Bobby jindal appreciation station

Tell me again why this guy wasn't elected president, Jow Forums

Attached: 110608_bobby_jindal_ap_328.jpg (605x328, 105K)

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go outside and play

He was going to bring back the caste system and once again force all the sudras into doing dirty jobs instead of letting them take up space in universities and government offices and nobody in their right mind could complain about that


The shillary mods are sliding this thread because Bobby Jindal is the future

Let me know if you have any further questions.

Russian trolling up 3000% today

Idk sounds pretty good, I mean if someone paid him to jerk off the black president then this is as good as it could get, i'm just surprised there wasn't a powerpoint presentation because Jindal just seems very apt at this sort of thing

I liked his rhetoric. He presented well, had good arguments and didnt play on his heritage.
He was in my top three, I'd like to see him run again.


You see what I mean? He was the underdog's underdog.

No one will vote for a shitskin.

This is true. But a bold move would be someone picking him as their running mate.
2024 Cruz/Jindal
Fiorina as Secretary of State

Honestly, no joke, Jindal/Palin.

Now you're just trolling.

You're not from Louisiana if you like this douche.

Yeah but everyone is fucking crooked in Louisiana, I think Jindal is as good as Louisiana can put forth. Product of the environment and such.

Personally liked Palin very much and didn't understand the hate towards her. I mean she did say some pretty stupid things before, but come on: a politician hasn't been a legitimate intellectual for the past 80 years now.

Because he's a shit skin

This is a portrait commissioned by Bobby Jindal...

Attached: bobby-jindal-portrait.jpg (600x369, 39K)

Jow Forums is left wing territory now.
No one cares about Trump, neo-cons, lolbertarians or cuckservatives here.
There's no place for you right wing faggots anymore.

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I don't hate Palin either but she's damaged goods. Her image isn't redeemable and will always be joked about by the left, she will never get a break.
Also, for me and many others we know hitching her wagon to McCain is now seen as a massive mistake. His name is mud and he dirties everyone else that is associated to him.
Give us on Palin mate. She can do better with a lower profile

lmao how could you not hate her? do you have a low IQ?

Jow Forums is /Stormfront/ again. Fuck off, leftist shitskins.

lmao about as self-hating as one can get

We own you, puppet.
You can't even tell the difference between real anons and shills anymore.
Dance bitch.

Lmao he looks like Steve guttenberg

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Because Poo in loo not good for you.

>we own you, puppet

Attached: Greatest Corea.png (600x600, 295K)

1. Bobby isn't his real name; it's a nickname inspired by The Brady Bunch.

Jindal was born Piyush Jindal in Baton Rouge in 1971 to parents who had emigrated just months earlier from India. When he was 4 years old, he asked to be called Bobby after one of the brothers on the popular family sitcom.

>dat pencil neck
also it would be awkward to have to watch were you are stepping anywhere around the White House.

Attached: poo-in-loo.jpg (850x1024, 239K)

whiter than you achmed

he was such a good governor here.pretty based on homosex and sandniggers

Whopoo? Apoo

Shit eating grin