Imagine you can make 5 laws become real (at your own country)

Imagine you can make 5 laws become real (at your own country).

What laws do you select to become real?

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Amendments for USA; so they have Constitutional authority.

1. Individual freedom of contract is a protected right subject to due process.

2. Both criminal and civil cases must have a private party claiming defendant committed wrongful conduct, the state, federal, state, and/or municipal, cannot be a party to suit unless joined by a private party.

3. Income, wealth/estate, and property taxes cannot be levied by the state, again federal/state and/or locally.

4. Only real property (land-owning) parties can exercise voting rights (corporations that own property can vote but people who rent cannot)

5. Only the US treasury has authority to issue legally-tender money and any such issuance must be authorized by Congress in an annually balanced budget and all private citizens are guaranteed the right to redeem such money against the treasury or private bank for gold or silver.

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1. Being jewish is illegal, and any property owned by jewish individuals is to be confiscated and used by the State

2. Blacks and immigrants of second generation are no longer considered Costa Ricans, unlessx they are european

3.The King of Spain is recognized as the head of State of Costa Rica

4. There shall be an army

5. Capital punishment for any crime

>2. Both criminal and civil cases must have a private party claiming defendant committed wrongful conduct, the state, federal, state, and/or municipal, cannot be a party to suit unless joined by a private party.

So destroying goverment assets would be completely legal

Only to the extent that the government asset was of no benefit to anyone at all, otherwise any private citizen could sue you for tort of nuisance and then attach the government as party.

>Costa Rica
>statist fuck
How utterly predictable you filthy spic fuck. No spaniard could ever begin to understand the value of the Anglo legal system.

Fuck lolbertarians

Superior Roman Law system>Savagery>Anglo legal system

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I would condense the 10 mohawk commandants into 5 more ruthless laws and adopt them as a way of governance.

Interestingly enough, the US constitution is a form adapted from the 10 Mohawk commandments.

1. Only Europeans, Indians, and East Asians will be granted access into the country

2. Gays, lesbians, trannies, etc, will be sent to re-education camps.

3. You will be allowed 30 round magazines and silencers (unless you're gay or a nigger)

4. Inter-racial marriages are prohibited

5. All money being spent on welfare and benefit programs will now be spent on creating new jobs and helping people find jobs

1. 15th Amendment repealed
2. 19th Amendment repealed

Only need two.

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there is nothing that would stop the wealthy from creating a shell corporation and splitting it into 100's of pieces to create a large voting block. how much land would be required to count as a vote? do your votes go up given how much land you own?

>Indians, and East Asians
Thanks Mr.Chang

Is this still in effect? I am a free white person

For India

1. Replace socialist democracy with hindu, capitalist, dictatorship. Local level [town or village cluster] democracy allowed.

2. Being Muslim or Christian is punishable by iron branding, high taxes and reeducation. No public religious celebration for them. Strict birth control.

3. National and Provincial education boards to be brought under Gurukul system [hindu schools].

4. Ban Foreign propaganda outlets. Ban Communism.

5. Compulsory 2 yr military service.

Mohawk law
Be brave and fearless, as there can be no peace on earth for those who fear.

Be strong, in this cruel world, only the strong may know peace and happiness. To be weak is to invite aggression, oppression, tyranny, misery and woe.

Fight for your rights, for only those who fight for it can achieve human rights and respect.

Maintain a strong national independence and sovereignty under the Great Law of Peace. Let NO power abolish your nation.

Maintain your own National Initiative and let no other nation control your destiny. Respect Nature’s First law of self preservation and stop any traitor seeking to destroy you and your people, for any nation which ignores this law stands condemned to extinction

Develop the Spirit of Cooperation that your nations can rely completely on its own efforts.

Think right so that you shall do right and be right for only the purely justice minded can achieve peace and happiness for all

Respect the rights of others that your own rights may be respected. T

Acquire wisdom and knowledge of the world for only understanding among the people will eliminate wars. Let there be a special course of study on the subject of devising a proper moral government and that people be trained to operate this very important device to ensure the peace and happiness of mankind. That a study be included to produce a most trustworthy economic system to eliminate poverty, misery and wretchedness. Let only those who pass a most rigid test on the subjects of government and economic knowledge be allowed to run governments and nations.

