What happens when porn is banned? Does productivity go up? Do rape stats go up? Etc
Effects of banning porn
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I know for a fact that I will start raping women if someone takes my internet porn away from me.
I doubt it. If you're addicted to internet porn you're likely too beta to even look at a women in the eyes.
A lot of people think if you get men approaching women more, usually by making men hungrier from no fap or banning porn, that this will increase fertility rates. These people are fucking retarded. Women are literally unattracted to men who try hard, if you really wanted to ban something to increase fertility rates you'd ban Disney princesses and women's media, you'd recognise the problem is that women have ridiculous standards created from a media addiction.
>implying eye contact is necessary to rape someone
Lower rates of E.D is the main benefit i can see.
Stop projecting little boy. Have you tried doing nofap for a couple weeks and then talk to girls? You literally think about raping them every second of the conversation. Porn prevents rape dumbass
Being a civilized person who's not sexually repressed and mentally ill prevents rape.
look at the middle east. no porn and their woman are covered up like trash bags.
A lucrative underground market for porn is created