National healthcare

>national healthcare
>rebuilding the country
>reducing the bloated military budget
>reigning in the out of control corporatist fat cats and banks
>not bombing other countries and going to war at the drop of a hat
And you rejected this because you thought liberal tears would be funny
Now look what you've gotten yourself into

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he's a kike and would of bombed all non-kikes with grandeurs of power

>he's a kike and would of bombed all non-kikes with grandeurs of power

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We didn't reject him, ((((((((they)))))))) did

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>be Bernie Sanders
>be Jewish
>get Jewed out of the presidency

Attached: idontknowwhosjewingwhoanymore.jpg (616x693, 353K)

Literally fuck bernie, he pays less in taxes a year then I do.

And bring this country into major crippling Jewish debt

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>zero explanations on how he planned to do any of these things

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You all bleated against him and supported Trump because he made you feel good about der SJWs

Bernie was the president we needed

Trump was the president that conservatives deserved.

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tax the rich..... its pretty simple you moron.

National Healthcare is cheaper than the current mess you have
Other programs can be paid for by not giving the rich tax cuts and reducing the military budget
Trump supports Israels Occupation and is now fighting their Wars
So there is no point of accusing anyone else of being a Jewish proxy

He did, in detail

the rich are already being taxed..... its pretty simple you moron.

clearly not enough because we dont have
>national healthcare
>rebuilding the country
>reducing the bloated military budget
>reigning in the out of control corporatist fat cats and banks

not in America, they keep getting tax cuts

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He'd be all over Syria with muh Isreal. Protect jew

he is anti isreal you absolute brainlet

If it is why have Vermont, California, and Maryland all vote down UHC for economic reasons

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he is opposed to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and blockade of the Gaza Strip
He favours cutting the military budget, thus reducing its capability to conduct these sort of terror operations

cause it cant be provided by lone states

fuck off ancom niggers, get a job.

NO Americans rejected this because Hilary stepped on his dick and bought him off.

He's a sell out. His supporters trusted him and he abandoned them and their donations.

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Its my day off
I work in a Kitchen and do 50+ hours a week and get paid for 38 cause chefs don't have a union
fuck you

>national healthcare
Against American ideology.
I didn't know they didn't have education in America.
>rebuilding the country
Trump's already doing that
>reducing the bloated military budget
okay, that would be nice
>reigning in the out of control corporatist fat cats and banks
Cry more commie faggot.
>not bombing other countries and going to war at the drop of a hat
Trump has barely laid a finger on Syria, and he does it to appease the bloodthirsty Jew while not succumbing to endless war in Syria

>And you rejected this because you thought liberal tears would be funny
I reject it because I know what socialism does to a country.

>Now look what you've gotten yourself into
Trump's America is fine. If I were any less of a patriot, I'd have already tried to migrate

what did you want, for him to run a 3rd party candidacy? that wouldn't have stopped Trump or Hillary
He made a decision he felt was best for the greater good of stopping Trump
As for selling out, what did he obtain?

Are you stupid? Trump had to make this "slight" slap just to show make liberals stop pressing him. It is highly possible that exactly Putin made this operation up.

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go make me a cassoulet, assbombed nigger

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>Against American ideology.
Against the ideology of the rich and powerful
>I didn't know they didn't have education in America.
It has greater and greater debt attached to it
>Trump's already doing that
>okay, that would be nice
Trumps giving it even more, at the expense of the rest of the budget
>Cry more commie faggot.
Thats not an argument, I hope a fucking goose attacks you
>Trump has barely laid a finger on Syria, and he does it to appease the bloodthirsty Jew while not succumbing to endless war in Syria

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>Are you stupid? Trump had to make this "slight" slap just to show make liberals stop pressing him.
In English slavshit

>DIdnt want to deport any mexicans
>Cucked himself to 2 screaming sheboons
>Said "When youre white you dont know what its like to be poor"
>Tried to empower all these filthy sjw commie scum
>Said you dont need 20 choices of deodorants and sneakahs when kids are going hungry as if that makes any sense
Oh yeah, totally based jew. How could we have been so blind?