Acquire advanced human relationships. Human birth is an act of nature and all humanity is equally subject to natures law of death. No one has the right of lordship over others. The more able only have the right to help those less able: the appointed leaders of governments only have the right to be the voice and will of the people, that all may share the bounties of nature and know peace and happiness.

1) if you've ever been a citizen of another country, you are inelegible for public service of any kind
2) dual citizenships are illegal
3) update the 2nd amendment to reflect that anything that any armed force in the world has access to, a citizen of the united states may own, carry, use, and/or brandish and that no law or tax may diminish this right.
4) birth citizenship is ended. you may only attain citizenship though birth if both of your parents are citizens.
5) only white land-owning males can vote, ever. period. may not be amended.

1-The country is now out of un, un institutions and must leave un like institutions it is in and can't join un like institutions created at the future.

2-If you are pregnant you will receive 3500 dollars as long you don't abort the baby or kill him. You don't need to take care of him if you don't want, you can give him do adoption if you want.

3-For all sorts of things, you are legally adult when when you are 21.

4-Max working time is 6 hours per 24 consecutive hours, 4 days max per 24 * 7 consecutive hours, you must have at least 7 weeks vacation that can be 7 weeks, 4 weeks and then 3 or 3 weeks and them 4.
Law 3 is not 100% abritrary but wont explain details here.

5-Election works like this:
Step 1: Candidates expose their views, discuss with others at tv and etc..
Step 2: At election day, people pick from 0 to 9 candidates. Top 9 candidates goes to second round. If there are less than 10 candidates you can go straight to step 3
Step 3: Candidates expose their views, discuss with others at tv and etc.. There is a huge gap between step 2 and 4, because step 2 is JUST something needed to filter candidates to step 4.
Step 4: People give votes (1 to 10) to all candidates. The one with best average wins. If you dont give a vote to some candidate your votes become invalid.

1. only white males can vote
2. contractual and non contractual slavery is back.
3. the police can do whatever they want to colored folk at any time for any reason with impunity except for the chinamen.
4. white abortions are illegal.
5. annual STD checks. If you are found to have a STD you enter a public database with your face,location, fingerprint. available on a state app with facial recognition.

>because step 2 is JUST something needed to filter candidates to step 4.
and they need alot of time to discuss stuff and expose their views

The individual states can determine how the system of title interacts with voting eligibility. The requirement is solely for the purpose that only those with a vested interest in maintaining the value of real assets are given the ability to impact decisions of the sovereign. You know it's renters that vote for illegals to become citizens and to raise taxes on you to pay for niggers right? Why are you so hateful of corporations? Are you a communist? Have you never owned stock?

Get fucked by niggers under the 14th amendment you armchair lawyer.

>race race race race race
You're all morons and will bog your statist fantasy under endless jewish shenanigans of "but what does race really mean"; if you think X race is superior then you should believe they'll own the property. The reason you don't is because you've met your own self and realize you're a fucking worthless NEET of no benefit to society at all, and thus commanding no real value in terms of resources.

>Indians, and East Asians
1. This guy is executed

2. Non-Europeans, including Jews, are ethnically cleansed via expulsion or force

3. Homosexuality and supportance of it is an executable offence

4. The National Socialist Party is the only party. Democracy is outlawed as a result.

5. Mandatory Service

>cletus can vote
>contradicts the 14th amendment
>rampant police brutality and absolute socialism guaranteed because you let the inbred white retards control society
We already had that it was called LBJ.

Way to fuck up a country in 5 easy steps

its kind of hard to codify, measure, or prove, vested interest. Especially with something as complicated as a corporation. this is not hate, its lack of trust and the ability to predict the behavior of a living creature made out of every asset under the sun.

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Gosh, you think I ONLY disregarded the 14th amendment?

>hard to prove vested interest
Title to real property.

>corporations aren't really people
You're right; they're better than real people because they act rationally and are accountable to their shareholders whereas any nigger or white trash hick gets a vote just for having survived to the age of 18.

