Jow Forums humor

we need a humor thread,
post em

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this is worse than the russia balls, gas yourself

I'll at least try to dump some quality

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>a woman

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WTF was he trying to accomplish there? Surely he was intentionally trying to sink that boat?

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>Nigger beat references

Kill yourself Amerimutt

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Attached: a nig nogs.webm (224x400, 2.86M)

Quality Spongebob edit.

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good reflex on the man. looks like that isnt his first rodeo

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Why would he attacks someone twice his fucking weight?

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I get it, he could just climb the the ladder to get the shirt, but hey, at least he can use a tool. Sure not as intended, but tool use non the less.

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ancap memeballs are Jow Forums at it's finest
post 'em

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I hope you get cancer


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My nigga got good taste desu


poor man. didnt stand a chance


park your face here bitch.

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new york nigga that left new york

/ptg/ is unironically reggit

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Someone told him to use the ladder to get it down



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You'll earn more good goy points shilling than in any of the labour camps the jews make for us goyim eventually so keep up the good work

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God this is so hilariously true

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these are the faces of an emerging world superpower.

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Argentina is not white

I am a fag that trusts my Jew media masters. It was Hillary's turn to destroy America.

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hey fellow redditor :^)

we're not a country of nation builders, and to prove it we are un-building the M.E. except for one very fortunate patch of desert



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>filename is image
>calling anyone a faggot
go back to reggit faggit

Hillary Clinton isn't the president shit-for-brains. People are not criticizing Donald Trump because they support Hillary. Nobody fucking cares about Hillary anymore. People are criticizing Trump because he's a dumbass and keeps making dumbass mistakes.

try this for yourself. there's some shit ya just can't make. Not even the fastest nigger on the chocolate continent can outrun fate

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Yeah, it's damn funny. Just playing D. advocate. I TRY and see the good in everyone.

Joke's on you, I'm already married.

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Kumar doesn't understand that Kerpal is having no part of the fucking toilet witches; stealing children, hiding the shit paper and tryna touch his junk

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What's the one that explains he had a GIBS MEDAT?

>Me: I can't reach the rag
>Boss: Use the ladder


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Every fucking time. Niggers have to pull up their pants before they start swinging.

He probably thought that he could use the arm to straighten the boat out

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when your renting a basement from some Jow Forumslacks because you're poor af and the basement doesn't have a bathroom butt at least you shit in a 5 gallon bucket because you're cultured

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Oh Leo you rascal

Those look unsanitary

Now you have to reply otherwise you'll have to pay for my wife's son.

Their faces every time.

bad luck bucko

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Niggers? Niggers...

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Why save a pic of 4 fat dirty hairy cheesy asses only to post it back on the internet? Hasn't the world suffered enough?? fuk

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r/the_cuckold is a product of ameriga, it's your fault this board is shit fucking amerifat scum

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The only reason this doesn't exist is because, as you can tell, black women are gross.

Nice unreadable image faggot.

I'd fuck UM

Third one isn't bad desu

Beat me to it

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No u

This is way worse than the your mom will die shit
