Would China join Russia or the United States in the event of a massive war? Could the United States beat both anyway...

Would China join Russia or the United States in the event of a massive war? Could the United States beat both anyway? I know we've got NATO and other (((allies))) to help, but those two are obviously the big tunas.

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9/11 truth will be released. China, US, Russia, NATO, and the entire Middle East will glass Israel together.

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pls do this

next week. Trump already secured NK reunification process which was literally opposite of what Israel and the NWO wanted. Palestine and Israel is the tougher deal but it will be done.

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No, they will wait untill the dust settles and after that take will take over the world. They have the manpower for it.


Chinks wont even take over their inbred whores pussies. America should arm Japan and let them steamroll them all.

Obviously Israel would be on our side, and Iran would be with Russia. Iran is definitely weaker than Israel, but even the slight chance Iran would wipe the kikes off the map makes me not so scared of WW3. It'd be like ripping off a band-aid.

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>Obviously Israel would be on our side, and Iran would be with Russia. Iran is definitely weaker than Israel, but even the slight chance Iran would wipe the kikes off the map makes me not so scared of WW3. It'd be like ripping off a band-aid.
Wrong. Nobody is on Israel's side and they blackmail countries economically through their central banks to fight for them. What if Trump shut down the central bank and released 911 truth?

Does that guarantee a mutual defense pact in case one member is attacked? It just looks like papery bullshit to me.

>What if Trump shut down the central bank and released 911 truth?
I'd laugh and jizz everywhere

Right, that's why Iran would be the only one with enough balls to send any weapons their way. Russia wouldn't dare. Iran isn't part of the central bank system.

1 thing you need to understand is that the jews play both sides my man.

China can only fight where it can walk, and once it arrives it can't even do that very well.

>Iran is definitely weaker than Israel
Only if you count nukes. Conventionally Iran could obliterate Israel several times over.

China won't actually join the war, they will fight for their own interests. If Russia and US go to war they will use the opportunity to invade Japan, Burma, Nepal.

>Could the United States beat both anyway?
Define beat.

Russia and China fight together for the sake of the region. Russia overwhelms NATO within 24 hours, China goes straight for the jugular of US, lands on mainland.

>48 hours after outbreak, nukes launched globally. 30mins later, Earth is a nuclear wasteland.

No one fucking wins cunt.

No they could not.

Samson Option.

Best option.

>israel nukes arab shit countries
>because israel used nukes other countries are free to nuke israel

Two birds with one stone.

China very weak. China no navy. China stuff always break down. China never defeat anyone. China ran away from great Hindu and Viet empire, very BTFO, much historical embarrasment. China will collapse soon anyways.
Dont bother about China fellow roundeyes.

No invasion of the US mainland, and when the treaties are signed, Americans are the ones celebrating with champagne and kissing girls.

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China's navy is complete garbage but their man power and tanks are no joke. That is why in case of war between Russia and US they will use the opportunity to invade neighboring countries. Just like how they annexed Uygur. Win-win for them.

do it faggots

People don't seem to understand just how ridiculously overpowered the US military is compared to the rest of the planet. China has more individual soldiers but it does not make up for the massive technology gap. They just got their first carrier for Christ's sake.

War is no longer huge numbers of guys running at one another and firing randomly. Small groups of men with advanced technology can wipe out massive numbers of enemy combatants with ease. And no one holds a candle to the US military.

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>but it does not make up for the massive technology gap.
China has better electronics disruption weapons than the US does. They also have a lot more prongs within the US than the US has within China. Those niggers even have boats that create islands. Don't underestimate them.

That's one thing. It's totally another to formally declare themselves allied with America's enemy in a real war.

You're coming to help, my maple nigga.

No one's underestimating them, but the fact remains that the US is just unmatched at this point.

You won't get much from our Forces.

USA and Russia should unite to wipe out China and then colonize their territory creating an Anglo/Slav superstate.

>but the fact remains that the US is just unmatched at this point.
Correct, but don't let hubris blind you. All the U.S. has to do is stop paying attention for a little bit. That's how those sand islands happened.

China's manpower isn't even that impressive. Half of their training is indoctrination. No combat training or any kind, just watching propaganda and being brainwashed to believe whatever the party tells them.
They're also incredibly poorly equipped. The average Chink soldiers gear costs less than 10% of the average US soldiers gear. They use inferior weapons, armor and tools.
Even if we ignore the training and gear they use, the requirements to join the Chinese Military is hilariously low and they have to lower it every year just so enough people can join. Chinese people are so unfit and unhealthy and are getting worse on a yearly basis. If the requirements aren't decreased continually then almost no one can even join.

EVEN if we ignore all of this. China lies about the size of their military. You see, if you want to go to college in China you need to join the military. Since the school year ends and starts at the same time every year, what China does is recruit millions of school leavers per year (who are joining just so they qualify for college), and they measure the size of their military when all these kids join. Three months later they've all left and gone to college, none of them were ever trained to fight and most probably couldn't even fire a gun.

We'll have your moral support.

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If conflict breaks out 100% Putin will come in with icebreaker ships from the north. Our forces will most likely get deployed to bases in Butt-Fuck-Nowhere where it's always -45°C.

>the requirements to join the Chinese Military is hilariously low and they have to lower it every year just so enough people can join. Chinese people are so unfit and unhealthy and are getting worse on a yearly basis.
Can we really talk shit?

Definitely agreed.

>China's navy is complete garbage
This man speaks truth. Listen fellow roundeyes.

>but their man power and tanks are no joke
China reduced manpower very much. No more million man army. Nothing to be afraid of.
China tanks no use. China blocked by superpower on Himalaya with brave Indian man. China tanks can also no reach Japan because of sea. China afraid of Dai Viet Empire after forced out by Dait Viet Empire woman in past. Tanks also break down all time.

