Do Canadians still owe aboriginals something?

Do Canadians still owe aboriginals something?

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A blanket

No they owe us something for living off welfare while contributing nothing

>contributing nothing
And drinking our liquor

This. Natives get full scholarships and billions of our tax dollars which they waste on nonsense and allow their corrupt chiefs to steal. They're also allowed to open tax free businesses, and get to use their native cards to not pay taxes in general.

Despite all this, they can't get their shit together. They need a swift kick in the ass, and the govt should take the lands they abuse and force them into the system we live in.

The only thing aboriginals "deserve" is a nuclear holocaust.

Or deport them to Siberia

the british crown does.
the bill for all the native kids they ate

>pretend to be outraged about the epidemic of missing/murdered aborignial women
>pretend to be outraged about the over representation of incarceration of aborignials
never connect the dots

Only when we find something of value on their ancient blueberry picking lands.

Full citizenship and nothing else.

Nope absolutely nothing. As a matter of fact, they OWE us for all those free gibs and government benefits that they ungratefully abused for all those years.

They contribute cheap cigs, bud.

The missing/murdered abo cunt hoax has to be the biggest joke of this country. Almost all of those dumb bitches that went missing were either druggies who got lost in the forest or fell into a river or murdered by their own. The whole outrage thing is just an excuse for chieftains to get more gibs.

Yes, we owe them a return to living innawoods. Because it's objectively better for all of us.

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CanDisc has a few natives in it. Ever tried talking to one of them? Vile people.

They are given everything and all they do is complain for more. I've never seen a lazier, more entitled group of people in my life. They have no drive or ambition, never attempt to better their lives. Even though we pay for their tuition, their homes, their food, their entire lives.

I don't give a fuck about what their ancestors endured. That's long past and today all they get is handouts while all they produce is more demands.

A one way bus ticket to south of the border

If any fellow Canucks want to join the discord, we're doing hockey nights. It's pretty chill when not fighting over race matters in the morning and trans people at night. it's a Jow Forums kind of place.

Yes I'm le 56% Abbo gibs me fat sweet sweet white man money so I can buy a 24 or laker and a bucket of kfc

>1/4 Native.
>Born into an upper middle class family.
>Government paid for six years of schooling.
>$1,500/month living allowance after three years it was bumped to $2,000/month.
>Never starved or suffered once in school, got to live in a nice apartment downtown off campus working part time so I could afford MDMA on the weekends.
>White guilt professors always hinting they would like to see my reserve one day, little do they know I've never even been to it.
>Did my last year of University in the UK, Canadian government bought me three plane tickets a year to fly home that year.
>Got a job for the Government right out of university with zero student debt magically making 20% more than my colleagues in the same position.

I'm anti-reparation and personally think the best thing that could happen to the timber niggers in Canada is the reserves getting shut down and people on reserves being forced off, forced to get off welfare and integrate.

Shoulda killed em all off like we did in Newfoundland. Don't ever hear this bs in nfld.

Clearly we still do. All races are created equal, so the fact that there are still so many problems with Natives remains our fault.

No shit they're gonna turn to alcoholism when we threw them in fucked up residential schools. And no surprise of the lineage that said alcoholism and related abuses passes to their children.

The reserves shit show and the misallocation of money by many Native chiefs is disappointing, but blame can't be put upon the entire population for these failures.

Yes we still continue to "owe" them, but how we actually fix the problem remains one of the toughest issues.

I agree. They’re all pretty bitter.

You owe them all a reservation as far north as possible
They can adapt like their cousins the eskimos or die


Damn. You beat me to it.

Found the cuck.

I'm proud of my country, no guilt or apologies made.

No, but these savages owe us the fucking land for even allowing them to live