You used up your 5 rules and resulted in endless litigation; you're actually a fucking retard.

>everyone who disagrees with me is a jew
I'm a pajeet.

1. Polygamy is legalized

2. 95% of immigrants are women from North Western Europe (Men are given as many wives as they want), 5% men who are highly skilled and needed

3. For the new generation who are not yet born, their voting rights are granted only after they do military service. Military service is 100% optional, you can live out your days and do whatever you want but you can't vote if you don't serve. (This does not apply to anyone who has already been born before the New government is in power because all these laws working could only be enforced with a new power in charge that is not controlled by globalists)

4. 99% of laws are passed thru referendum, no more representative democracy other than mayors, governors and a president

5. It is ruled over by a King with full rule, reign and say over anything at any Time. He has all rights to intervene and change laws and the direction of the empire wherever and whenever he wishes. He is in full control, but his system depends on freedom, All citizens have free speech, right to bear arms (More free than even America), the right to know the things going on in their own government and more. A truly free society which is maintained thru strength of a King who is determined to keep his people happy and free because it is freedom which drives the greatness of a Nation, the sense that you are apart of something great, apart of something good. And it is the happiness which reminds you of how great that freedom is, even on a personal level

>Imagine a Nation where police didn't show up at people's doors and arrest them for posting for "offensive" memes
>Imagine a Nation that preserved it's demographics and grew even bigger and more homogeneous as the years go by. The sense that change was on your side, the feeling that Time was truly with us
>Imagine a Nation that flies to the Stars, puts a base on the moon and conquers mars

Imagine anons, just imagine the world we could have

May God grant us freedom. Amen.

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>4. Only real property (land-owning) parties can exercise voting rights (corporations that own property can vote but people who rent cannot)

To hell with that!

>Title to real property.
if that's the whole writ of the law then you failed to solve the problem you originally said vested interest would solve. buying a plot of land in the middle of the desert that they never do anything with would mean the same as having a plot of land that produces value. it makes sense you people have the most gawdy and unclassful taste in the world.

>I'm a pajeet.
you want corporate loo's to be treated just the same under the law whether they are poo'd in or not. more loo's = more votes. You honestly have no idea how to build a functioning society. just one that hides how shitty it is.

>3. the police can do whatever they want to colored folk at any time for any reason with impunity except for the chinamen.

The bolice?

Wh, wh, why you say muddafuck?

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t. renter dalit
Maybe if you were worth anything to society you would have a home to call your own.

>buying a plot of desert to have a vote
Yeah and besides harry fucking reid exactly what the fuck do you get from voting in Nevada?

>loos & poos
Your analogy is poorly crafted, at best.

>you can't build a functioning society
Says who? Pajeets practically run the USA now, and it's barely been 50 years since the '65 immigration act.

>title to real property doesn't solve anything
Let's just be forthright; you're angry that whites are 2nd class citizens to high achieving east asians and indians who actually value education, salable skills, and maintaining rank in society. You fucked yourselves by importing niggers out of your own laziness, and now have created a permanent underclass of criminals that is ripe for kike exploitation in order to create a police state, and applaud yourselves because you think said police state might possibly serve white interests.

It won't. Everybody, including kikes, knows the hierarchy of races places whites just slightly above sandniggers and niggers. You can't fucking compete no matter how much you drug your sons up with ritalin and adderall. Disgusting ape.

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and a ching chong to you too mr nipamoto. you got my dry cleaning?

Stupid spic.

You are just describing the brain drain.
>poos run the US
You are a delusional elitist fuck.

These are more policies than laws but still
1. The oil sands will be raped and the market will be flooded with Canadian oil until there is none left, by that time everyone will use electric cars

2. Immigration is reduced to 50 000 a year favouring Anglos, Europeans, and white africans. Poos and Chinks and Arabs get dropped to shit tier and all others need not apply.

3. Birth programs set up to encourage pregnancies. Possibly subsidies family growth until we reach replacement population levels.

