Reminder that you can't be a christian and feel hate towards a group or person

Reminder that you can't be a christian and feel hate towards a group or person.

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Except Christians hate Christ killers

wrong spic

God nuked two cities over sodomy.

god doesnt hate the gay person
he hates their gay actions

sure, like you can be christian and fondle children. I got you senpai

>.t uneducated liberal mexicant who has literally never read the bible
Literally no stable-minded christian would say God hates gays. The bible literally says God does not hate ANYONE, period.
According to the bible God is saddened by sin, not angered, not filled with hate, not filled with a desire to harm those that sin. He is filled with a desire to teach and forgive.
Libs: take note of the last 2 sentences. Maybe y'all don't want to believe in Christ simply because you enjoy your sinning so much, stop your hatred, anger, and desire to harm others. Ask God to lead you into a more healthy, positive life.

God loves HIS people and no it's not (((them))). Everyone else will literally burn in the lake of fire.

Non-Christians and anti-Christians aren't allowed to dictate to Christians.

Psalms 5:5 retard

"The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity."

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mirror thinking is wierd

you can't be a perfect Christian and hate. but since all are sinners and imperfect, guess what faggot?

God doesn't hate gay people he hates the sin. The entire point of Jesus is about SIN. The act of fucking another man is a SIN. That is it and thats how the church sees it.

>God doesn't hate people
>*sends 100ft angels to demolish ur civilization :^)*

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Hate the sin not the sinner

can gay christians be a real thing cause im gay but i read the bible and pray every night and morning

"Jacob I have loved but Esau I have hated"
BTFO and sage this trash thread

Strange, I recall Jesus hating large groups of people.

lol have you ever actually read the Bible?

God hates sin with a perfect hatred. If you cling to your sin then God will abandon you and cast you into the Lake of Fire to burn for eternity. There's a time to hate. You've turned "love" into an idol. God is love, but love is not God.


disappointment is not hate

We don't verbally fellate them or inflate their ego at every opportunity, that constitutes as hate to those types of people. It's not wonder they aren't Christian if they can't understand that we still pray for those we disagree with.

Sodomites are Sodomites because they rejected God, and so God abandoned them by giving them over to a reprobate mind.

As long as you repent of your homosexuality and remain totally celibate and don't practice Sodomy or engage in faggot fantasies or indulge yourself at all you can be a Christian, as long as you never seek any kind of position of authority among Christians or any job that gives you access to children. As for being an active or unrepentant Sodomite, no.

Can a lustful man be a Christian? Can a lying man? If by these things you mean someone who does this on a regular basis UNREPENTANTLY (as in willingly without acknowledging that it is sin and having a heart wanting to turn away) then no, they can not be Christians.

But if they acknowledge their sin and ask for forgiveness, wanting to abstain from it then they can be christians.

"But what if they repent but still do that sin from time to time"

This question brings up the point of walking in sin vs. stumbling in sin. If you willingly on a regular basis engage in homosexuality (including porn of course) and do not try to resist it, then that is walking. But if you genuinely have a heart for obeying God and try to resist it but still fall into it from time to time, you can be forgiven. This is what Christians mean by "Salvation is not of works". It is not that your works do not ever matter, but ultimately your salvation is not dependent upon how much or little you sin. It is about the true state of your heart towards God, which axiomatically involves the state of your heart towards your sin.

"But how much sinning would count as walking and how little would count as stumbling?"

There is no fixed number of times a month or whatever. This is again why we are told not to "judge" regarding salvation. Only God can with certainty look into a man's heart and judge him.

"But what about knowing them by their fruits?"

Yes, this is true because often an unsaved person will exhibit the state of their lack of salvation clearly through their works. And saved people are expected to show it through their good works. But with the 5% or so of people who aren't really showing where they stand are hard to be certain bout, so that is why we should always be conscious about telling someone that they are saved or not.


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The based book speaks the truth.

Bottom line is you need to search your own heart. Do you truly love God and His Son and believe the Gospel regarding Him? Then you should want to obey him. And when you fail, do not be discouraged. Jesus paid for your sins. But if you think you can live a life of willful uninterrupted sin without attempting to resist it, you shall not inherit the kingdom of heaven.

I pray that you will follow our Lord with an honest heart, not looking for ways to see how much sin you can get away with. I don't want you to hear Jesus say "depart from me, I never knew you"

Jacob was a filthy kike to Esau

i have always thought jacob was a pretty terrible person towards his brother desu

It does not matter, he do not exist to be honest, damn it, I have to be the adult who tells the kids that their fairy tales are not real.


Then I'll renounce my faith if you're asking me to choose.

Ah, the "if you're a Christian, then you must be a cuck or you're not a real Christian".

Just another Jewish lie, unfortunately for OP.

