Why the fuck did Syria gas people?

I don't get it! US was on its way out.

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They didn't. Both sides are confirmed to have access to chemical weapons. So... who does this attack benefit the most?

I guess we'll never know

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Bad goy, stop thinking

We don’t even have proof of that being Assad (or even actually happening).

I wouldn’t start asking more questions until that part is resolved, my dood.

>US was on its way out

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whoever has the most to benefit is usually at fault

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all we know is that our ISIS boys didn't do it.

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Technically, it was 23 minutes later. :^)

Isis dindu nuffin

um go-i mean guy where did you get that picture?

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Just ask the White Helmets.

They said a single chemical shell makes 58 deads.
They won't say 3 chemical plants exploding makes no casualties.

Syria didn't gas anybody retard. it was a huge fucking lie, like all our war lies.

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It was a rogue general with CIA ties who wants to take over Syria when Assad is taken out

Exactly. If a single chemical shell goes off, 58 people die easily (never mind it was ISIS/CIA that did it) BUT!!! If a chemical weapons factory is hit, and nobody dies? It wasn't a chemical weapons factory.

Massive strike on a chemical weapons factory or storage site, means thousands and thousands of human deaths immediately, and over days/weeks/years

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There isnt even proof of a CW event let alone prood assad was behind it. Theres doctors at the only hospital in that area saying people were being treated from a bomb blowing up and the resulting smoke and concrete dust. Somehow a rumor of CWs started and everyone paniced and began drenching kids with water out of fear and desperation. There were zero victims that died from CWs, just victims of a conventional bomb.

They werent chemical weapon storage facilities though. They were facilities that contained precursor chemicals and equipment used to make CWs. Therefore your arguement that tons of CW would have been released in the explosions is false, because no CWs were stored there.

Check your facts before you start making statements unless you want some kike shill to discredit you.

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This x 100
Wake up folks and think about what's happening

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I remember this. I knew it was bullshit straight away, as did a great many other people. Apart from orthodox news addicts

>Trump says he's pulling out of Syria
>Deep state predictably stages a 'chemical attack'
>Gives Trump/Russia the impetus to strike the remaining deep states facilities and military controlling Syria
>"Mission Accomplished"

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Congratulations, you get tricked by the Jews.
Because they didn't you dumb mutt

I thought they were supposed to go to hospitals and kick babies out of incubators.

Supporting the people of the trucks of peace and the butter knives of love?

cui bono cannot be used to reverse logics like that.
he profits, he did it.
See Skripal: what if russia did it because they knew it would benefit warmongers implying

I also relish in the fact that the angry exchange of words between trump and the russians, couples with the missile strikes, gives putin the perfect casus belli to arm syria and friends with more advanced anti aircraft systems. Something that is extremely concerning to the israelis who rely entirely on airpower to remain dominant in the region.

Mission accomplished ;^)

Yes Muslims are a Race of inferior violet savages, this is totally within their Character.

But keep telling us how White Assad is you FSB Niggers

But the babies...

Why do they have this type of beard style? It's pretty based looking not gonna lie I might try it

Both Machiavelli and Sun Tzu agree that when you have achieved strategic victory you should gas your own people to make a foreign hegemony bomb your country.

>I don't get it!
because you're a stupid burger

>mentally ill millennial autist figures out military tactics on a whim

kill yoursel(ves)f

>Deadly chemicals
>Literally blasted all over the geographical area
>Zero fatalities

OK Bro

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I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess its the jews fault.

Seriously though I do find it a little sketchy we just up and bombed a city before any real investigation could take place.

>Why the fuck did Syria gas people?

Why did they shoot protestors in 2011? Why did they let the drought get so bad that the economy went to shit?

The reason Assad was facing a rebellion at the start of this mess was the economy. When the war in Syria ends and Assad is back in uncontested control,there is nothing left but a bombed out shithole full of peasants and no economy to support them. War is easier than peace when the peace is hopeless.

>Really stupid empty analysis

Bro the Syrian economy is already recovering. We are bombing them (based on lies and propaganda) to stop this and destroy Syria for the pleasure of our Israeli Neocon masters,

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>Assads a Gud Boi, He Dindu do Nuffin

How does he profit?

>the Syrian economy is already recovering

It could not support their population before the war. It won’t support what is left of them with bombed out infrastructure, unexploded munitions and mines everywhere and a different set of armed thugs guarding every pile of rubble.

There is no hope for a functioning state in Syria. The regime was propped up by decades of sky high oil and gas prices that will never return due to technology advances in extraction and relatively stable relations with Israel. That is all gone now.

Half the professionals and skilled workers have ran away. When there is peace is Syria all the remaining young people who can pack a suitcase will run away. Would you rather be a successful war leader or the king of a shithole?


>Seriously though I do find it a little sketchy we just up and bombed a city before any real investigation could take place.
Rushed and weird like WTC 7

>Negotiations with Jaysh al-Islam began in March but were not fully conclusive. On 4 April, part of the Jaysh al-Islam group (around one quarter of the group according to estimates) accepted the surrender agreement and fighters and their families were sent to Idlib (approximately 4,000 people, with families).

>However, between 4,500 and 5,500 Jaysh al-Islam fighters, mostly located in Douma, refused the terms of negotiation. As a result, from 6 April onwards, the Syrian regime, with support from Russian forces, resumed its intensive bombing of the area, ending a pause in ground and aerial operations that had been observed since negotiations began in mid-March. This was the context for the chemical strikes analyzed in this document.

>Given this context, the Syrian regime’s use of chemical weapons makes sense from both the military and strategic points of view:

>Tactically speaking, this type of ammunition is used to flush out enemy fighters sheltering in homes and engage in urban combat in conditions that are more favorable to the regime. It accelerates victory and has a multiplier effect that helps speed up the capitulation of the last bastion of armed groups.

>Strategically speaking, chemical weapons and particularly chlorine, documented in Eastern Ghouta since early 2018, are especially used to punish civilian populations present in zones held by fighters opposed to the Syrian regime and to create a climate of terror and panic that encourages them to surrender.

>As the war is not over for the regime, it uses these indiscriminate strikes to show that resistance is futile and pave the way for capturing these last pockets of armed resistance.

excerpt from French intelligence report on rationale behind striking Syria