4. Ban all foreign purchase of property. Fuck off Chang

5. Enact compulsory military service to strengthen the army and encourage patriotism. You'd have to serve for 2 years after high school in which you wouldn't be sent out to the front lines, but instead act as the national guard/emergency work force in case of a disaster. You'd also get health coverage, lowered education cost and have to keep your gun after your service.

Yeah, let your country be bought up by rich foreigners.

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Nobody is forcing you to sell.

>what the fuck do you get from voting in Nevada?
Guess I have to be the guy who explains that the given people in each state are not limited to voting in only their respective state elections?
But federal elections also?
Really, raj? You must be an H1B or a 2nd+ generation because i would have sworn that would be on the citizenship test.

Pajeets practically run the USA now, and it's barely been 50 years since the '65 immigration act.
>dont need to look much further than the shithole country where you have had complete control of the for thousands of years... except for that one time we colonized you on a whim.

>It won't. Everybody, including kikes, knows the hierarchy of races places whites just slightly above sandniggers and niggers. You can't fucking compete no matter how much you drug your sons up with ritalin and adderall. Disgusting ape.
last i checked the Brahmins were the whitest people in your caste system. Even in your own society the whitest of you are valued above those that are less so unless those that are actually white intervene and try and make you more civilized.

Like I said, you are describing the brain drain. And having a higher percentage of well off poos =/= running the US. You hold a tiny amount of power here collectively.

>what the fuck do you get from voting in Nevada?
Guess I have to be the guy who explains that the given people in each state are not limited to voting in only their respective state elections?
But federal elections also?
Really, raj? You must be an H1B or a 2nd+ generation because i would have sworn that would be on the citizenship test.

really. the more i think of it. you have to be dumber than cleatus or a foreign paid shill who didn't/cant read all of his notes. every american knows they can vote for the president.

>people in each state can vote in federal elections
Oh wow; next you'll say the majority of land-owners in california are democrats as opposed to the renters of frisco, LA, and san diego. If you make only property-owners eligible to vote, the US turns hard right overnight. Pity you're limited to checkers.

>"we colonized you"
Are you saying you're Anglo? If so, there isn't any reason for us to disagree. My philosophy is squarely aligned both with Anglo-Saxon legal tradition, Locke, Paine, and Jefferson, as well as ancient Hindu tradition. You're not Anglo though; you're a filthy kraut 2nd class immigrant, or worse, a mutt.

>brahmins are the whitest
Ah, but Hinduism doesn't worship the whitest. It worships those who are most squarely aligned with dharma. A complex philosophy for a complex people, as opposed to hitler-tier identitarian socialism meant to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

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1.) Freedom of speech and freedom of expression, unless it calls for the removal of any current right, or manipulation of any current right, which would be prosecuted as treason.

2.) Total privacy from government and corporations unless through warrant or consent. Require corporations to pay you a dividend on any profits made with information you consensually allowed them to farm.

3.) Absolute and total deregulation of every type of small arm. Anything the military deems suitable for the average soldier is a firearm that is legally untouchable. Anything attempting to limit the access to firearms or limit firearms rights is prosecutable as treason.

4.) Private banks absolutely and totally illegal. The printing of money can only be done by the state, and may not be manipulated by private entities.

5.) Voting rights are limited only to those:
a: 36 years of age and older
b: Current tax payer
c: Current land owner of at least a half of an acre
d: Current military service exempts these requirements and grants you automatic ability to vote in any election

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>tiny amount of power
>make the most money per capita of any race

I don't understand; the first law I suggested protects freedom of contract - i.e. you are allowed to exclude all non-whites from your property all you want. Why do you disagree? Oh right - you know identitarian socialism always fails miserably against pure capitalism.

I don't disagree with any of your political opinions. I'm not a national socialist and I have nothing against your race. What I had a problem with was you saying that Asians have an edge over whites in the US. My response to that was that is due to selective immigration processes, aka the brain drain. And my problem with your claim that poos run the US, is exactly what you said: It is per capita. There are far more wealthy whites than poos here, so your claim is wrong.

What about minimum wage laws; labor laws, etc? What stops the state from printing as much money as it wants to finance its debt instead of private banks doing it for the state?

>voting laws

Agreed, but not expansive enough protection.

