Last nights strikes are a win win for everybody. Trump is playing a strategic game well.
1. Syria wins. No casualties have been anounced. The Syrian war machine continues to take back territory with or without chemical weapons.
2. Russia continues to back it's ally. There power stays the same in the region.
3. Israel knocks down military facilities it feels are a danger to it's borders. Israel keeps its power in the region.
4. The Kurds who are the only ones who have actually fought ISIS on the ground will continued to be protected by American forces in their region and not overrun by invading Turks.
5. United States gets to maintain their power in the region. Trump gets the neo cons and deep state off his back for awhile.
Nothing changes. Everybody wins.
Status quo ante bellum
Everybody attacking Donald Trump are Democrat shills and Alt-Right cultists.
Yeah that's nice and all but I think Trump goofed.
Isaac Green
Trump rules
Nathaniel Scott
>the kurds who are the only ones who have actually fought ISIS on the ground will continued to be protected by american forces
Even ignoring how wrong that is, how is the US invading a portion of a sovereign country and defending it through the use of kurds a win for syria? A large portion of their country is under control of these people and they are defended by the USAF (the only reason they're still relevant at all)
>You are all being manipulated >But me, I'm of a perfectly clear mind Fuck off faggot, you're not any different than the leftists that claim everyone who doesn't agree with them are Russian bots.
Caleb Hughes
This was a pragmatic move. Pacifist peacenik stormfaggots will cry about da joos, but sensible people see no harm was done.
WTF! I guess I now love pissing away over a hundred million dollars for nothing in return as our infrastructure crumbles and the big beautiful wall that Mexico was going to pay for isn't being built... As long as some kike out there smiled at goyim missiles going "boom boom", that's all that matters.