>ees a koike and bmob no kickgand-gurrs of powder

get fucked cunt

>I want a leader who will make me feel based

I regret voting for Drumpf...
We could've had free shit with Bernie.

He should have challenged Hilary by contesting the results of the primaries not conceding to her.

As far as I know his campaign rolled their support to Hillary campaign or he pocketed what wasn't spent during his primary. No return of contributions, no donations to a worth while cause. Just the classic Semitic bait and switch.

>And you rejected this because you thought liberal tears would be funny
Didnt the democrat party itself reject him? But its okay, he got replaced by the most competent woman in politics

I want a leader who isnt going to let globalists faggots empower marxist scum and Brazil-ify my country.

WTF! I guess I love paying for your gibs now. You've convinced me, soyboy.

>Against the ideology of the rich and powerful
>It has greater and greater debt attached to it
I don't even understand what point you're trying to make here. Be more clear.
>Trumps giving it even more, at the expense of the rest of the budget
>Thats not an argument, I hope a fucking goose attacks you

Was that all you came here to say?

Inb4 a hundred cucked asshats whine FREE SHIT and don't realise sociaism is about created an invested cohesive society.

people keep saying he pocketed, I see no sources for this claim
And don't you all support a man who thinks its good to cheat people?

>I want a leader who isnt going to let globalists faggots empower
Who is currently starting WWIII?
>globalists working with Marxists

>gibs more money to military
>gibs more taxcuts to rich

>I don't even understand what point you're trying to make here. Be more clear.
It is clear, are you ears stuffed with maple syrup to not understand?

Hows the independence going?

>Invested cohesive society
>In America
Most of these socialists want open borders and dont give a fuck about mexicans flooding the country.
>Muh Denmark is so progressive
>Dont pay attention to their homogenous demographics though, that has nothing to do with it
>We can have the same thing with millions and millions of shitskins in our country
Please Fatalonia

maybe one day

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>Trump is starting WW3
This fucking meme. I didnt want him to involve us with Syria at all. If you think WW3 is starting because of last night then you are a retard.

This is such a tell, like a bleeding eye in a game of bacaracht
European countries ARE NOT homogenous
They are the product of centuries of warfare forcing people of different cultures and languages together under a single state
>>We can have the same thing with millions and millions of shitskins in our country
What do you think happens in national healthcare, people are just given sacks of money and promise to go spend it at the doctors office?
So naturally then you think blacks and latinos will take this money and keep it rather than go to the doctor?
God you're a moron

Vietnam? Cuba?

>we will celebrate 2019 in a liberated Tehran
what did he mean by that?

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Don’t forget he was anti war in Iraq before it was cool

>invested cohesive society.
no, socialism is about stopping bourgeois entities from taking surplus labour from the proletariat class, but for that to even exist as a phenomenon requires that you accept that value is created only by labour, and that all labour is equal. It isn't, and therefore, socialism is always an attempt to destroy the successful class of society.

>it is clear
No, it really isn't, now please adequately explain what you are trying to argue for, or kindly fuck off

Yes. His strategy would have been for USA to lose the status of a superpower so you could pay for some lazy niggers healthcare bills. Fucking genius I say.

Antifa faggot neck yourself '

theres more labour value in what I do in the kitchen than some owner swanning around :3
same goes for people in a factory or farm

>Diversity from only european countries is the same as diversity from south america, africa, and europe mixed together
And im a moron?

