BREAKING: FBI Has Criminal File on Bolton for Treason. Is an Israeli Agent

The agents working on the case have their phones tapped by the Israeli's and have been threatened and are terrified

Attached: jewn bolton.png (622x632, 446K)

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That moment when Bolton has more power than Trump.

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Source(s): dude trust me



um what happen yesterday?

Art Bell died. That fucking sucks

is bolton a jew? or a crypto anglo?

You're using this guy as a source. Think about that for a minute.

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LOL who are these people

this is not convincing at all but extremely entertaining

he does the whole weird look thing to ward off casuals, if you listen to him, you will find he is a very logical man who researches based on data.

breaking - OP's brother sniped by mossad while changing car tyre

Maybe we should think twice about having dual citizenship kikes in our government.

why would tax returns show that your assets are negative this has ruined my experience i loved it until then when it was just wild fun speculation

This, Rense is based and a really good interviewer. Gordon Duff is a disinformation operative though who has been making complete bullshit predictions for years to get conspiratard lemmings to go on wild goose chases, I wish Jeff would stop having him on his show but he has a lot of recurring guests who are fucking horrible.

>The deep state are the good guys!
>they're scared of Israel and trying to fight back!
Who the fuck are these schizophrenic boomers?

is jeff rense the guy that posts insane misinformation about israel that turns up in my google searches and blocks out real info

>Gordon Duff
oh its this idiot

sad that you cant get away with insulting israel unless youre a certifiably insane liar

>Rense is based and a really good interviewer
who did he interview thats worth listening to

Even if Bolton is an Israeli spy, he could not be convicted of treason because we are not at war with Israel.

He could be charged with espionage, or acting as an unregistered lobbyist for a foreign power, but not treason.

>or acting as an unregistered lobbyist for a foreign power
Lots of that in Washington...
Podesta (A)
Page (C)

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>Even if Bolton is an Israeli spy, he could not be convicted of treason because we are not at war with Israel.

He.. He’s.. Beautiful..


guys tell me about jeff rense

bolton has been a known criminal for a long time
here -

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-Suck it, JoJo. I've seen better bait along the pier.

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I see a striking resemblance.

well known

Attached: jeff-rense-program.jpg (278x181, 12K)

Years ago, I’m talking back in the Nineties, Jeff Rense would post under his own handle at Free Republic. Still can’t believe he’s around,

>look at how weird this guy is, don't trust him goy.
Shaming tactics don't work here shill.

>obama in NZ too as self titled kang successor to Hawaii's Kamehameha to rule over all islander people worldwide.

God I wish this was true.

Kek...The Einstein version of Weird Al

did trump not see this interview
bolton looks fucking retarded in it
does trump watch tucker?
is this 4d chess to sniff out zionists in the midst?

Stop being an outright skin head first off. Just become a liberal and encourage attacking white people and bully whites verbally to them push them more towards 1488.

So...Its treason then.

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guys please tell me about jeff rense
why am i always flooded with his dogshit fake news articles with no citations on google

this bolton still around is ridiculous

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look at all the kikes trying to cover up this criminal.LOL

well know criminal-

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Israel could be much larger than that. We're basing that off current land area but depending on when the promise was made the Euphrates ran to the Straits of Hormuz.

>inb4: fbi: it was just a mistake fellow goys, Bolton is innocent and is one of us. As an apology Mr. Bolton has been promoted to vice president just in time for Mr. trumps surprise visit to the middle east.