Why am i taking his death so hard? Fuk man

Why am i taking his death so hard? Fuk man.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Was it (((them)))?

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rip in peace, art.

Checked brother.
Fuck man he went through so much.
Ramonas death. People saying he was a peddie?!

Then remember when he last quit he said people were threatening him?

Is there SOMETHING there?

if you listened to his show you usually did so alone in bed in the small hours of the morning... you are vulnerable and receptive then and he explored interesting and thought provoking topics so he left deep impressions but did this also to millions of people

literally who?

Fuck user.
2 3 am. Wired. Wife next to me sound asleep. Need a fix. A lulluaby.
It was bell.
WEST OF THE ROCKIES YOU ARE IN THE AIR! is your radio on? Ok, please turn it of now.

Oh god i hope he died peacefully.
Went thru a ton.

Checked Press F to pay respects to Art Bell. Sometimes he'd have shilly guests on and imo he'd poke holes in their arguments. Subtly so they wouldn't get mad but I think I could tell when he did or didn't believe his guests.

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he was probably a freemason who said too much

or a spook who's still alive and changed identities


Who is art bell my lads?
No memeflag reddit retort please. Would honestly like to know who he is. Too lazy to search, please forgive

Cool radio conspiracy guy like Alex Jones but more relaxed and more aliens and less politics. He was around 30+ years or something.

A great late night talk show host. /x/ would suck him off if they could.

late night talk radio host who talked about everything nobody else would: conspiracies, aliens, bigfoot, conspiracies, etc. his show was like Jow Forums and /x/ lovechild in the middle of the night. a great troll and shitposter before we had chans.

I remember him and noory 15 years ago having some goofball Texan on ranting about fema camps. Fast forward and Alex Jones is like a cultural icon now

/x/g/sci/pol/b/ all rolled up into a late night AM radio program before the web let alone smartphones were a thing.

Other anons are telling you what he did. What they're not conveying is the impact he had. You have to understand, back in the days before widespread internet, if you were interested in conspiracies and the paranormal then Coast to Coast AM was your shit. It was like the only source to learn about it, other than a variety of glossy Time Life books. And he was talking about it every night. To several million of us, he was our introduction to the Philadelphia Experiment, to alien implants, to EVP, to a variety of subjects. It meant he was really influential to the community that studies such topics.

He managed to make a fair impact on pop culture during the years. If you ever played GTA: San Andreas, and heard the fake radio show, Area 53? That was a parody of his show. In the Dean Koontz novel "By the Light of the Moon", the character Parish Lantern and his show are also modeled on Art.

Great memories.

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What you said...

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Only caught his show a couple of times but it left an impression. What a strange lonely vibe! Distant voice in the night over tinny AM. Great Americana. RIP.

Imagine being a minimum wage nightshift worker at 3am and there is no such thing as the web or podcasts or iTunes or YouTube or Jow Forums to keep you from going batshit crazy from boredom. Now image you can slip headphones on, dial in to a distant AM radio station skipping off the ionosphere and listen to a redpilled talk show before redpills were even invented. THAT is what Art Bell gave us. RIP the original.



Much respect to the legend, Art Bell

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A reason to spend your lawnmowing money on a ccrane.

it would turn out death is the ultimate medium for sound. Bell's message will resound on forever.

I'll also add, I don't think there's a paranormal-oriented podcast out there that doesn't owe a stylistic debt to Art Bell. Paranormies, Last Podcast on the Left, Mysterious Universe, they all show Art Bell's influence. He got the entire ball rolling on the format, and they're all just different iterations of "Coast to Coast AM, but as a podcast instead of a broadcast show". An entire genre exists because of Art brought us from the high desert.

Interesting story ..One night I was laying in bed listening to his show.

Guest was Steve Quayle who was taking about the dead microbiologists that kept happening.

as he read from a list he read a name that sent a shock through my body. Robert Leslie Burghoff; stevequayle.com/index.php?s=185

Robby as I called him was my childhood friend and neigbor. he was a few years older than me but we played a lot , we built a tree house and generally he was my first best friend.

here he is standing above me as a 3 and 1/2 year old as I wave to whoever was taking the picture probably mother .

