healthy children
Liberals pick mates based on who will tolerate them the most amd still be willing to have sex

pat her head and wish her sweet dreams

>conservatives pick their mates

usually at a family reunion

tickle feet

Conservative women are marginally more virtuous.

can't right now, still turning ur mum into bacon strips

You're an idiot.
Women are smaller, weaker, less intelligent, more emotional, and more social than men. They are basically an entirely different breed of human, like the difference between a Chihuahua and a Labrador.
To say that they are men but with tits is to say that frogs are toads but they like swimming.

Don't take it as me demeaning women or anything, and I don't have research on hand to prove anything so take it as you will, but saying that women are equal to men is stupid and the enforced equality is what is accelerating the destruction of our society faster than any single other political or governmental effort throughout history

Fuck off

sure whore

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>sjw femnazis
just calll them communist filth.

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Can't tell, never saw one. But I would like to. But I guess it's because they can be considered as human being.

Most cultures that legitimately do that vote dem, you know

On the contrary, the vast majority of conservative women are inferior goods (trailer trash types) who actually don't employ tighter market controls on the supply of their commodities; it's as low as it is purely because there was little demand for it.

OP's statement only really applies to the miniscule number of physically attractive trad-conservative women.

>if she’s not wearing a nineteenth century dress then she’s a whore
I hate people like you

slow as fuck

I keep hearing this word, but in a million different contexts.
Is it like cuck? Lost all of it's original meaning and now just a generic insult for weak willed people?

Who is this? Not everyone knows who the fuck you're talking about

Looks like my girlfriend.

A real school.

Love shooting kids inside her.

>pict unrelated

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>the vast majority of conservative women are inferior goods (trailer trash types) who actually don't employ tighter market controls on the supply of their commodities; it's as low as it is purely because there was little demand for it.
t. urban retard
>OP's statement only really applies to the miniscule number of physically attractive trad-conservative women.
Liberal women spread like butter because it's part of their political belief system.
Conservative women keep their legs shut because self respect is part of there's.
You just keep projecting though.
Glad I could trigger your roastie ass.

God this is unironically the most virgin thing I have read ever. Like I can literally smell the musty room filled with 3 month old cum soaked tissues and fast food

This is what the alt-right backs? Disgusting.

Get her a blanket

They have to attract a series of hosts rather than parasitize all adjacent hosts via the state.

id eat that bannana

Satan this is ironically the most alpha polygamist thing I have ever read. Like I can literally smell the pre-work out powder and testosterone gel in your room with 3 month old DEAD HOOKERS and SLOW FOOD!!

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>free paper

>if he's wearing a eighteenth century jeans then he's a whore
Other people love people like you.

Because they actually want to attract men.

>t. urban retard
Nope, Okie, and if you ever left the city instead of getting your perspective from orbiting tradthot YouTube channels you'd know I'm telling the truth.

>Liberal women spread like butter because it's part of their political belief system.
It becomes part of their political belief system because they profit more from it. Demand increases, supply increases.
The less attractive ones don't have as much profit potential, so they have less incentive to open their legs, which fits them with conservatism.
"Economics 101"

This is the case for the vast majority. You're talking about the tiny minority who place a greater value on their beliefs than on their social wealth.
Did you think the millions and millions of white women who voted for Trump were these QTs taking pictures of themselves for you to gawk at?

>You just keep projecting though.
>Glad I could trigger your roastie ass.
Who's triggered? You called me a retard for no reason, we were just talking economics bro
