Assad BTFO

>Jow Forums is seriously defending a fucking mudslime dictator over the President of the United States

How many trucks of peace will it take for you idiots to understand that taking out Assad is the right thing to do? Or do you want him to gas your countries next??? Do you like sucking mudslime dick or something?? The entire reason we voted for Trump was to BTFO 3rd world shitholes and keep the trash from our country.

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I'm glad at least a few countries with strong moral character (UK, France, USA) are standing up to this monster. Syria and their allies in Iran and Lebanon are threatening the West, yet most of our countries are still playing mickey mouse games instead of taking a fucking stand. The West is finished if nothing happens

I agree with you, but most of Jow Forums still supports Trump and America. It's just a few libtards who are trying to change the narrative against Trump. Wait it out and Jow Forums will go back to supporting Trump again.


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Israel plz

I'm relieved to see that Trump is doing what Obongo didn't have the balls to do. Wish we could get rid of term limits and have him for the next 20 years! MAGA

Changing flags doesn't mean we can't see you're the samefag shill.


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>I support what the USA does no matter how evil, illegal or immoral it might be.

Gas yourself, memeflag JIDF kike

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