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it sucks to die, no matter what, but take some comfort that he died on Friday the 13th, he prob would have wanted it that way or at least laughed at the irony. I'm not sure if I ever listened to any of his shows, but F.

That Jesse Ventura guy found the black coffin stockpiles. Millions of giant plastic coffin sized black boxes. Someone's going in them user. If we don't have the stomache to do what we must then we will cry when they do it with glee.

Someone made this stock photo?

Oy vey this is antisemitic

"Turn your radio off caller!" Art had very little patience for that shit.

I imagine after the 300th time, it gets old

Thank you old fag please stay strong through this hurricane of newfags. You are doing yeoman duty telling them and me what you know. This stuff used to be forbidden. Talk to an old person about anything that's a "conspiracy theory" and watch how they react. They don't care about evidence or truth it's visceral to them so people like Art Bell were true pioneers.

i think his son was molested as a child too and he killed himself or something later in life

Oi, I saw one of the /x/philes sharing this
Username: coastgab
password: gabber44#
It's not a complete archive, a lot of links don't work, but many of them do.

>son was molested

How about the times when he'd deliberately fuck with the clueless callers by pretending that he was anybody but Art Bell? The best one was when he'd pretend to be a pizza place and ask the caller "Are you ready to order?"

it's always really interesting hearing his shows from like 1994 where art goes through instructions for the convoluted process for connecting to the c2c BBS to download an image of an ET autopsy or something.

Sorry about your dead friend and Art Bell. What do you think any chance of foul play or just meming? Supposedly there were important patent holders on that missing MH 370 or what not flight. Patents about low energy transmitters or some such important tech.

took me a second and then pieced together the pic and now I'm sad :(
this. in my case it was out of an actual radio too...not clicking around surfing the net half-listening to some digital podcast version in the background. it was just alone in bed the entire house asleep and that little radio with Art's voice and the callers spookin me out or making me think about the world in a new way
>WEST OF THE ROCKIES YOU ARE IN THE AIR! is your radio on? Ok, please turn it of now.
I forgot all these catch phrases cause i stopped listening sometime after Noory took over but all these little catchphrases bring me back so much. WILDCARD LINE, YOU'RE ON THE AIR.
>Subtly so they wouldn't get mad but I think I could tell when he did or didn't believe his guests.
that's what made him good...sometimes you didn't know for sure which side of the fence he fell on and you had to decide for yourself because he gave people an even shake even if they sounded crazy...he didn't talk AT people and talk down to his listeners and push ideologies, he treated his listeners like equals capable of making up their own minds about what they were listening to
>You have to understand, back in the days before widespread internet, if you were interested in conspiracies and the paranormal then Coast to Coast AM was your shit. It was like the only source to learn about it
>And he was talking about it every night. To several million of us
and we felt like the only ones who knew about him because no one in the daylight ever talked about him or the stuff he talked about. You didn't go to school and hear "man did you hear that time traveler call into Art Bell last night?? What do you think about that audio from that hole??" and talk about it...it was like this secret shadowy club you discovered like you were eavesdropping on some secret conversations out in the shadowy darkness of the desert and Area 51. X-Files was popular at this time too

Art Bell. The most popular late-night talk show host (ever) and the fourth-most popular overall.

man i forgot he had his calls completely unscreened, pretty wild he would just let whoever wanted to on the air with millions of people nationwide listening and he'd figure out what they were calling about the same time the audience did.

There were a statistically signifigant number of members of the field of microbiology showing up dead from causes not related to their work which could often be hazardous if working with lethal pathogens ..not sure what the suggestion was other than that someone was trying to engineer a global pandemic and they wanted people who could work to stop it out of the way. As far as I am aware my friend's death was never solved, the driver never apprehended so any cause beyond the surface that of an accident hit and run is left to speculation.

I think only people 35 years old and up will know who he was.