>thinks the world is that black and white

>if you reduce a trillion dollar military budget by a few hundred billion to pay for essential services you will lose the status of a superpower
>China spends 200 billion
>Russia spends 70 billion

You have to spend 5 times as much as China to be a superpower, 2 or 3 times as much isn't enough. It HAS to be 5 times.

the man who claimed they're all homogenous is asking if other people are morons

Those were globalist interventions

Jew nigger alert REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

>neet asking working class warriors to get a job
I had a hearty chuckle

Lol ok. Why isnt Denmark taking in millions of 3rd worlder shitskins then? If it the demographics dont matter, why does Denmark have tough immigration laws?

if you aren't funneling money to MIC kikes your country isn't a superpower, don't ya know

factually incorrect. European countries have been definitively homogenous since the revolutions of 1848. Romantic Nationalism is an ideology that has shaped national borders from that moment since, and there is no country in Europe which isn't delineated by intended ethnolinguistic borders.

>labour value
there's no such thing as 'labour value'. value is determined by market factors, and 10000 years of human history attests to that. If value were created by labour, then if I had two fish, one that took me an hour to catch, and another that hopped right into my boat, but they were otherwise identical, I'd have two identical products with vastly different prices. Try getting ANYONE to purchase the more expensive fish.

Also, if you're such an avatar of productivity, why not just start your own business so that you aren't being 'oppressed'? You won't because even you secretly know that the owner of the kitchen provides a valuable service which you can't fulfill. If it were any other way, you'd just be a lazy piece of shit, but you aren't :^)

Fuck off anarchist. When i see your stupid flags I always punch the person carrying it because it's OK to punch them. That's what those fags want.

>in my opinion
You forgot to add that, poorfag.

>cosmopolitan politics
Fuck that old fart

no dude im a systems adminisrator in a data center

This fag couldn’t even stand up to hildog, and you expect me to vote for him?

Can't speak for that user, but I'm a computer engineer, and my labour is worth more than yours, and I'm glad to be paid three times as much as you to do it.

>Amerimutt dies from lack of proper healthcare
>at least i died triggering the libtards

bewrnie sanders was an experiment to test wether usa had gotten past their cold war disgust of communism. the experiment was succesful, but hillary was more important to the establishmetn and through her those ideals of socialism would have come about.
bernie sanders would have utterly ruined USA and turned it into venezuela, be glad that he didnt win.

I’ve asked each of my economics professors the past five semesters if any of Bernie’s ideas could feasible work and they all have just laughed. Plus on the political side he’s a spineless manlet kike.

>i asked all my kike professors if anything other than massive kikery could work and they laughed

Please roll him out there in 2020
PLEASE make it happen
It’s gonna be so good
He’ll make such an ass of himself

And the rich pack up and leave

>I asked other poor retards if socialism is good, and they all agreed it was
Go back to your swamp in West virginia, poorfag.

>thought liberal tears would be funny
but they are funny

None of my economics professors have been jewish. Dont know how creating a bigger monopoly is antijew, berniefaggot

So it's economically unfeasable. Thanks for the agreement.

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suddenly the ancom faggots will realize the Swiss bank accounts are unreachable and there is nothing to tax

pass a law that puts them to death for leaving..

not gonna work, our border patrol is facing the wrong way

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>put the smart rich people to death
>or put the white trash/minority poorfags to death
I know what I would choose. Maybe you guys could do slave labor instead of dying

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they already lmao it's perfect.

>you thought liberal tears would be funny
I also thought right, so there's that faggot

>thinks rich people are smart

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>gibs more money to bureaucrats
>gibs everyone who works a tax increase
>gibs op free stuff for existing

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We rejected this? Better look closer to home, fucko.

I was a Bernout. Wpouldn't be again, though.

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Literally every policy of his is either terrible, or Trump has a better version of.




>And you rejected this because you thought liberal tears would be funny
>Now look what you've gotten yourself into

hmm let's see, what did Jow Forums want again?

>liberal tears
>maximum butthurt
>piss off shills
>start ww3
>maximize memes

seems like we got what we wanted m8

Silly leaf, it's the neoliberal "left" preventing social democracy in the US, not the right.

If Canada didn't have national healthcare already, your prime cuck Trudeau would be virtue signaling harder than ever while doing his level best to prevent it.

Sorry, replied to the wrong leaf, meant to reply to