>right to privacy
This is a good right but I couldn't fit it in my 5.

1. Gradual reduction of the welfare state to eventually be replaced with unionization and local control of essential production.
2. Patent, copyright, and DRM laws are nullified.
3. All drugs decriminalized, no mandatory minimum laws, no life sentences or death penalty.
4. Military spending cannot exceed 1% of GDP.
5. Single payer healthcare, along with the elimination of all corn and sugarcane subsidies.

>brain drain
So what you're saying is that the pajeets here are better than whites but there are less of them. The way I read that is exactly how you see niggers; there are lots of niggers but that doesn't make them superior in any fashion. Similarly, there are more whites, but you are inferior to the best of pajeets. If you think you are better, then you shouldn't be pro-white, you should be pro-competition. The fact that you are pro-white is a tacit concession that you need the support of the less competitive of your race to make up for the inferiority of the more competitive, because one on one you lose miserably.

Don't fucking backtrack like a coward, embrace your national socialism. I hate fighting cowards, it's such a waste of my talents as an Aryan.

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National debt is of questionable consequence.

Outside faith in your economy matters more than numbers.

Whether you are massively in debt or in no debt, that won't change. I see no reason to make a fuss of it.

As for wage laws, let people work it out like norway does through mass labor unions.

>national debt doesn't matter
Your currency is worth nothing more than the ability to project military power on those who deem it worth less than you; it is a recipe for foreign interventions and empire building.

>mass labor unions
I side with the scabs rather than the union.

Stop strawmanning me you retarded fuck. I don't disagree that the average poo here is better than the average white, I was explaining why. I was disputing your claim that they run this place. And I am pro-competition. I'm not a coward and I am not back tracking, check my ID in the thread and the posts I've made. Double digit IQ reading comprehension you must have.

no, if you checked my first statement im not even slightly for ONLY properly only based voting. you just cant see how allowing not only citizen, but corporate based voting literally means that people with money to lose will gladly throw it away into non productive "business" to get more votes without producing anything of value. You might aswell give the military a vote depending on how many bases it has and how many countries its bombed.

You will never be anglo. And have as much of a chance in following anglo-saxon traditions as I do Shinto. Locke, Paine, and Jefferson would laugh to give the monkey in your pic the time of day.

>Ah, but Hinduism doesn't worship the whitest. It worships those who are most squarely aligned with dharma. A complex philosophy for a complex people, as opposed to hitler-tier identitarian socialism meant to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
You are saying you don't follow the horse, just its tail.

>1 repeal women's voting rights
>2 Sodomy gets death penalty, as does advocating sodomy
>3 no fault divorce ends
>4 no immigration without strict application process
>5 military service OR paid taxes for 10 years to vote

1. Anyone calling for war will be forced to be on the frontlines
2. No dual-citizenships in government positions
3. Ban on NGOs that fund riots
4. Illegals get no trial
5. Traps aren't gay

> the average poo here is better than the average white
>I am pro-competition
Then you lose.

>people with money to lose
There is no such thing; those "people" are called fools and they won't be keeping their vote or their money for very long.

1. White ethnostate, no other races allowed - note, Jews are not white
2. Only white males can vote, hold, office, and serve in the military

No need for the other 3. That oughta sort the rest of the problems out.

Are slavs white? What about Italians and irishmen? Assad? Semitic Christians? What if someone is half-white?

You really are dumb if that is the conclusion you arrived at. Whites as a collective are superior to poos. Average white> average poo. Unless you cherry pick, which means excluding the vast majority of poos and only counting ones in the US, who were selectively chosen. In a pro-competition enviroment, you will never beat me anyways, regardless of my herotage. Because in this thread you have just repeatedly proven you are of lower intellect.

Europeans and their descendents.

>as a collective
So whites must embrace collectivism to be superior? So you are a national socialist? Which is it - competition between individuals or collectivized racial struggle?

kek; am I'm supposedly of lower intellect.


>europeans and their descendants
I see, so spics and mulattos are white.

and I'm*

I mentioned collectives because you did idiot. I rebutted your claims but you do not acknowledge it. You divert your loss sideways to something new.

