/RWA/ Right Wing Alliance General

/RWA/ Right Wing Alliance General

Thread for bringing together all right wing political ideologies together to form an alliance against our common enemy; leftists. Libertarians, Republicans, Conservatives, National Socialists, Fascists, & Anarcho-Capitalists are welcome here to share their fight against the left!


We need people to keep the RWA Generals active! Those with the ability to keep videos & news updates possible, and always keep it updated with a new pastebin link!

> Pastebin: pastebin.com/nwnfdnm4

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Other urls found in this thread:


bump, we can fight later.

Also national socialist here.

Amen, brother, libertarianism is often the end goal of fascism anyway. We need to focus on what is important, driving out the left through means of education, if possible, if not, through the means of physical removal.

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interesting idea OP, I'm on board

Trumpcucks out.



This is why /leftypol/ has more unity than us... that or both libertarian-leftism and authoritarian-leftism are both collectivist.

Fuck it, lets take back the holy board


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Monarchy where I am the monarch
That's my political stance

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>Libertarianism is the end goal of fascism

How could you be this stupid?

Simply if we want to put ideologies in categories we can put it in 4 categories

>Reactionary, can collaborate with third positionist (A portion of the german "conservative revolution" supported in one way or another some basic third positionist policies, Evola did it too)

>Libertarian, can collaborate with marxist (French and Russian revolution)

>Third positionist,can collaborate with reactionaries (reason mentioned in the reactionary part) some of them tried to collaborate with marxist without success (Strasser, Mussolini, Yockey, Drieu La Rochelle...)

>Marxist, can collaborate with libertarians (reason mentioned in the libertarian part)

>libertarianism is often the end goal of fascism

With all due respect, I regularly have conversations with fascists who used to be libertarian, they often make the switch due to believing that fascism is the best way of purging degeneracy, then when there is no longer a need for a totalitarian governing, the individuals can embrace true freedom without leftists and degenerates threatening their basic freedoms.

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Who here /Fedual Corporatist/



Then those are not fascist/haven't readed even the basics of fascism. Fascism is to its core a mortal enemy of individualism

Third positionist reporting. Anyone who hates ZOG is my friend.

Liberalism, friend. Fascism multiplies the energy of the individual, it doesn't seek to subsume it the way Marxism does.

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... I'm starting to thing you haven't either.

NatSoc Reporting in
Proud American
Let's save the Anglo-Sphere and Europe lads

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There you have my flag, of course I can make mistakes writing in english

Libertarians are the ZOG 2.0

About the thing of multiplying the individual energies ( The doctrine of Fascism ) it doesn't means that we are friends with the individualist/rationalist liberal (in the European sense) worldview, is simply a remark that fascism, an organic totalitarian political, social and economic system (of course, not in a marxist way of speaking) doesn't mean the annihilation of the individual, but the multiplication of his energies

There you have my flag

I am not fascist due to its disdain for the individual, personally I believe we don't need fascism to control the tides of nationality. Although, I can understand why libertarians become fascist.

Libertarianism = "leave me the fuck alone"

*doesn't get left alone due to being alive in the modern world*

Fascism = "you didn't leave me alone so I'm going to kill you to be left alone"

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I don't really like the individualist/collectivist dichotomy though, that's why I quoted the Doctrine. Individual initiative is important, and so is collectively creating a nation where the individual citizen can use his energies to the fullest.

Drive out the leftist scum!

Can be used in the other way

Feminism/LGTB shit... = "leave me to fuck and drug and cut my penis"

*doesn't get left alone due to being alive in the patriarchal*

Communism = "you didn't leave me do thar so I'm going to kill you to be left to do that" (when in fact communism has been the contrary and still liberal retards advocate for it)

I can understand that Libertarians will eventually become fascist mainly in a predominant rightist political culture. For example, there in spain the vast majority of fascist were stalinist in their past. Simply having some awareness and interest leads you towards the ideological path to which you are inclined due to the political culture of your nation, if you are critical enough you may be completely free of such conditioning, be it for rational, personal or emotional reasons. Maybe you also keep your ideology even if you are rid of the cultural bias

In fact the primal motive for fascism is to create a totally organic body from a nation, total harmony doesn't mean to destroy the individual.
But again, both modern collectivism and individualism come from the same branch of ideals developed in the Enlightenment, ideals that we actively and explicitly reject

Right-libertarianism is fine with Feminism/LGTB shit, most RWLs are trad so this often isn't the case in a society but the idea of RWL is to allow people to do whatever the fuck they want, as long as it is peaceful, that includes "degeneracy." LWL is against discrimination which is contrary to basic freedoms.

