What the fuck are you retards doing just abandoning Trump like this? Trust him, he knows what he's doing

What the fuck are you retards doing just abandoning Trump like this? Trust him, he knows what he's doing.

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Other urls found in this thread:


he doesn't even know how to pronounce words correctly

>United States President
No, I think I'll stick with assuming the worst until proven otherwise

I enjoy watching the left post retarded hypocritical things on kikebook.

so do you enjoy Trump saying retarded hypocritical things as well?

Only shills are in force to discourage us and hate Trump over nothing

they are a few russian useful idiots and a boatload of actual foreign shills

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I've never used Plebbit you fucking nigger, you're the only shill here.



Notice that he folded after his personal attorney got raided. And this happened right after he said in a rally that he would pull out of Syria soon.

Get ready for Neocon Don to go in full swing now. He's officially a puppet now. Next stop: Iran!

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>An american president set out to fuck with the world once again, even though he promise not to do it.
>gu-guy trust him he know what he is doing.
HAHAHAha yeah no, at least just fuck yourselves like Sweden instead of involving the rest of the world you fucking kike puppets!

>What the fuck are you retards doing just abandoning Trump like this?
"Abandon" implies I was with him to start with.

>Trust him, he knows what he's doing.
And what is he doing?

>1 post by this ID
Imagine that...

It's alright to be jealous as a filthy foreign monkey.

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I trust results.

Antifa fuck off.


>Antifa fuck off.
Get it right...I'm NatSoc. Helluva lot better than being a Republican Conservative.

I can't see why any White person would support a man who'd put the Jews and Israel before Whites and White countries.

instead of namecalling, actually argument that he is doing something.

It ALMOST feels like AMERICA in AMERICA once again..........

>76 dimensional interstellar mahjong thread

>Over one of the only countries that is more degenerate than you spreading is degeneracy further, while fucking over christian people and invigorating Zion.
Jealous is not the word I would use in this case.

LOL the only Russian good goy who doesn't start with an insult, just my luck.

I can hold my HEAD UP HIGH again!

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA will rule earth, until CHINA gets it together.....

Then every human being will be eating rice with or without the dog and cat..............

If you don't like our military get good Russian kike shills.

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On what do you base that?

>LOL the only Russian
Why do you have against other White countries?

>good goy
As opposed to Trump doing exactly what the Jews demand of him?
Doesn't that make Trump the "goodest goy" of them all?

>If you don't like our military get good Russian kike shills.
But the military exists to protect and prop up Israel. Why would anyone support that?


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I know. No worries. Shills shilling shills shilling shills. I just wish he'd hurry it up with sending back all the damn dual citizenship to fake Israel holding, rats. I'm looking at you, Bolton.

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>Russian kike shills

Tubby is the best president Israel ever had

Attached: TrumpGoy.jpg (800x510, 264K)

Here is 5 ways to "PISS OFF" so pick your favorite way and do it!

Attached: 5 ways to pee.jpg (500x296, 33K)

Clearly we need to support the BASED democrats next election or stay home apathetic amirite? i don't support war in Syria but i'm still going to vote republican in midterms and Trump in 2020. The alternative is letting the antiwhites back in power, drugging children with hormones and banning any wrong think opinion on the internet and going after anything to the right of karl marx and trying to take my guns and ignoring all the anti white racism and discrimination from groups like La Raza and black nationalist groups. Plus Trump means less beans around me, less beans around me makes my quality of life go up. Also Trump pisses off niggers and soyboy race traitors so lolz is good too!

Dont you think it is good for America to FLEX some muscle?

>American has homosexual pissing pics on his computer
I thought better of you guys...

Nobody abandoned Trump, your seeing a very high level of shilling the last few days. The swamp is getting desperate.

>Clearly we need to support the BASED democrats next election or stay home apathetic amirite?
No, Whites need to stop relying on voting for anti-White, pro-Jew politicians (that's all of them) in order to save the White race.

>i don't support war in Syria but i'm still going to vote republican in midterms and Trump in 2020.
Because that's worked out so well for you so far, right?

> The alternative is letting the antiwhites back in power, drugging children with hormones and banning any wrong think opinion on the internet t and going after anything to the right of karl marx and trying to take my guns and ignoring all the anti white racism and discrimination from groups like La Raza and black nationalist groups.
They're doing that now. And Trump and the Republicans are in power and letting it happen.