>kek; am I'm supposedly of lower intellect.
You prove my point right here. Typos are irrelevant, but since you tried to make them relevant, I'll point yours out.
>am I'm

>noticed typo

>divert your loss sideways
How? You said whites could compete but then turned 180 and said they can't beat US-based Indians. So what if it was selective? Wasn't white immigration also selective? Shouldn't whites competing against whites produce something better than poos competing against poos, supposing whites were better in the first place?

You can't handle this argument no more than Hitler could find actual European heritage to justify himself. He literally had to import Indian heritage to justify his "aryan empire"; just as you ride on the backs of hard-working Indians who pay more taxes per capita than whites.

What was your SAT score, friend?

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>There is no such thing; those "people" are called fools and they won't be keeping their vote or their money for very long.
its got to be either having never meet someone with fuck you money or a reason to live without it. maybe a combination of both. Goes back to how you think this is all about the glitz and glamor and not about real influence or power. ergo, a nigger tier civilization. its why the jews love to bring you in so much. some of you can produce money but have no idea how to use it and will leave behind nothing of value because you dont know what value is. only wealth. I bet you wear gold and hundred dollar sneakers... or wish you did.

I got a 2390.

Alright I'm tired of restating myself. You are a retard and I am done with this. Anyone interested can re-read the posts between us and see you are wrong. Have a nice night.


Also citizenship only for white people of good moral character. No jews.

>someone with fuck you money
You only think of people as having "fuck you money" because you've already reconciled yourself with the fact that you will never achieve that and you can't compete with them. You wanna know how to get "fuck you money"? You don't waste it.

>you don't know how to produce value
Pic related.

>I bet you wear gold
I do, in fact. My caste typically fixes a golden earring onto the first-born male at birth to ward off evil demons.

>he didn't even fucking graduate high school

>low class whites have no value for education
What a pity; Sir Isaac Newton himself would be ashamed.

>white people of good moral character
Those no longer exist, pal. Sorry, the FPBP was by a fucking pajeet.

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-Voting only for people that have completed national service
-Socialize health care
-End illegal immigration and keep it ended
-Mandatory full assimilation, remove non-whites if necessary

if your people are so great then really. really why do you bother coming here? Why is india not on the global stage in the way that chica or america is? Where are your world famous contributions to science? Why do you put up with pakistan the way you do. None of us would if we had those kinds of neighbors. What is the reason everyone looks at you as a shithole country when clearly a people of your caliber are so fucking fantastic? Surely you are so great you could have turned this perception around in a fortnight.

>why did you come here
I didn't; pops did. He did so because at the time the USA promised equal protection under the law, the ability to compete fairly based on merit, and a full ride scholarship for PhD students in STEM to help the USA win the space race. He was under the impression that his children would be born as full American citizens.

I feel bad for pops. White people lied through their teeth to get him to emigrate and assist them, cheated him out of every technology he invented because it became "university IP", and now want to deny his sons, born on American soil of legally naturalized American citizens, full citizenship. If you want to go back on your deals, so be it. You're just the same as kikes to me.

>why is India not on the global stage
It is.

>Where are your world famous contributions to science?
Do you know what the Chandrasekhar limit is? Do you know who G.H. Hardy is? Do you know anything besides identitarian politics and "gib,gib,gib"? No, you are a nigger.

>Why do you put up with Pakistan
Because it's a US ally.

>We don't have those kinds of neighbors
Mexico sending its best.

>What is the reason everyone underestimates pajeets
Because it is better to speak softly with a funny accent and carry a big stick and dick.

>Turn this perception around
>Indians will be granted access

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>someone with fuck you money
>You only think of people as having "fuck you money" because you've already reconciled yourself with the fact that you will never achieve that and you can't compete with them. You wanna know how to get "fuck you money"? You don't waste it.
Yeah, you definitely have never been around the super wealthy. Its a shame. there lies a horizon far far beyond anything you can imagine.

