I found a treehugger
>tfw they don't take foodstamps so you have to get the water
Who will be paying for that free food?
Doubles will decide what i tell him
provide timestamp
isn't it 10:24 fucking pm?
rare flag get
Google search the image. I took it a few hours ago, but I see him in the lobby of the hotel I'm in now. He's with that obese goblin wife of his.
Tell him to go back to communist canada.
I'm leaving tomorrow and I don't like his pussycat-rage style of politics.
I will tell him literally anything
Tell him that he's a maple syrup, chugging communist nigger fuck...in Spanish. Bonus if he asks you to translate it in English.
Tell him he lost to a crook.
Tell him to stay in Cuba if he likes communism so much
>I will tell him literally anything
Well, shit, tell him everything he's ever believed in is a Jew lie and that anyone he's ever given advice or guidance to has been the worse for it.
If you send me a 55 Chevy I will name my first born after you. As long as you don't have some goofy ricky ricardo name
ask him about the situation in syria
Well, fuck.
Reginald.. don't bully.
No cars tho, I obviously aint Cuban
wasted doubles!
Israel did 9/11
>No cars tho
Brb 5 min
he already knows that
Tell him Hitler did nothing wrong
ITT: Face blind autists. That's not Bernie you retards