> Plus Trump means less beans around me,
Really? How in any ways has Trump noticeably reduced the (illegal or otherwise) non-White population of the USA?

>Also Trump pisses off niggers and soyboy race traitors so lolz is good too!
So all you care about is the lolz?

Boomers get out we have spoken

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I haven't abandon him, he is being lead by god's chosen people after all. Ignore the shillary

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people saying "im off the trump train" were never on it in the first place

it's usually faggot neo-nazis and meme supremacists who can't even function correctly in society because they've been autistic retards for too long

>All these boomer Americans in this thread

Just remember that they will likely be dead in the next decade. Also we didn’t abandon Trump, he abandoned us.

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>it's usually faggot neo-nazis and meme supremacists who can't even function correctly in society because they've been autistic retards for too long
As opposed to Republicans, Capitalists and Conservatives that only care about their shekels and sucking kike cock?

>4d chess
This meme officially dies today

>trust our compromised puppet
Lol no

>Also we didn’t abandon Trump, he abandoned us.
Trump was never with "us" to begin with, Jow Forums just deluded itself into thinking Trump was "/ourguy/" because he wasn't a typical Republican Conservative Capitalist.

>several old memes re purposed into this abomination
>left still can't meme
I was almost worried for a moment there

I've never abandoned based Trump.

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Nobody is abandoning him. Shill thread sage

>Nobody is abandoning him.
So you're saying you're still supporting him after he worshiped satan at the wailing wall and bombed innocent people for Israel?

Incest is an immensely serious problem in Nicaragua, as it is in the rest of Central America and in fact in the world as a whole. Although the available statistics will probably never illustrate the true dimension of this problem since most cases remain concealed and are thus not included, certain deductions can be made based on the sexual offences that women the world over are increasingly denouncing.

The figures are quite terrifying. In Mexico, seven out of every ten cases of sexual aggression are committed by people known to the victim, just over a third of them relatives.

In Costa Rica, 95% of pregnant girls who are under the age of 15 are incest victims.

>In Brazil the number of women denouncing acts of sexual aggression by men has shot up. In the words of Río de Janeiro police chief Marta Rocha, "The most surprising thing is discovering just how generalized incest is in all sectors of Brazilian society."

Various organizations calculate that only a quarter of the rapes committed in Latin America are actually reported, and the cases least likely to be denounced are those involving incest.

The gayest leftist comment i've ever read. for the millionth time. Here's the faggot formula:

"so you think its....."

Good one. Get behind the week after drinking a few beers and drunk drive into a school yard. God hates you, and your girlfriend broke up with you for a good reason.

>well if Israel commands it!

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Whats up with that BRAZIL?

We didnt expect much better from you and your people.......

No. Look at Trumps campaign promises and twitter from 2013. He was by far the closet thing to our guy to run in a long time

/sg/ faggots on eternal suicide watch HAHAHAHAH



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>everyone who is against kike wars is a leftie


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>muh russians
show us where the slav wall hacked you

Why shoud anybody trust a politician? Normies these days.

Trump is the biggest deplorabe hypocrite ever lmao. He even abandons his own bigoted fans, and 50% of them cling to him regardless. Just shows how stupid the racists that support(ed) him are

The point is jews are anti-White and control both parties and not much changes .We need to end the federal reserve bank first(parasite jew bankers). Who will make that happen?

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> Look at Trumps campaign promises and twitter from 2013.
2013? Three years before he ran for President...and even then he was pro-Jew and pro-Israel.

>He was by far the closet thing to our guy to run in a long time
No, he really wasn't because /ourguy/ would be pro-White and anti-Jew. Trump clearly isn't pro-White and anti-Jew.

Just because Republicans and Conservatives have overrun Jow Forums that does not mean Jow Forums is Republican and Conservative.

so do you have any actual arguments too? Because Trump is objectively hypocritical. Can you counter that?


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No, not in this instance. Let the sand people kill one another.
>No, Whites need to stop relying on voting for anti-White,pro-Jew politicians (that's all of them) in order to save the White race.
So just not vote period? real great strategy that will do wonders for the crazy far left
>Because that's worked out so well for you so far, right?
Better than the other choices, Hillary would have done worse and probally offered to take in a few million "refugees"
>They're doing that now. And Trump and the Republicans are in power and letting it happen.
They are trying most certainly, however at least with the republicans this shit is slowed and gives us some hope for the future.Not voting or voting dem means there is no escape from becoming a brown third world shithole on it's way to South Africa tier
>Really? How in any ways has Trump noticeably reduced the (illegal or otherwise) non-White population of the USA?
For starters just him being in office makes less of them want to come here and Ice is going on a rampage. See all the teeth gnashing and screeching from the left about their "gestapo" tactics.
>So all you care about is the lolz?
In addition to the other reason listed lolz is a bonus of sorts as watching the left suffer some defeats after years of anti white shit raises my morale.