Are you talking about the first or second death?

oh fuck that left meme gave me aids. Fuck you guys yall'd need to attend some meme seminars.

Who? Jesus broke bread with the sick, the prostitutes, the tax collectors and those on the fringes of society. He preached to the pharisees who sought to kill him and he accepted the foreigner (of both nation and faith) such as in the parable of the Good Samaritan

>atheists attempting to use God in an argument against people who actually believe
why do they always do this?


you are a literally heretic please stop

The only thing reprobate means is in reference to encouraging sinful actions. This is the natural, logical, extension of sins needing to be confessed to be forgiven, and confession requiring believing that it is wrong to sin. A person who does not believe they did anything wrong can not confess and therefore will not be saved. God is not doing anything to people, there is no one who can not be saved. This is for for example people like milo who admit they are sinners (as everyone is) will be just fine.

Nice now I know that God is okay with rapists and murderers, thanks Satan bro.

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I don't recall Jesus hating those who killed him.

>God believes in moral relativism


the fastest way to Hell is to try to change something that works well enough

I don't feel hatred, only righteous fury

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cringe desu

Because its an excellent device with which to point out your own hypocrisy

The rest of us aren't Jesus

>God doesn't hate anyone! That's God's thing!
That's why the great flood happened, right?

Gay people are animals

I may not ethically be able to hate you, but I can sure as shit be disgusted with everything you stand for.

yeah thanks you media indoctrinated fucking brainlet for explaining christianity to us from the perspective of ZIONIST PROGRAMMING

get REKT you absolute fucking QUEER


you're a joke using mainstream media perceptions of a faith you dont even belong to as a means of attacking people of said faith

you're a brainlet

That was the old testament tho. Doesnt count anymore. :^)

which is exactly why i've never been cuckstain nor will i ever be, i only believe in white gods, praise based loki

>Say you're sorry
>Sin again
>Expect salvation
God isn't nearly so ignorant as to the conniving ways of terrible people. If only people who deliberately sin and feel no remorse went to hell then most of the evil up here wouldn't be given retribution.

It seems your grammar and Scriptural comprehension are about the same.

Read Romans 1:24-30

>lol look how great the devil is

I have come to expect this from leftists

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ahahahahahahahah, I know you're lying but goddamn.
Could you imagine some Kekistani pagan? That's the most autistic faggot shit ever. Enjoy being taken serious by literally no one.

What's the point in trying to resist sin if it's not possible to (at least not completely)? In fact, what's the point if accepting Jesus is all that you need to do? If you don't sin then Jesus died for nothing.

But God does hate all humans tho
It's Jesus that doesn't hate anyone.
Before Jesus came along God was killing everyone like it was his birthday. Then Jesus said "lol no dad stop" and God stopped killing us all.

>As long as you repent of your homosexuality and remain totally celibate and don't practice Sodomy or engage in faggot fantasies or indulge yourself at all you can be a Christian, as long as you never seek any kind of position of authority among Christians or any job that gives you access to children. As for being an active or unrepentant Sodomite, no.
Sounds like you're more interested in making them silent and invisible than saving them.

apparently God wiped out 2 cities because everyone was buttfucking eachother,

you can justify anything from the right perspective.
you could say god killed them because he hated them or you could say he killed them because he loved them so much he couldnt allow them to live in degenerate conditions and develop Ancient proto AIDS.

Hate the sin not the sinner. Yes. But also stay apart from those who are not like you or don't believe as you(the Christian). Anyone who harms a child by taking them from God in their innocence, it shall be as if a giant millstone had been set about their neck and they were tossed into the sea. It is not my place to judge certain things and so long as they keep their sins to themselves in influence, I am live and let live. But there is a reason why some homosexuals prey on children. It is the "reproduction" method of the homosexual mind virus. It is how they create more to do their bidding in the agenda.
That cannot be tolerated. At all. Such evil must be destroyed.

ragnarok is already upon you, retard, and based loki is the one who has made it so, and justfully so at that
why would i ever care whether any retards, who cannot see the forest for the trees, takes my knowledge seriously? why should i? it's impossible for you to know what i know or to see what i have seen, you are already dead

>say your sorry
You have the spiritual depth of a potato if you think you can keep secrets from god.

Christianity has always been about maintaining the ideal standard despite the fact that nobody can meet it. This is the opposite of what the left and secularists want to do; create easily accessible standards so everyone can feel good about themselves.

You actually read it and stop fixating on your Calvinist meme word. It lists all sorts of sins, and then right at the end it specifically says "and promotes them".

Read 1:32
The entire passage is about those who blatantly turn away from the truth they know, and say its ok to sin.
This is a similar theme to the condemnation of the pharisees for blasphemy against the holy spirit (seeing the miracles of jesus, realizing what it was, and saying flat out it was the power of satan doing it)

You use it as an excuse to pick and choose specific sins you dont like to feel hate over.