When compared to China? Yeah.
The US might have a problem with obesity, but compared to Chinas health problems it's nothing. Chinas food is half toxic, 70+% of it's water is unusable, most of it's arable land was turned into toxic wasteland, it's air is smog. When you're exposed to this much dangerous shit, you do not grow up fit or healthy.

Imagine smoking 100 a day, eating and drinking nothing but the absolute worst junk food and getting absolutely no exercise. That is the average Chinese person.

I understand they're worse off.
But our standards aren't exactly increasing.

This Indian man is very informed and tells you all the truths. China fake army. Not even there.

Conventional War: We could make sure we don't lose. We cannot win. Too much land, we have nowhere near the numbers to occupy and not enough stomach to decimate. But we could make sure they don't win. If the war lasted long enough, we could win by attrition. But against those two, that would be a LONG FUCKING WAR.

Nuclear war: Nobody really wins that, but we could destroy every major settlement of both countries, and destroy enough infrastructure to ensure famine. This would kill the rest. So at the very least we could make sure they lose too.

War-by-proxy: We can win this everyday, but never will. The only thing that can get us to lose is lack of American resolve. America hates this type of war, it gets us killed with no traceable benefits. We never have the stomach for it. So if the war lasted longer then a presidential term, all resolve goes away.

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A massive war between russia and us is a nuclear war. China has a miniscule amount of nuclear weapons when compared to russia and us, hence they are irrelevant.

Yeah, but the US still has significantly higher standards than China does. And the US has superior technology to make up for it's falling standards anyway.

This is honestly one of my favorite maymays of the past 5 years. It just reflects society so well. Also, don't underestimate China not being bound by PC politics. We have both hands tied behind our backs with that shit.

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They'd get their asses beat by neighboring asian nations until the U.S. was finished with Russia and turned their attention on them.

How many cities in each country would be hit? Realistically. Trump and Putin are both tough, but I don't think they'd just start lobbing them back and forth willy-nilly.

Its infact 110%+ unusuable.

>yes, please don't think of us

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No China needs the US to survive they cant even feed themselves without the US.

If the food exports from the US stopped they would starve to death.

Not to mention the Chinese economy would collapse overnight.

To be fair, on average, our women are taller than Chinese men and have about 45 pounds of weight advantage. Female Americans against Russians in open combat would be a bloodbath, but I've met plenty of women I'd bet on against a 5'2" 120lb Chinaman. Size of the enemy during combat is a big psychological factor. All we have to do is disguise their silhouettes, and the chinks will flee.

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Noone knows that. Both parties have several thousands operational warheads. If even 1/10 of these reach their targets many cities will be wiped out (i don’t think civilians are the primary target though).

I know you don't know. I'm asking for conjecture. That's what this thread is about.

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Impossible to say, I'd have to know what they know at that moment, which means I'd have to be close.
Without knowing their motives, it's hard to know their intention. Without knowing their intention, I can't tell you if it'd be measured or if they'd just say fuck it.
Could be they're being blackmailed/leveraged into some shit. Things like that would change the dynamic greatly.

They would team up and strike when US is vulnerable
Then China would betray Russia

China would do everything it can to remain neutral and maybe join in on the side of the winner when the end is near.

If nuclear war breaks out, even if China were to remain neutral and do fuck all, Russia would still target Beijing. If there's any chance of Russia surviving the exchange, they will not accept Chinese overlords occupying the ashes and subjugating them like the mongols of old.

They'd rather glass all of China than to bend over when the fallout reaches its half life.

For your OP question though: China is waiting for the U.S. to get mired in another Iraq.
They know the CFR gameplan.

Russia is china’s largest importer of their goods and drump has Shit talked China, soooo.


I believe China would support Russia but not with some kind of declared of war to the west.

and what do you mean by beat? if nukes were used, no one would beat anyone, maybe the first to strike, but it would be the end of mankind, it will not happen.

Without nukes, NATO would win on the sea and air, on land it would be on europe again, but that would join all europeans plus usa against russia, Russia wouldn´t stand a chance. About China, invade China is out of question, some coastal cities could be conquered tho.

btw, we have more serious stuff to debate that these what if and bortther war's, because russians are european-whites to and we don´t neeed or want another brothers war. We are being replaced, usa is alreadu less than 65% white

china doesnt even sell much to america and doesnt buy much either. people who say shit like you do dont actually look at the figures. bush forcibly cut chinese imports and there was even a tax cut for companies not using their electronic component parts. china like wise returned the favor and almost any one else is a cheaper supplier of food. vietnam sells more food to china than america going by weight not dollar amount because their currency is weak

canada and mexico need america. china needs china s korea and to a lesser extent the global industrial chemicals market which they got a majority share of but america doesnt have enough factories to be a major buyer

China won't do shit. They have a business relationship with Russia but still harbor serious animosity from the pre-soviet collapse era. Their interests lie in SE Asia and Africa, they don't touch the ME with a 10 foot pole.

Following your logic, us would also have to target China.

yeh china is modernizing army and trying to build better jets you guys bought alot of jets from russia i think? to reverse engineer china is just trying to modernize

China has had an anti-aggression pact with Russia for over 10 years and are bound to fight with Russia against America, if it ever came to that.

At sea US could beat all the other countries combined. Most of the other countries that have anything even remotely comparable to US usually buy their missiles from US.

All Arab countries have shit tier military. Turkey is also shit tier now that all the good generals/leaders were purged by Erdogan.

Israel won't have any allies you dumb fuck. Israel is doomed.

What a fucking lie. They defeated India in 1963, when they were poor as fuck. And they do have a navy, dumbass.

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China has the largest standing army in the history of the planet