When did you get off the Drumph train?


Attached: trump 9.jpg (900x1200, 172K)

>that flag
>this thread
Why do you want to ruin Jow Forums so badly?


step into my oven

Last night mainly

last night

What do you mean?

I don't know how anybody could respect a fat man. Putin and Assad aren't fat.

Partially after he bombed Syria last year. Entirely after the omnibus bill. Even worse now.

I walked up to the train door a month after he took office, then got off at the 2017 Syria strike stop.

when he shilled for daca

i got on the trump train after he bombed syria

I'll hop back on if the wall gets built. But it was very disappointing when he wasted most of 2017 on trying to repeal Obamacare while real issues were ignored.

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My name is Alex Jones. I lurk here often, and I decided that now was the time to post. I took up for Trump for a long time, but it's obvious that when they invaded Donald's attorneys office and home, they found something that made the president switch sides. They got to him. He thought he was invincible, but every dog has his day. I am so goddamn pissed. Fuck him. Fuck his family. Fuck all of these people.

Attached: FUCK DONALD TRUMP.jpg (800x426, 73K)

t. ben shapiro

Din't, his latest "attack on Syria" was very well done and managed to calm down everyone while getting a better reputation with leftists and media, all while doing absolutely no damage to Assad and giving an excuse for Russia to improve the defenses in Syria.

They got to (((you)))

Never had that much hope to begin with, I learned long ago to not get too excited for politicians promises

420d chess, am I right?

Attached: really activates my almonds.jpg (640x589, 62K)

Putin is a eunuch.

When he bombed Assad the first time

it was 44dd chess you faggot leaf
he literally just bombed a shit-tier abandoned chemical plant that was probably going to get demolished soon kek

after the omnibus that gave away all his power to enforce immigration laws, build a wall, gave away millions to china, 500 million dollars to planned parenthood and another 500 million to the national foundation of science, the 3 billion dollars in enrollment spending for education, and all for some shitty boats to "expand our military"

the ride never ends

sage sage sage