>implying jesus didnt hate jews

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>believing anything a guy dressed as Satan says about God unironically
Fucking retards haven't read the bible in their life.
I've read the bible, the talmud, the quran, pretty much every holy book I can get my hands on. They're all the same shit which boils down to "wreck shit in the name of God or God will wreck your shit"

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You have the philosophical depth of a potato if you think that everyone who does bad things does it with a clear head and without ever feeling bad about it.


To be a Christian you have to believe in Jesus and His resurrection.

you are saying that to be a Christian you have to have purged all sin from your life, your thoughts, heart, and emotions. wrong. Jesus died because we couldn't save ourselves, and until we have new resurrected bodies, we wrestle like hell to subdue our fallen flesh, in which we are still encased.

OP What are you doing with your life? Try to do some good for once, go volunteer, donate your time or money, get your life together, and get busy with what God put you on earth to do.

If god exists then god does hate us because he created liberals and jews.
There is literally no argument against what I just said. If god didn't hate then he wouldn't have created fags in the first place. We're getting punished alright.

wrong bro. The Bible does not ever, ever, ever litearlly say that God does not hate anyone.. I suggest you do a concordance search for "God+hate". here's a taste:

Proverbs 6:16-19 King James Version (KJV)

16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

Sometimes you must kill the sinner to save them.
That's not hate. That's love!

Based Jap bro, are you an actual Nipponese from the islands or an M? because Christians on Japan are like

Proverbs 6:16 "There are six things the Lord hates..."
Psalm 11:5 "The LORD tests the righteous, but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence"
Proverbs 15:9 "The Lord detests the way of the wicked, but he... ... The Lord hates the way evil people live"

antinomian please leave

says the faggot who insists xir is a pony

Yep. And king David seems to me like a total jerk, tbqh. except he was a man after God's own heart. You are 100% right about the judging thing. there is no accounting for God's favor. He picks the most unlikely. I think Trump is actually a kind of David figure, if you catch my drift.

>A person who does not believe they did anything wrong can not confess and therefore will not be saved
whos the heretic now nigger faggot man? ignorance of the law in the bible is a blank check to do what ever you want.

also the burnt offering was acceptable without any confession just a 100% clean slate at the price of 2 goats

but all thats desert goat fucker shit. in the bible non jew groups are protected by god from the jews. god also fails to smite a sorcerer who wasnt a jew who was going to curse all the jews and god didnt even explicitly say your not allowed to do it so i dont think desert goat fucker morals apply to every one

and the only way to cleanse a person of their gay actions is by fire.

God doesn't HATE anyone, he just wants you all to stop being faggots or else you're going straight to hell

You're right, hate the sin not the sinner. That doesn't mean we should let them do it.

Why don't you read the passage, dwell on it, read it again, then come back when you have a little sense.

Gen 13:13 But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.

Why don't you start there, and read until Chapter 20. Or just pick up at Ch.19.

Of course the commie is god less. Your opinion on the matter is now invalid.

Gay people =/= people engaging in buttsex
Anime fans =/= people raping children

Why don't we just kill them all and let god sort them out?

You fight against your sinful nature. You should want to fight it.

>quoting the kike book
Yikes. Your debt has been paid by Jesus, friend. New Testament only. No need to sacrifice a goat for your sins anymore.

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Hey Christlarper. If you actually read the Bible you'd know the nature of God doesn't change over time.

Not a jot or tittle shall pass from the Law until all is fulfilled.

>God is love, but love is not God.
Probably the best words i've read all day. Well done, nippon.


Synagogue of Satan
Father of Lies

That's all you need to know.

Right. His law is still in effect. Sinning=Death. But since Christ died for your sins, the debt has been paid 1000fold. No you answer to Christ. To know what Christ wants from you, you have to invoke the Holy Spirit and read the New testament. He doesn't have a list of commandments, but he does lay it out very clear what Christians should do.
God doesn't change, nor do his laws. Christ lived the perfect Jew life and was still killed. So, Christians accept his sacrifice as their own and pick up where Jesus left off. Living free of sin, with a new debt to Jesus instead of God's ancient laws. And as mentioned, he asks very little compared to what God's laws demanded from you.
This all abbreviated, of course, but that's the main idea.

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ten commandments will not pass away in jesus own words

MATTHEW 5:17-18
17 Do not think that I came to destroy the law, or the prophets: I did not come to destroy, but to fulfill.
18 For amen I say to you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no way pass from the law, till all things come to pass.

>The ice I almost slipped on is the devil.
No, you're just an unobservant theocratic prick.

Our Lord hated Esau. Your statement is stupid, it has no sources, you ante incorrect in your theological statement, and you’re probably a fag.

Have a (you) anyway.

Sure you can, its just wrong to, but Christianity makes no bones about you being a fuck up.

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