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Can I join? I'll bring my homies and home girls with me

Lol!! Jk bitch I already got a gang what you all trying to start something and create an alliance on a Japanese image board?? Rofl!!!!

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Based bitches

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Why is liberalism always trying to attach itself to stronger ideologies?

Its not liberalism but the kind of retards who say

>why can not we all be friends and have a glass of strawberry juice?

The typical problem with degeneracy is that for middle and lower class people, that sort of behavior can ruin their lives, while upper class people can survive it no problem. Compare how the rich free-love hippies turned out (NeoCons) to how the poor trying to do the same thing turned out (broke, addicted to meth and paying for 4 kids). This produces non-functional people who lower the general social trust and lead to the breakdown of society generally. These broken people in turn vote for a bigger government to take care of them since they cannot rely on cooperation with their neighbors to deal with local issues anymore.

Social conservatism is in fact a necessary component of a small government, highly free society.

Also, Reactionary Imperialist Eco-Fascist here. Form a pan-white theocratic empire to exterminate shitskins to save the environment.

Kill yourself. You're not right wing so get the fuck off this board.

I'm a Racist. Just racist. I don't care about Jews.

Bump, bless Trump, bless the right wing.
Death to Kikes, Death to Lefties, Death to Shills.
Hang Obama,Bush,Clintons etc for Treason.
End Usury and kick Israeli dual citizens out of our government.

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The snek hates all of you

Nat soc, northwest front checking in.

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>bless Trump
>death to kikes

Pick one

National Conservative

Heute pol, Morgen die Welt.

Based Nigger Here Reporting in.
Let's go Destroy Cultural Marxism.
Save America and the White Race while were at it...
Bump dis sheeeiiittt famz!!!

>inb4 some autist chimps out about one of the four not being right wing
I want to be a libertarian, but I think that people probably lack the necessary moral foundation for things to work out. So I see the utility in fascism. But at the end of the day, I'll go shoulder to shoulder with anyone who's willing to put Commies out.

That’s the most retarded type of racist

You guys are libertarian but pro fascist?
This doesn’t make any sense you goddam commies

You make a fair point. I agree with you on the points of how simple degeneracies and ruin classes and lead to the overall demise of a population/nation. Via the means of nationalistic values, religion, discrimination, and pride, I feel as if degeneracy will be voluntarily exterminated. As long as nationalism is preserved, what we define as degenerate, would be purged voluntarily.

Thats just another name for fascist or ancap. In other words our current system. Anything less than absolute monarchy is just cover for those who wish to exercise power without taking responsibility. You guys are so close. You kick the devil out the front door only to let him right back in the back. Why are you are still afraid to put your trust in the patriarchy? May a King govern badly? It's possible. Will a congress, parlement, commitee ect. govern badly? It's garunteed. Only a true king can deliver all of the political goods you desire, liberty, security, decency, oppertunity.

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I honestly don't know what to call my ideology.

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Can you describe it?

I purposely left out prosperity because it is only a political good in systems that take from one party to give to another. A good king earns his wealth from his own holdings and enterprises. He certainly does not rob some of his subjects and bribe others. The manorial economy is the best system yet devised by man. It affords independence through self sufficiency and luxury through trade. It fosters dignity and ecology through stewardship of the land. The pic included doesn't even come close to showing the lavish wealth beautiful landscapes an abundant wildlife we can create with permaculture and other sustainable ecological agricultural practices.

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Just generic white nationalism with some Americana aesthetics thrown in essentially.
I really don't feel like attaching myself to some 'larpy' label like NatSoc NatSynd NatWhatever.

For practicality's sake I'd prefer to package my ideas in a way that's more palatable to normies. If you try selling national socialism to somebody they'll shut you down as soon as they hear the name so it's pointless. It's just easier to call it something new. I don't know what to call it though.

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American Monarchist reporting in

>hurrrr let’s make a general to bring all the right together durrr
>doesn’t realize /ptg/ encompasses right wing Americans of every kind
>implying this isn’t a d&c thread
>implying this will work
When will you shareblue Cucks learn?
This MAGA train has no breaks..


Try this. Its 5D and better than the traditional PolComp. When arguing with normies, I usually can't argue as an anarchist so I argue for classical-liberal points, but they don't know what the fuck that is so I just call it Founding Fatherism, kek.

