Be me writing greentext story on Jow Forums

>Be me writing greentext story on Jow Forums
>Cant go back to /b/ overun with constant porn threads
>Realize what im doing and I cant figure out why
>Depression only intensifies the more i think about it
>Im wasting my life on a website and writing a shitpost probably nobody will see
>Tears flow from my eyes as I think of all the opportunities I turned down without realizing
>Why are we doing this why are we here what are we doing here?
>This has got to be the most anti social website on the internet and I'm just sitting here doing nothing
>I'll never be able to bring my ideological believes out into the main public but yet I praise them as if I were invincible
>aspergers tells me everything will be fine and that I should be proud I'm not a normie
>wipe up tears and continue shitposting on this website like a brainless zombie

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Read, hit the gym and get some sleep

thanks senpai

Couldn't agree more about working out. I have never been the best version of myself if I'm not working out regularly

I readeded it /b/ro

Lad. Listen. I am going to give you my sincere advice. You do this And when you wake up, take deep breaths and let them expand your ribs. Let all that breath just fall out. Then you keep doing it and you should feel all the oxygen flowing through your body. You will want to get up and do things. You will do your morning routine. Then get breakfast. Then here is what you do... listen

Sit down and practice staying in the now while eating your breakfast. Pay attention to the present moment. Your breath, your sight, your blood running through you. Relax your mind and stay off of the internet or any screen until atleast the end of the day. Through out the day you practice staying in the now. Also meditate. Go for a walk outside every day. You gunna be ok.

We’re in the initial stages of forming an electronic collective unconscious

I know these feels, user.

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Sleep is extremely important

Also come off the internet 2 hours before you go to sleep

Imma hit the gym tomorrow guys thanks

I really didn't expect this much advice on a website where 90% of the users are either trolls or shitposters

Here's a rare shotgun user

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Quality of sleep especially. After I stopped drinking alcohol and started exercising every day, the amount of time I slept decreased from eight hours to only about five hours but I actually felt clearer headed.

Working out is the best way. Work hard and save money.

Tomorrow is a new day, friend.

Do a little bit that takes not much to do and is easy enough. Get in the routine of doing it. Then do a little more, then a little more.... soon you will be a fucking CHAD! But just make sure you do not put yourself off first. Baby steps. Apply this to any new routine if you have trouble with keeping them.


As a fellow Aspie, I suggest getting off this site. You realized /b/ was shit and left. Now use Jow Forums as your springboard to leave. Jow Forums is meant to redpill newfags, not be a place to stay forever.

From here you have a few options:
1. Get off the internet, apply the teachings of Jow Forums to real life, kick ass in school and business, start a family, maybe join an IRL Nationalist organization.
2. Study politics the real way, with books. Pic related. Go to the sources themselves rather than regurgitated information on an anime forum. If you go this route, you won't even need Jow Forums anymore. /pdfs/ on eight chan has some good reading.
3. If you still need a political imageboard, graduate to a better one like 8/pol/ or end/pol/.

Good luck.

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Book list part 2

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I'm gonna try and read national socialist and capitalist books and see if I should go on the authoritarian or libertarian side of the right just to make up my mind thanks for the suggestions

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This. Take a break from Jow Forums, it's never a good idea to spend an excessive amount of time on here. Read, meditate, work out and exercise, go hit the town. Just get out of here for a bit desu.

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Don't be afraid to read left wing books too. They often diagnose problems accurately but have shit solutions.
The key is to become smart enough to know what's good and what isn't.

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I might just read one left winged book but I'll keep more focus on the ideologies I support

i agree with this this is the only way to become stronger become EVEN more anti scoial do not lose your red pill stay true its what i do too dont have much friends but the ones i have can talk to about everything because we share views even more get an IRON cross or a swastika on your body eat some steaks lift some weights quit smoking drinking porn and i promise you in 1 month you will see how strong you really can be and the people that you will meet and are like minded and true will recognize a brother in you
you dont need the rest of these idiots anyway trust me they are a waste of energy and time but dont ever despair again like that

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You need to find yourself a Jow Forums-tier buddy and work out with him regularly. Does wonders for your mood and self-esteem. Where are you? Any chance of finding someone?

This is the nicest Jow Forums thread ever

god speed OP


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