Can we please have this man be in power. Give him a carte blanche. Heck...

Can we please have this man be in power. Give him a carte blanche. Heck, I don´t even care if I personally end up on his pruge list, anything to end our current system.

We didn´t go full fascist, nor did we go full marxist, and now we are left with a shitty form of government regulated capitalism.

Attached: zizek.jpg (200x256, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Is this the guy who invented linux and sourcefoge

Stallman 2020

Gesticulating, sniffy, pessimistic, communualist, lacanian-hegelian man

Quads checkerino

Attached: 1519942659529.jpg (679x497, 66K)


Despite his wild articulation I find myself agreeing on a lot of his points. I would gladly follow this man, something I can´t say about most people.

>Despite his wild articulation I find myself agreeing on a lot of his points. I would gladly follow this man, something I can´t say about most people.
Just summed up why I voted for Trumperino

Ringo Star?
No. Not fit to lead.

Zizek supported trump btw.

ringo is a shill, zizek a radical