Which countries have the best Arny/military?

Which countries have the best Arny/military?

>Inb4 any psychops propaganda

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Finland and Estonia.

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Quebec's first light infantry tadpole brigade

don't make me get that wemb user

best one is israel but snowniggers have like x500% autism multiplier for snow environments so they're best there .

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It seems like China is the best now.

Which one?

>Finnish Jaeger looking at her collection of printed Spurdös, Volume One. Not pictured Volumes 2 through 26 or her Apu collection.

Attached: ginv.jpg (482x602, 74K)

You motherfuckers literally got kicked out of Kandahar for being incompitant; fuck you

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Daily reminder this is what jews are actually using in frontline combat

Attached: IDF_special_forces.jpg (2048x1365, 325K)

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