National healthcare

>national healthcare
>rebuilding the country
>reducing the bloated military budget
>reigning in the out of control corporatist fat cats and banks
>not bombing other countries and going to war at the drop of a hat
And you rejected this because you thought liberal tears would be funny
Now look what you've gotten yourself into

Attached: 220px-Bernie_Sanders.jpg (220x278, 19K)

he's a kike and would of bombed all non-kikes with grandeurs of power

>he's a kike and would of bombed all non-kikes with grandeurs of power

Attached: MAX.jpg (298x379, 9K)

We didn't reject him, ((((((((they)))))))) did

Attached: brainelection.png (679x925, 543K)

>be Bernie Sanders
>be Jewish
>get Jewed out of the presidency

Attached: idontknowwhosjewingwhoanymore.jpg (616x693, 353K)

Literally fuck bernie, he pays less in taxes a year then I do.

And bring this country into major crippling Jewish debt

Attached: IMG_1973.jpg (384x384, 28K)

>zero explanations on how he planned to do any of these things

Attached: 1523345053543.gif (176x216, 492K)

You all bleated against him and supported Trump because he made you feel good about der SJWs