Cultural Appropriation

Let's start a new operation, Jow Forums.
Let's reverse the use of the term "cultural appropriation"!

Let's inflitrate the hashtag/term with examples of non-white people "appropriating" white culture like using cars, being educated, using electricity, having a bubble-bath, having a functioning family, really anything goes!!!

Attached: muh abrobriation.jpg (1280x565, 197K)

what did kek mean by this?

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Stunning levels of retardation
>You have to go back to Preddit

nice ID, Emo Dick

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Emo Dick Q.

What did Q mean by this?

blacks are appropriating English culture here as they are wearing the national costume of England. You guessed it Suits

Attached: english suits.jpg (225x225, 5K)

>White Civilization

Jeans are an a type of clothing originated in Genova, Italy.
All nuggets that have jeans should immediately remove them at my sight.


That you like emo dicks.

>literally me trying to create a new happening because this world is so fucked and sad

Attached: emodick.jpg (1024x768, 29K)

>what is a weave

this but leave out the word "reverse".
We could also get the reds onboard with this. They had exclusive access to peanuts and peanutbutter for thousands of years and the nogs still try to claim they invented it.


>tfw blaggs are abbrobriating ur sadness

Attached: biggest emo dick evah.jpg (320x366, 24K)

I'm a pinko commie tree hugger who hates all of you nazi retarded Trump voters, but I gotta admit that this "cultural appropriation" bullshit is where I draw the fucking line. Stupid fucking college kids are making us lefties look as bad as the KKK and Trump and Jow Forums make you right wingers look

and here they are trying to appropriate the cultural white behaviour of becoming the next princess

(fuck, I can't get rid of this ID, can't I)

Attached: prince-harry-meghan-markle-engagement-photo-z.jpg (650x452, 192K)

>sjw's fighting against wigger culture and coal burning for us
>lets stop this
Nice work EMO DICK

Well Emo Dick Q, that's a terrible idea.
Use cultural things like perfumes/straight hair/things that they DON'T need, and then maybe go from there.

it's just to get rid of that entitled smirk on their face when they claim their "culture"

also pic related is me, cuz ur so bullying, omg

Attached: sademodick.jpg (960x1280, 125K)

should we really start that low?
I thought of it to be more of an "ad absurdum"-action (i.e. showing them how stupid this kind of behavior is)

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>20 min since last reply
d-don't ignore me
I'm just g-gonna cut deeper next time

Attached: Q.jpg (1600x1200, 218K)


we should go full-circle:
"Here's why using the term cultural appropriation is problematic"

let's shop buzzfeed/huffpost articles etc. pp.


How about we just get exactly as petty as them?

Black girl straightens her hair? How is that any different from a white person with dreads?

Asian person wearing a business suit? How is that different from a white person wearing a kimono?

They appropriate plenty of our culture, and while I don't actually mind, I do mind seeing the blatant double standards.

>Braids didn't exist in old europe


Attached: IMG_9017.jpg (310x415, 33K)

I'd like to see that first pic reversed, with a white girl feeling oppressed because two black girls decided to straighten their hair.
It would put the whole retarded concept in perspective.

their defense will be that wearing a suit or straightening hair is required to function in white society, that we've kind of forced their hand to use our culture. Which I guess is true?

Nobody was forced to do anything, they chose to assimilate.

kek has blessed you with a divine purpose, son.



anyone able to draw that?

Attached: emodickcantdraw.jpg (900x819, 78K)

well more like (most) chose to come to here, but they had to assimilate to be function members of society. As well white people spreading western demoncracy and culture and government style throughout the world through colonizing and investing and what not, not saying that's a bad thing. But in the case of blacks they will say that it was forced upon them to come here and then live the western way with western culture

then we should start with shit like nobody is forced to wear jeans to be a FMoS

start slow, some of them might actually buy into this.

Attached: abbrobriate.png (1280x565, 21K)

Agreed. Cultural appropriation needs to be stopped.

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>that ID

Attached: EMODICK.jpg (700x394, 38K)

damn, I'm too tired to be creative
(It's 5am)

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Nah, just keep up the regular cultural appropriation line. It's a subtle way of telling white people not to act like niggers.

>well more like (most) chose to come to here
>what is slavery

Your thread and posts are trash but your id is ok you emo dick

Cultural appropriation is just mud people mad that white women look better than them even in their traditional clothing.

That ID is fake and gay.

Attached: Clothes are not for africans.png (1287x681, 32K)

>what is a weave

Attached: (((weev))).jpg (259x194, 5K)

ugh, that's just the mild bullying I need to get off
keep going

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>stop stealing my culture REEEEEEEEEEEEE

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A young boi

I don't even think peanut butter was invented by nigs. I think the Aztecs and Incas made it first.

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