You may be right about all of that but realistically that will never happen. You can't just undo centuries of technological development and if you did you'd be quickly conquered by someone who didn't.
I think Ted Kaczynski was right about everything but the only problem was his solution was impossible.

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Red pill me on monarchy user.

Good shit boys. Maybe we can finally get some organization and grow some power.

I'm a Left-Leaning Authoritarian Isolationist Nativist Reactionary apparently.

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Unironically the best political view.

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That sounds interesting... now, you could go around remembering that cluster fuck of a label or just say you're a social nationalist or just a nationalist, or just reactionary if you don't wanna confuse people. Anyway, best of wished to you!

fuck you socialist scum.

Libertarianism doesn't overlap with those other "right wing" ideologies at all.

Jesus Christ. White people wanna argue about the dumbest shit. Cut it out fags. Don't act like mongs or nogs. Who gives a fuck if you don't like national socialism or authoritarianism. The only thing we gotta agree on is fuck Zionists. Thats the key.


>I'm a Left-Leaning
You will get the rope

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I like the old monarchist/NRX/ancap stuff back on Jow Forums, reminds me of how nice Jow Forums was before Jow Forumsharbor.

I loved that one when I found it. Also, one more good political quiz for you:

There was one more good one I found a few months back that gave actually decently accurate names (ie was specific enough to say stuff like "clerical fascist" or "mutualist" "queer anarchist") that came with book recommendations. Can't remember where I found it though.

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According to another test I'm "Right-wing".
I guess not thinking taxation is theft and liking the idea of healthcare makes me "left" by some standards.

Really thought I don't give a shit about the left-right spectrum because what matters is nationalism above all other issues.
The republicans are "right wing" but that doesn't mean they aren't faggots.

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Ah, nice, I'll check this out, thanks, user!

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A better name for this thread would be "Nationalist Alliance General" because that's what we really mean when we say "right wing" isn't it?

national socialists a economically left wing but they're considered "right wing" because they're nationalist.
Nationalism is the dividing issue here not economics.

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What blows my mind is how many idiots eat up all this elite propaganda. Its these Zionists. They hold the federal reserve, Hollywood, anything media related such as Netflix, YouTube, Time Magazine you name it. These guys are socially engineering these weak men in America. Especially white men. We are told to shut our mouths and bow down...fuck that. Hit the gym, buy some ammo, wear suits with some fly ass ties, we gotta bring it back for OUR European culture. And some parts of South America. Chile, you're white and cool. Thanks for Augusto Pinochet *Tips Helicopter*

P.S. bring back free helicopter memes damnit

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I think Argentinians and Uruguayans count as white desu but if I ever see one say "Argentina is white" I'm gonna troll the shit out of them.

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Ah, I found it!


Heh, muh other bread.

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is anticom still a thing, i lost track after it got memed on by the vaginal jew, venus

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Thanks, user!

I'm in as long as the end game is national socialism in europe, East coast america and ancap american west coast

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There is Nazism because the freedom of Libertarianism made way for the jew to take control.

Eat shit. Pol is natsoc you fucking shill. Bow to the eternal Truth

I can dig it. Honestly, Europe is slowly turning colored. I went to Marsaille France and holy shit it was like I was one of the few white people there. France was the first London, bruv


Oh you will. You will

>Jow Forums is socialists who love gibs for whites only

I used your link for my results?!?!? Did we just become best friends?!?!?!

Where did I mention ancaps?

But natsoc only exists to rid the DEGENERACY
after a thousand years or so, it will no longer be necessary, but maybe because its fun desu

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problem is pol wont spread this around cause he was a nigger


This modern tower of Babel we live in is a house of cards if someone doesn't come and knock it over soon it will come crashing down on its own anyway. Think of what a small band motivated young men could accomplish if they targeted critical infrastructure. The world needs one king and many many feudal lords who are essentially "kings of their own castle". Its the only way to avoid global destruction. How many clearly suicidal technologies are we currently embracing because we believe we have no choice because if we don't the other guy will? This ugly civilization is coming to an end. The only question is if we survive what will we build upon the ruins?

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>all caps
>no ==RED TEXT==
You're the newfag
it doesnt even feel right to use caps without ==RED TEXT==

>gibs for whites only
you ever notice how every socialist nations that does well is basically whites only?

ALL Gooks report in

fashy results

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wtf test is this?

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