Imagine you can make 5 laws become real (at your own country).
What laws do you select to become real?
Imagine you can make 5 laws become real (at your own country).
What laws do you select to become real?
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Amendments for USA; so they have Constitutional authority.
1. Individual freedom of contract is a protected right subject to due process.
2. Both criminal and civil cases must have a private party claiming defendant committed wrongful conduct, the state, federal, state, and/or municipal, cannot be a party to suit unless joined by a private party.
3. Income, wealth/estate, and property taxes cannot be levied by the state, again federal/state and/or locally.
4. Only real property (land-owning) parties can exercise voting rights (corporations that own property can vote but people who rent cannot)
5. Only the US treasury has authority to issue legally-tender money and any such issuance must be authorized by Congress in an annually balanced budget and all private citizens are guaranteed the right to redeem such money against the treasury or private bank for gold or silver.
1. Being jewish is illegal, and any property owned by jewish individuals is to be confiscated and used by the State
2. Blacks and immigrants of second generation are no longer considered Costa Ricans, unlessx they are european
3.The King of Spain is recognized as the head of State of Costa Rica
4. There shall be an army
5. Capital punishment for any crime
>2. Both criminal and civil cases must have a private party claiming defendant committed wrongful conduct, the state, federal, state, and/or municipal, cannot be a party to suit unless joined by a private party.
So destroying goverment assets would be completely legal
Only to the extent that the government asset was of no benefit to anyone at all, otherwise any private citizen could sue you for tort of nuisance and then attach the government as party.
>Costa Rica
>statist fuck
How utterly predictable you filthy spic fuck. No spaniard could ever begin to understand the value of the Anglo legal system.
Fuck lolbertarians
Superior Roman Law system>Savagery>Anglo legal system
I would condense the 10 mohawk commandants into 5 more ruthless laws and adopt them as a way of governance.
Interestingly enough, the US constitution is a form adapted from the 10 Mohawk commandments.
1. Only Europeans, Indians, and East Asians will be granted access into the country
2. Gays, lesbians, trannies, etc, will be sent to re-education camps.
3. You will be allowed 30 round magazines and silencers (unless you're gay or a nigger)
4. Inter-racial marriages are prohibited
5. All money being spent on welfare and benefit programs will now be spent on creating new jobs and helping people find jobs
1. 15th Amendment repealed
2. 19th Amendment repealed
Only need two.