Really, you couldn't even find a Indian actor that's known worldwide? I guess you are in the right place. it is pure autism to think that a Bollywood actor is going to be someone worth jack shit in the grand scheme of things. MOST OF THE PEOPLE WHO LIKE HIM SHIT IN THE STREETS. I mean really? You are a fucking joke if you think anyone thinks of bollywood as anything other than a trivia question.

>Polygamy is legalized
Have fun being deposed by angry virgins

India is not, in any little way on the global stage.
If you were on the same level as the U.S then it would not matter that pakistan is a U.S ally you would be respected.
The Pakistani has outright attacked you. Mexico as a nation would never dare.
Get back to me when you have a big stick.

>you have never been around the super wealthy
That's correct; i'm only top 0.5%. Still got to make another hundred million per year to really reach the top, but I have a plan.

>bollywood actor
I like Prabhas because he ISN'T bollywood; he's Tollywood and a Raju, almost the same caste as me. He looks like me, down to the slightly-nigger nostrils and the curly hair, as well as the alien-y finger length. This isn't a weakness, it's the strength of a breeding system given by our ancestors to preserve and hone the genetics of our castes to make us warriors and righteous kings.

>the only objections to my initial post have been "you're a pajeet, you can never really be American"
How telling.

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>Mexico is not outright attacking the US

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1. No killing

2. No raping

3. No stealing

4. No slavery

5. 100% government transparency

That is it. No other laws needed.

>yeah, I'm libertarian, go fuck yourself

Pajeet - 1
Cletuses - 0

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>95% of immigrants are women

no one's a virgin in that situation...

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The mexican government is not in a literal military standoff with us as we speak. Compared to your problems, its nothing of the kind. The mexican military would have been destroyed from the inside out long before that ever happened. You just cant do that to regular civilians. The fact you cant see the difference is enough evidence for me, you should never be allowed to get your hands on anything dangerous.

>you have never been around the super wealthy
That's correct; i'm only top 0.5%. Still got to make another hundred million per year to really reach the top, but I have a plan.
If you even had a tenth of that and come here to get bitch slapped by people who you think are lesser than you then you are a loser and everyone is laughing at you behind your autistic back. And there is no way you stopped with the gold earing.

>the mexican government is not in a literal military standoff
Neither are the Syrians, Iranians, Russians, etc. Good thing we've got so many based allies desu!

>there is no way you stopped with the gold earring
Pops says the only true wealth is knowledge, because it's the only wealth that cannot be stolen. Pity other races don't have caring fathers like East Asians and Indians do.

>hurr you come to Jow Forums therefore you are loser
I like Jow Forums because it supports absolutist free speech and because there's easy fodder like you to make me feel superior. Make a decent argument goy, this is too easy.

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So I can fuck a dog?

Nobody's stopping you except perhaps the dog.

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Go for it. I sure as hell wouldn't. My laws only apply to humans.

6. Ban the western evil of sanitation systems and sewage treatment. Only cows can vote

checked; better his sperm winds up in a dog than a human. Otherwise there'll be more dog-fuckers in following generations.

Better cows vote than niggers.

Attached: 'straya.png (500x500, 123K)

>the mexican government is not in a literal military standoff
>Neither are the Syrians, Iranians, Russians, etc. Good thing we've got so many based allies desu!
Only you would complain that we dont shit where we eat.

>there is no way you stopped with the gold earring
Pops says the only true wealth is knowledge, because it's the only wealth that cannot be stolen. Pity other races don't have caring fathers like East Asians and Indians do.
He abandoned his people in hopes he would get a better deal from a foreign people. Sounds like a great guy. and a great people he has come from.

>hurr you come to Jow Forums therefore you are loser
I like Jow Forums because it supports absolutist free speech and because there's easy fodder like you to make me feel superior. Make a decent argument goy, this is too easy.
You need this to feel superior?
that reminds me of a pajeet rant ive heard before.
start at 12:40. you people are nigger jews who need a host country to feed off of in order to produce anything of worth. If you actually wanted what you say you wanted you would do it in your own country and not here. You have to delude yourself into thinking that you can build anything of worth but nobody will ever look up to you. nobody will remember your name.

>we don't shit where we eat
What happens when the dino juice runs out?

