>national healthcare
>rebuilding the country
>reducing the bloated military budget
>reigning in the out of control corporatist fat cats and banks
>not bombing other countries and going to war at the drop of a hat
And you rejected this because you thought liberal tears would be funny
Now look what you've gotten yourself into
National healthcare
Parker Clark
Evan Davis
he's a kike and would of bombed all non-kikes with grandeurs of power
Chase Wilson
>he's a kike and would of bombed all non-kikes with grandeurs of power
Carter Brooks
We didn't reject him, ((((((((they)))))))) did
Eli King
Dominic Morris
>be Bernie Sanders
>be Jewish
>get Jewed out of the presidency
David Gomez
Literally fuck bernie, he pays less in taxes a year then I do.
Dominic Edwards
And bring this country into major crippling Jewish debt
Thomas Campbell
>zero explanations on how he planned to do any of these things
Blake King
You all bleated against him and supported Trump because he made you feel good about der SJWs