The earth is flat my dude

And who can ever forget the most notorious of all Art's repeat callers, JC? "There's a special place in Hell for you and your listeners Art Bell!"

33 here. when I was a little fucking swamp rat in florida, I had a radio, and it was all I had. I fixed it up the best I could, but only got AM. I listened to art a few times a very little boy.

Well, gotta have one in an Art Bell thread after all.

it was also great cause Art was so chill and soothing to listen to. He wasn't abrasive or stuffy...the show had a ton of quiet moments and dead air like callers telling some crazy story about some shit they weren't supposed to see and you're on the edge of your seat and then there's a few seconds of silence and a "caller? are you still there?" "huh--oh y--yes I thought I heard someone at my window" and your heart is pounding under your blanket and you're wishing you had left the lights on
scary stuff thanks for sharing user
>man i forgot he had his calls completely unscreened, pretty wild he would just let whoever wanted to o
and the weird part is he rarely got any complete blatant offensive trolling...like you try that now and you're gonna have someone just blowing an air-horn into their mic and swearing and shit but his wildcard line always came off like people who sincerely believed they had a story they needed to share with the world and Art's show was their only chance to get it out there
Also Art's show was pretty much independent as far as I know...he did whatever he wanted with it and he didn't have wacky co-hosts and shit, it was just you and Art and whoever he let on, till the wee hours of the morning.
glad Art is getting some recognition on Jow Forums I thought he was from too far back for anyone to care. RIP Art


if you meant foul play in Art's death I doubt it.

I had considered maybe he did it himself when Trump bombed Syria.. Art backed Trump bigly and maybe he felt betrayed .. but I was listening the time most recently when he had just come back on air when someone took shots at his house during the show.. he put on a tape then announced his retirement again and Heather took over. Most people figured it was a stunt , that maybe his back just hurt sitting in the chair too much and realized as much as he loved doing it he didn't need to so staged this wild thing to get out of it.

Will the show go on? I stoped listening a while ago idk if he still did it recently

Heather Wade is doing Midnight In the desert and Hoagie is till doing his thing


Was 11 when I found his show during a weird months long bout of insomnia in 93.

Would catch it every now and then afterwards.

I miss pre Internet life sometimes.

He wasnt subtle at all when he didnt want to talk about a given subject.
He would gladly humor all sorts of alien area51 shenanigans, but whenever certain legitimate things would come up he would get all nervous.
Sometimes even cutting them off and abruptly hanging up on them.
You could talk to him all you wanted about the more xfiles tier things, but certain military and political conspiracies were off limits.
It was fun listening to him back in the day, but he was definitely working for one or more alphabet agencies.

lol fucking forgot about that...


and the antichrist line. like what?? who would even think to try that and put whoever calls into that line live on the air

Yeah, the younglings just don't realize how precious a commodity certain media used to be before the internet went mainstream. How valuable a Loompanics catalog was before a google search could return seventy five thousand pages of instructions about combat and munitions. How important your local affiliate station's "Creature Feature" or "Fright Nite" program was before torrent sites let you download every horror movie on earth. Just how big a deal C2C was before seemingly every popular messageboard has some kind of Paranormal/Conspiracy board.

No one who grew up with the internet and takes it for granted how easy acquiring knowledge is will ever understand how much those resources meant to us.


riperoni, tony, you shall be missed

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i did not know who this guy was but this thread got me a pretty good impression of him, any episodes to start with?



And I'm full nostalgia now.

ya if you missed a show you just didn't get to see that show again, unless it happened to air as a re-run sometime and you happened to catch it without any real clue that it would even be re-ran. So when you did catch something you had an appreciation for it...but you couldn't just link the archive version of it to your friends the next day to discuss it it was just "holy shit you guys won't believe what I heard about last night!!"
>I miss pre Internet life sometimes.
this. I don't even know how to describe pre-internet life to newfags who grew up with it. it was a different world and there's no going back to it...there was something fun about NOT knowing everything that was going on in the world 24/7 months before it happens and being able to catch it years after it happens. I don't know if someone listening to Art Bell on their cpu while they read Jow Forums in a brightly lit room because they're old enough to stay up past bedtime with the lights on etc would get the same experience that most of us got.
>Ar (completely straight-faced): "No I don't!"

