Horus 2.0

Friendly Sunday morning reminder for all godtards:
Your god is fake, your heaven is fake, your hell is fake, your priest is a liar, your religion is a scam designed to separate idiots from their cash and you are a cowardly, ignorant moron.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>not realising most religious texts have some implicit value in terms of lessons and ideas they transmit and that is the true value of them, despite them being ficticious stories

you are as annoying as the people who go around saying pro wrestling is fake like they just discovered an amazing hidden truth

Oh, and one other thing. Do you know why so many priests have been busted for raping children? It's because they know as well as any atheist that the hell they preach about is just as fake as their god, and that there will be no judgement day.

wow what an educational picture that states 1 mans opinion, i have been thoroughly convinced



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He's real as long as he occupies your thoughts.

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"I've never read or meaningfully researched the Bible": The Post

Josephus on Jesus
Tacitus on Christ

Which lessons do you like? The one about women being forced to marry their rapist? Or the one about parents murdering disobedient children? Or people like me being burned and tortured forever for daring to state obvious facts? Which one is your favourite?

Reminder that spirituality for humans is natural, Religion is not. Don't buy into shit just because it's written down. Join a community, find your place & sense of belonging. Don't let (((them))) win

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>trusting jews
how new are you?

I think about Spongebob sometimes too.

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>Horus 2.0
Lupercal! Lupercal! Lupercal! Lu- Oh, was I thinking of the wrong Horus here?

wow such angry
much dislike Jesus
13 years old

Yes, Spongebob exists.

Lol. Pathetic. Mommy forgot your chicken tendies?

Stating obvious facts = angry
Worshipping a loving, forgiving god who burns and tortures people f-o-r-e-v-e-r for dissing him = good christian.

*godtards* .......just imagine being that stupid

You atheists are so damn cringy, Jesus Christ is a well documented figure. Accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, stop denying reality.

Atheists in a nutshell...



>Buttshattered godtard ragesperging at facts.
Your god's fake, champ.

seething anger


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Off to church with you, son. Priesty needs a new pair of kids.

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why won't jesus give you a gf?!!

ATTENTION! Now that this annoying intro is out of the way, why are you gentlemen humouring OP shill by sticking to his topic? The dipshit mentioned the word Horus, so CLEARLY the path we SHOULD be taking here is shitposting with nothing but 40K. Niggers, don't debate theology, debate the Horus Heresy.

all 3 mayne


>loves his priest who lies to his face and then passes around the collection plate
>ragesperges against someone offering him the truth for free


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why do fedoras or godless communists only focus on christianity?
too pussy to have a go at Islam?

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Yeah... post irrelevant memes because you can't refute the existence of Jesus Christ.

>debate the Horus Heresy
But that's heresy.

Oh no, on the topic you chose, I'm apathetic. You're just a shit-tier OP too stupid to realize that this is off-topic trash. I'm guessing you're fifteen and just learned what atheism means. Or, just a colossal faggot. I'm just mocking you for the fun of it. I thought the Horus joke/line wasn't half bad for those who caught the reference.



i like the ones that teach you actually valuable lessons like to respect traditions, not to lie, steal or kill, not going against your father (figuratively), to be humble and help others in need, to do good so you can be proud of yourself etc
it helps if you actually read the stories and think about them instead of looking at epic jpg.s of "all muh gays should be stoned" on your go to edgy atheist site. note that I also said religious texts, that means from all cultures and time periods.

stop being so weak and act like everybody around you is a boogeyman with different opinions than you who also hates you. Just chill and think

pro wrestling is fake you idiot

oh look, another 15 year old atheist has found Jow Forums

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>too pussy to have a go at Islam?
You got me. I'm too scared to criticise Islam on an anonymous board. Can't get anything past you.

I only offer that as a humble suggestion to the already lost and damned godless heretics here. I, as a loyal son of Terra under the God-Emperor of Mankind, am making notes to hand over to my local Inquisitorial representative.

>to do good so you can be proud of yourself
except pride is one of the sins you retard

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>still carries his childhood imaginary friend into adulthood

o-oh yeah, w-well you're probably a 15yo!


in one specific religion mentioned like once

you're dumb!

Remember to look at the flag before you read the post. If it's from one of [those] places, just ignore it.

How do you work out which parts of the infallible word of god are true and which bits are bullshit? Seems to me you would need to do some independent thinking and some logical reasoning. Just like atheists do.

This is truth. Jesus never existed. That is the conclusion of researchers who have combed 126 texts written during or shortly after the time Jesus is supposed to have lived. The research concluded that there was no creditable mention of Jesus whatsoever. The known sources such as Josephus etc. that do have very vague mentions of a possible Jesus are now known to be Christian interpolations and are academic embarrassments when used to prove the historicity of the "Christ". Jesus, the messianic figure at the center of the world's largest religion, Christianity, was simply a fictional character. The story of Jesus bears a close resemblance to numerous other mythological stories of ancient gods who were born of virgin mothers and performed miracles. Man made Gods.

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okay man. come back when you have something to contribute, i know you can do it

Godtard "reasoning". Yes, they really are that stupid. It's not an act.

