Alex Jones Unfiltered Meltdown

did (((they))) throw him under the bus again?
called them

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I can't believe he said "THE GOD DAMNED MOTHER FUCKING RUSSIANS." Now we know he's working for the Jews.

I couldn't listen to his imaginary meltdown for very long OP. his tears appeared pretended, and (check the video to see if any real tears fell) and half of his rant, bizarrely, blamed "us" the sheeple trump supporters, for Trumps betrayal in Syria.

>We didn't protect Drumph from the deep state!!!

Just pure fucking cuckholdry. Drumph stabbed us in the back, but after this strike on Syria, the knife-would is only skin deep (no big damage in damascuc, and the Lion of Damascus still rules in his homeland.)

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>who owns kushner zac? is it isreal(im pro everyone btw) OR IS IT THE COMMUNIST CHINESE!!!??

Serves him right...

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Your new is showing.

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Israel doesn't "own" KUSH, KUSH IS himself israeli, he is with them, he is one of them'

to Israeli/jews like Kush, America is just a useful possession of the jewish people, to be used and exploited, to (((their)))) interests.

(((They))) 'care' about America, the way a farmer cares for the sheep in his paddock. (Get it' paddock' ?)

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based alex the only truly americana patriot left in usa

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