Fr. Malachi Martin was a good friend of Art's and was on his show numerous times. Look up those shows for some insights into real Vatican dirt

to add to your cultural references, Art himself was actually in the original Prey videogame, as himself, doing his broadcast. It's playing on the radio as the protagonist gets abducted by aliens.

thank you, already hooked

Not me, man. Always listened on terrestrial radio. Night shift network analyst. Riding to get steak and shake for "lunch". Or driving around smoking weed in the backwoods on my nights off. To be 23 again! I miss that truck, but not as much as I'll miss Art Bell.

don't know if you know who Lionel is (youtube guy). He talked about Art's passing last night...check out his channel 'Lionel Nation' if you're intrested

It's the end of an Era.
He died on Friday the 13th too...
His life was a poem.
and he made me feel spoopy in a good way.

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to get the full effect turn off all your lights and get off Jow Forums and turn off your computer and just curl up comfy under your covers and just fully listen through the whole show without stopping to be distracted etc


Our boys on /x/ are really putting in work on giving Bell a proper eulogy.
Other than that one rampaging samefag who won't shut the fuck up about his estranged kids.

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I cried for a bit. don't know why but I let out some tears. been thinking about him all day and the impact he had on me. you took us on a wild ride, thanks.

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You are blessed to have lived in such a time as was I. Thanks for the memories, do you remember the show "Sightings" as well. It had some deep state exposure that would be gassed into oblivion now. They were such a presence that Area 51 built fences and all around the site.

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Some random good stuff I remember:

Shadow People: youtube.com/watch?v=omtRsUqMN6c

Mel's Hole: youtube.com/watch?v=sA5KIRChve0

Every Halloween he did Ghost to Ghost AM: youtube.com/watch?v=Cf6LCVU0Kpk

Imagine being a kid and tucked under your covers at night with your family all asleep and your lights are off and you're listening to this shit, with the transmission cutting out and the music starting up again etc like holy fuck...this was before shitty internet connections, TV and radio didn't GO "off the air" suddenly like this, like that Max Headroom hack:

nice to see the archive is being shared around. its full of gold.

It's okay, it's (((ALAMY))).

Because you're an INTP.

i lived in taos nm for a while, we'd drive out to the mesa and watch the sky do funny things and listen to coast to coast...treasured memories

also this was the ghost hunters who do cassette recordings and pick up ghosts on them...I remember being like "omg I know about this" when I saw that hollywood movie coming out about this (White Noise I think?):


again listen to this with the lights off and imagine being young and still learning about the world and hearing this guy who sounds 100% confident that what he's talking about is real and playing these creepy recordings that you can hear saying words...many fuckin sleepless nights thanks to Art

Heavy smokers do.... youtube.com/watch?v=1CIJf_BFn0A

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Because he was a positive effect on your life, and there are way, way too few of those in our lives these days.

RIP Art.

I went without sleep to listen to Art Bell. I listened to the Area 51 caller live when it happened. Freaked me right the fuck out.
I totally miss that show. The awakening process has been going on for a long time, We didn’t just get to this age of the red pill by accident.
God Bless Art Bell!

>I totally miss that show. The awakening process has been going on for a long time, We didn’t just get to this age of the red pill by accident.

I'm pretty new here, but I'm starting to get the gist of things. And I think you may be right.

did anyone cry when they received the news?

Art used to make it perfectly clear that he didn't want anything that would claim any harm to politicians or such. He didn't want the Secret Service knocking on his door.

Art Bell got me through 3 years of sleepless nights spent in prison. Thank you Art.

I did. I recorded the replay of George Noory's announcement. And cried the second time, too.

I was having wine, and I toasted him.

I was as sorry as anyone to hear that he died but sobbing while drinking wine is unforgivable faggotry

Best selection of bumper music ever.