Yeah, fuck you too nigger.

pride is a sin you damned degenerate

>Seems to me you would need to do some independent thinking and some logical reasoning. Just like atheists do

thats exactly right. my point is that religious texts have inherent value because of the lessons that are to be gained when actively thinking about the stories, in spite of them being just made up stories, most likely

Oh yeah?! Well you probably wear a hat! And you eat tendies! And live in a basement! And you're 15 years old! And a v-virgin!

Oh wait, you're right.

try harder, you can do it, i believe in you

You can check out jesusneverexisted.com/ if you want more convincing.

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>kenneth humphreys
literally who?

you live in my country, perhaps you'd like to meet him?

Except couldn't those inherent values be traced back to humanity itself? No moral or ethical code from religion is only knowable or do-able through religion. You don't need religion or religious text to teach people not to kill each other and cooperate for survival.

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>"all muh gays should be stoned"

Fags are still killed TODAY in many backward-ass religious countries. The only reason they are not still killed in your country and mine is because of civilised, progressive people like me who have managed to drag enough religiotards out of the stone age.

I'm not edgy, mate. Killing fags to please a fake god is edgy.

oh man you really got them!

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Listen to this shill explain the literal plan of Satan and tell me the Bible isn't true.

>tell me the Bible isn't true
the bible isn't true

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fuck off idiot read the bible ya dummy

For the Warmaster

Lol bot went off one day early try again tomorrow shlomo

We must be getting others to understand that Jesus is real...why all the hate Jesus thread today

Could be funny, but my guess the Meme was made by a Jew.

"Degenerate" is just the right-wing version of screeching "Racist!" at everyone.

Truth is not determined by a popular vote.

Yea... no. That's only a few fringe lunatics who think that. Anyways there is more evidence for Jesus than there is for evolution.

Your diabolism knows no bounds. The light of
the lord is eternal and he is coming again,
but this time with fire, to annihilate you and
the rest of the wicked.

But you guys are degenerates, which is why you are so troubled by the Bible. If you were really convinced that it was all fake you wouldn't bother with it, just like I don't spend any time criticizing or debunking Hinduism. The Bible actually predicted that people like you would exist, hating the light because it illuminates your evil.

Nice, made me laugh. You're so over the top that it's more funny than offensive. Good one.

He's just upset because he found out his trenchcoat was dry-clean only and he hasn't taken it off in months.

Got nothing? Press "joo" button. Your god's fake mate.

We don't hate that which doesn't exist and never existed. That would be absurd.

I hope for your sake that you're only pretending to be retarded.

Yes, they are. But also they are allied with Islam because they think 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend." Sometimes that's true, but not when Islam is concerned. They want to cut off an atheists head just as much as a Christian.

It’s sad that God still loves you despite your blasphemy

Youre fiction and nothing more than fiction. I refuse to believe you exist. Youre just words on a screen probably written by some drug addict on a trip.

It's always amusing to see godtards break out the hell threats. Surely you can reasonably presume that I had already heard of hell before you mentioned it, right? And if I were sufficiently stupid and cowardly to be intimidated by such a threat, I would already be a religiotard. Just like you. And I would not have made this thread.

Can you see now why the threats are futile?

No, it's true. What evidence do you have that life can come from non-life completely on it's own? That is spontaneous generation, which can't happen, never happened, has never been observed to happen, but MUST have happened in order for evolution to be true. Takes more faith to be an atheist than a Christian.

>Discount 3 sources by eye-witnesses and one done by extensive research including said eye-witnesses
>See, there are no sources backing the existance of Jesus!
Every time.

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We focus on christfags because that is the dominant bullshit in my country and yours, and on 4chins. It goes without saying that we consider allah to be just as fake as every other god and islam to be every bit the scam that christianity is.

Which god?

22 post from this Op...Jesus still loves you

>Friendly Sunday morning reminder
Friendly reminder that Saturday is the sabbath, not Sunday.

>What evidence do you have that life can come from non-life completely on it's own?

I'm honest enough to answer this question with "I don't know". Your answer is the positive claim that god did it. Therefore you must answer these questions:

How can god come from non-god?
Which god is the one true god?
Define that god.
How do you know that's the one true god?
Who made the one true god?

>22 post from this Op
>Jesus didn't exist

I remember unironically believing Zeitgeist too kiddo.

>Amerifat "education"

What is flag?
What is time zone?

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Serious question: Why do atheists only attack, debunk, ridicule and signal against Christianity? Why don’t they ever put more than 1% of the same effort into Islam or Judaism?

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fuck off emu onahole

We need more Horus not wintry blizzards.

So if Jesus didn't exist, why are there accounts of him on Roman historical texts?

I can't ever remember believing in your favourite god. I was raised without any pressure in any particular direction. No-one told me there were gods. No-one told me there were no gods. The truth was crystal-clear before I had finished primary school, and it was a truth I realised due to nothing more than the reasoning ability of my 10yo mind. God belonged in the same basket as the tooth fairy and the easter bunny.

I do not consider myself to be a genius for coming to this obvious conclusion. I consider those who don't to be slow.

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Such delicate sensibilities

I understand the anger towards a God who burns his creation in eternal hellfire 100% and everyone who believes this is obviously insane.

Good thing the bible never teaches eternal torment.
3 major doctrines christains have wrong:
Free will
Hell and its torment forever
the trinity

Everybody has salvation.