>abandons his people
What "his people"? Only semites, and now westerners, think in collectivist terms.

>watch this youtube video it makes my argument for me

>do it over there, not here
Seeing as there are no Native Americans to say that any more to whites, I will - why didn't whites just make Europe better instead of colonizing the rest of the world?

>nobody will remember your name

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no jews
no niggers
compounded interest loans are a capital crime
homofaggotry is a crime that will get you booted out of the country
mandatory military service for every young person at age 18
these laws cannot be overturned

1)Tight restriction on illegal immigration. If anyone including politicians protect illegals(such as giving them a home, gibs, etc.) will be prosecuted for treason.

2)No dumb bills or dumb trade shit(TPP for example). Anyone including politicians do something like this or similar including alternating it or make it look like its not although it is or makes bills that could hurt the nation in any way will be locked up for a very long time(10+ years in prison).

3)Jews will no longer be the heads or higher ups in businesses which stops greed and other shady shit. Any companies they own will have to either close them down and have the money taken away from them to give to the Treasury or give the company to a non-Jew person. Refusal will either lead to being locked up or execution.

4)Keep travel bans on Middle East and Africa(although white South Africans are allowed to move to US). Any that sneak in will be executed. Applies to anything NGO related as well which US citizens will have the legal right to hunt down and stop NGO activities.

5)Take away women's right to vote. Anyone who is a Feminist or SJW or anything liberal/left wing related will be considered a terrorist thus they need to either end their duty as a Feminist/SJW/liberal/left wing because if they don't US citizens will legally hunt them down and take them DOA for money(literally bounty hunting).

2 More because fuck it

6)No restriction on guns so people can buy whatever the fuck they want. Just need ID and background check so guns won't be sold to criminals/crazy people.

7)LGBT becomes illegal.

1: The right of citizens to bear arms.
2: One vote per household, only property owning men and those who have served in the military eligible to vote.
3: False speech to be prosecuted, all forms of media and academia closely monitored for propaganda.
4: No income Tax.
5: No foreign aid & no third world immigration.

what you are doing is nothing even close to colonization. You coulden't even fit the population of america in europe anymore. the sheer size of india and your inability to do anything productive with is is just one tiny little note in a catalog of failure. And you have had it for tens of thousands of years. since the dawn of man its more land than any country of europe. The people of america get a few hundred years with some good land and they brought in more change than every other country combined and still do or you wouldn't be here. You even base your parliamentary government off of europe's. You cant expect to go and make some other place great when you have untold hundreds of millions of people still shitting outside. I'm sorry. but you are the only person who would ever defend this because you have a vested interest in maintaining some dignity. but that you will never have. If the western world wasn't here to hold back china, you would be easy pickings.

>What "his people"? Only semites, and now westerners, think in collectivist terms.
Out of all the people in the world I would think you would be the last to forget the chinks. And you are a fool to think you could stop them alone.

>What happens when the dino juice runs out?
you better hope we don't want yours. and how can you think about spelling billion with an M but not know that almost none of the oil is from dinosaurs?

Srinivasa Ramanujan
A household name, please? not someone best known for a sudance biopic. God they had to pick the same guy as slumdog millionare because just about all of you are butt ugly and unwatchable.

We can keep at it if you want pajeet. I've been here long enough to know i'm the only one in all of pol that sees your ilk for the giant waste of space they are.

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If you want a substantial discussion; discuss my amendments If you want to discuss the validity of pajeets as a race of human being; start your own thread. I am an American like my father before me; you cannot take that way with mere shitposts. Let's see you campaign to repeal the 14th amendment if you feel so strongly.

1.Restore the soviet Union
All in one

a nobel prize in astrophysics. a field that the average person would never know the definition of because it has little to do with their daily life. But it remains extremely important work. Yet Black Science Man is more well known than this guy. and your monkey had to share his nobel too.

Ah, there's the indignation of a cornered animal. That's all I wanted, thank you.

>refuse substantial discussion
>dismiss all accomplishments of pajeets
>muh based black man
What is there to discuss then? You have your ways; I have mine. The only solution is open combat to see which side dharma aligns with.

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