Whatever ideology you are on here if there is one thing the right can agree on, it's fuck the left. The latest strikes on Assad annoyed me but i reconize voting republican and Trump is a matter of survival. Any true right winger will realize this as well.

Proof of that wild assertion?

Your fanfic sucks ass. rewrite it.

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dios mio...

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So your not a lefty ax wound dilating faggot? meh still can't meme for shit son.

Not you or anyone else here thats for sure.To every normie that shit sounds crazy. You take what choices life gives you in reality user. If your a white man or just a responsible shitskin. Republicans and Trump are the best choices out of the shitshow.

>So just not vote period?
Correct. Start to advocate change outside the Jewish system that is geared not toward our survival.

>real great strategy that will do wonders for the crazy far left
They're getting their agenda done regardless if they're in power or not. it's a choice between active or passive genocide.

>Better than the other choices, Hillary would have done worse and probally offered to take in a few million "refugees"
And the next Democrat after Trump will get that regardless. Or a judge will block Trump's attempts at limiting the illegal hordes. (all the while supporting legal hordes)

>however at least with the republicans this shit is slowed
Really? How?

>and gives us some hope for the future.
There is no hope via voting.

>Not voting or voting dem means there is no escape from becoming a brown third world shithole on it's way to South Africa tier
That's going to happen regardless.

>For starters just him being in office makes less of them want to come here and Ice is going on a rampage.
And meanwhile the non-Whites are still here in enormous numbers and breeding like crazy. its like attacking a glacier with an ice pick.

>Whatever ideology you are on here if there is one thing the right can agree on, it's fuck the left.
My ideology is save the White race, not fuck the left.

>but i reconize voting republican and Trump is a matter of survival. Any true right winger will realize this as well.
You can care about amurrica or the White race. Not both.

>Implying women should have any rights and rape statistic should be believed...
You really are a full on homosexual. This is a sad state of affairs.

Why are you talking to yourself?

Defeatism the post. Those of us in reality can either vote and make our voices heard while trying to get sensible realistic reforms passed or talk about gassing the jews. I know which one works and actually deals painful blows to the people that hate me and whites.


>Defeatism the post
Who ever said anything about admitting defeat? Not I. I advocate real change that doesn't rely on the Jewed system to free ourselves of the Jew.

>Those of us in reality can either vote and make our voices heard
Your voices aren't heard when you vote. You're given the illusion of choice and change.

> while trying to get sensible realistic reforms passed
You will never be allowed to save the White race via gubbamint resolutions.

>or talk about gassing the jews.
I never suggested anything of the sort.

>I know which one works and actually deals painful blows to the people that hate me and whites.
The Jews aren't afraid of Republicans and Conservatives who will bend over backwards to appease them. Trump is doing nothing to make the 14 Words a reality.

All you're doing is proving that you Republican Conservatives aren't pro-White. You only care about your money, after all.

Your mom is a homosexual....

Here is a picture of how you were born.....

Attached: YOUR BIRTH LG.jpg (720x960, 178K)

Darn, an anonymous Saudi/Israeli cocksucker dislikes my meme making fun of him

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No u
even your insults are pathetic and normie like, are you sure you are not posting on the wrong website by mistake?

A sad state of affairs is BRAZIL in every way

I mean
I'm pretty sure he doesn't at this point
Feelin pretty nihilistic atm

Finish this sentence: America is....

check this out Whites need to know.


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An attempted insult from a BRAZILIAN is no insult at all........

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Turning around now!

>America is....
on its way to balkanization

At least we are not filled to the brim with homosexuals, unlike some other countries...

>he knows what he's doing

Are you sure about that?

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No more war

I can agree with that statement, but,,,,,,

Incest is worse than THE MOMOS....

He’s never looked like that lmao

Yeah, and they were all populist pandering lies said by an obvious conman with a history of conning everybody. But unfortunately, it was "HER TURN" so they forced Bernie out who actually would have won and might have enacted some of the shit he campaigned on.