How do you go from this

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to this?

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to THIS?

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Thats extremely sad.

Driver on meth, most likely a fag headed to a pnp party. Degenerate filth.

Toll paid

At least the toll has been paid, good riddance roastie

I mean yeah it is sad she got hit by a car but good riddance and peace to her since her assumedly Christcuck family wouldn't fucking let her die in peace and wasted all their money keeping a veggie alive for 8 years while ignoring their 11 year old SON they ALSO HAD.


“She is a firecracker,” Denise said. “She makes life so much better for us. Our daughter left us a gift, and that’s JaiKyla.”

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What is the status of the toll here boys? Is the little nig hers?

yes, that's jaikyla

>keeping a vegetable alive for 8 years

>coal burner
And nothing of value was lost

>Our daughter left us a gift, and that’s JaiKyla
Why the fuck did they give her that stupid fucking name?

>A month after Whiteaker’s sentencing, the couple filed suit on behalf of their daughter and granddaughter against Clackamas County for failing to revoke Whiteaker’s probation for heroin possession. He had skipped scheduled visits to the probation office, ditched drug treatment and lied about his employment.

Soft on crime strikes again

>family picture
>no sign of the little monkey's father

Well I'll be damned.

Ok thanks wasn't sure. So she suffered for the best part of a decade and now died.

Toll status : X (paid in full)

>Why the fuck did they give her that stupid fucking name?
It is important to give nigs weird names so we can weed them out on job applications and such. When I hire for IT work a dude can have a BS from MIT but if he has a nig name I put it straight in the trash.

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>a job interview fir cleaning houses


Somebody has to be the NPCs of life.
True that

I'll never understand this. Maybe it speaks to human sympathy or how irrational we can be.

There is a patient that I transport several times per month that has been brain dead since 2010. We take them to wound care appointments, lying in bed for extended periods creates pressure wounds on their asses and lower backs. Neurological appointments, surgical appointments, etc. Their family has taken over the second bed in the facility they stay at, not sure how much longer the admin will allow it, as they're losing money by not filling it.

I'm rambling - but the point I'm making is, the vast majority of vegetables, at least in the United States, are being kept alive on the tax payer's dime. The patient in question that I do critical care transport for has been declared brain dead by several neurologists, yet the family refuse to accept it. They keep the patient alive, when the humane thing to do would be to remove the feeding tube, keep them hydrated and give comfort measures until the patient passes on.

Billions in taxes every year goes to keeping beyond saving, brain dead people alive.

You expect that poor troubled youth to take care of that WHORE'S child?????
You fucking NAZI SCUM


This right here is why we need to bring back public executions, beheadings and all. These degenerate filth don't deserve to be put up and paid for by their fellow citizens.

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Where is Tyrone? Did he died?

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We need to kill all hard drug dealers.

No. We need to let meth heads kill all the weak pieces of fucking shit that drag society into a comfortable family-friendly softness.

>crashing car when high on meth
Wtf loser amphetamine makes me a way better driver

>when the humane thing to do would be to remove the feeding tube, keep them hydrated and give comfort measures until the patient passes on
Wouldn't the humane thing to do be take their organs and give them to people who need them?
They're dead already, they're not suffering, only their family and friends and the people who could use a heart or liver transplant are.