I guess this means he is officially retired for good
Feels bad man

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Evp stuff

For you whippersnappers who never got to experience the treasure that was Coast to Coast, and for the oldfags who want to have another listen, here you go. Not my archive, but was posted on this board many moons ago. Wrote it down. Shadows're weird cause I'm wearing a headlamp.

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When I was a kid I discovered Coast to Coast AM by accident one night while scanning through the AM band with a radio in my bedroom.

I lived in Canada and was close enough enough to the US border that at night (only at night, AM signals propagate further at night) I could pick up American radio stations.

I remember that to get a clear signal I had to move the radio and its antenna just right, and if I stood in the right place in my room it would make the signal even clearer.

The first time I discovered it, I was enraptured. I listened for hours. I think it was an open lines night, and I listened to stories from call ins about aliens and sasquatch, all sorts of things.

I wrote the AM frequency down on a piece of masking tape and stuck it to my radio, and listened in many more times over the years.

I felt like I was being connected into another world, it was my first dose of redpills, my first experience of hearing humans speak about ideas that were taboo in the mainstream. I felt connected to everyone else that was listening to the broadcasts during those nights that I would tune in, like I was part of something bigger than myself.

We were all there together in the Dreamland, our consciousness gathered around the air waves by Art Bell from the High Desert, peeking behind the curtain of our shared reality to get a fleeting glimpse of mysterious and elusive truths.


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good obituary pic & story user. hope newfags can enjoy some archived shows but I don't think they'll ever get to feel that sense of awe & wonder captured in memories like yours from back then. just like 80s movies like The Goonies probably don't resonate as much now but they tapped into a time where there were no cell phones or internet or anything, just kids going off an on adventure full of possibilities and discoveries that they had to share with eachother in person and it felt like you were the only one in the world who had found some hidden treasure.

You're so right. The technological medium was a huge part of it, as well as the technological cultural context.

Radio was so damn cool, the way you could get stations from far away at night, scanning through the frequencies and finding strange sounds or snippets of voices. It made listening to spoopy Coast to Coast that much more comfy and mysterious.

I've been wanting to get into short wave radio for a while now.

part of the fun was that it was happening right there in the moment like you caught a shooting star...you couldn't pause it and run to the bathroom or pause it and bookmark it to listen to later, before the internet you couldn't even google and find out wtf the show was, you had to just stop and be like "wait wtf is this? roswell? aliens? chemtrails? exorcisms?? what am I listening to here?? does anyone else know about this?"
and pre-internet you couldn't just google these kinds of topics...you had to bike to a library and dig through some dog-eared dusty old books in the back of an empty library to read about this stuff feeling all The Shining levels of unease and paranoia because it was just you alone, not a big group of shitposters posting traps and memes it was just you on some weird little personal adventure expanding your mind tuning in every night and trying to figure out what was real and what wasn't.

He's gone screaming to heaven like a shirako

The limited access to information was definitely a huge part of it. I too remember exploring books in libraries, standing alone in a quiet part of the library cracking open books about ayy lmaos and star children, just standing there thinking "what the actual fuck".

The personal adventure aspect intense, you felt like you were Indiana Jones on the trail of a mysterious happening that was just around the corner.

The best was finding notes scrawled in the margins of books from others who had come before you. "What did you SEE? How deep does the rabbit hole go??? Where are you now?"

>because no one in the daylight ever talked about him or the stuff he talked about.
Yeah man it was awesome, only people of the night heard the truth. Chemtrails and all.
I love coast to coast, but my brother told me about an episode he heard that basically made me believe in aaayyyys, until i saw an actual ufo.
My older brother, about 6 or 7, was sleeping in the living of our childhood home one night, when he saw an alien walk around the house. It was about 4 ft tall, and had big green glowing eyes. The crazy part is, my brother was listening to c2c and a caller told a story about his house having aliens, the caller gave the exact description of what my brother saw. To this day, thats the only story i really believe from him. He doesn't fuck around anything paranormal.