wow every fucking threead is divide and conquer shill tactic trump division, you faggots realize if you drive us all away youll just have another echo chamber like all your other social media circle jerks...
tldr leftypol shareblue kike shills comping the board and pretending to own the place are cancer, kys

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Other urls found in this thread:

pages.gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/kellner/Illumina Folder/kell24.htm

all the problems are caused by meme flaggots kys

Back to Rabit faggot.

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Jow Forums really isnt divided on Trump. Its cult of personality and Isralies pushing support of this neocon faggot.

We need a rallying call!!!
Bellagio Sampler is that Man
You want positivity??? Want hope??? Check out the last 3 weeks of this channel!!! Next level redpills
>hes training an army of spirit warrior-monks

Here's a quick one

Terry Davis HighTechPriest of PlusUltra weighs in on the Strike and Declares his own war against the VILE ONES


Stay focused!!!
Happening video coming soon

Hi Russia!

>you faggots realize if you drive us all away youll just have another echo chamber like all your other social media circle jerks...
You mean exactly like what you Trumpfags have attempted to make here.
The Trumpfag cries out 4D chess as he strikes you.

my point incarnate, fuck you faggots

They're aren't driving away shit. What's sad is that they think they are.

Oy fucking vey!

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no one wants any more fucking war in the middle east OP you stupid fucking idiot. why do you think we're all being labeled as "russian bots"?

anyone who isn't for war in the middle east - which is unilaterally a bipartisan agreement across the public, is now a fucking russianbot.

kek, well at least alt lefties will get a taste of their own medicine. everyone is a fucking russian bot now 2000% increase my fucking ass, NO one wants war in the middle east anymore. this is bullshit

This desu senpai

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checked good sir

Sure thing, rabbi.

Looks like a ptg fake to explain away any criticism of trump as illegitimate.

Kill yourself trumpcuck

nerve struck apparently, die faggots

that's the whole point user
they destroy everything they touch


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who cares
trump really is a neo-con at this point I mean a war in syria? what the fuck

before you call me a shill do you really want military action in syria? more whites to the meat grinder? fuck that shit

this is all bolton and all a response to Don saying troops would be pulled out soon, deep state doing its thing idk why people are buying these divide and conquer tactics, its almost as if its already 98% shills here jerking each other off to demoralize us

No it's almost as if Trump has abandoned us.

Hey fucker you know how badly all of us want to believe that? If thats the fucking truth about whats happening then DJT needs to go full fucking nuclear on the deepstate NOW while he has bipartisan support against the war in Syria


the raid of his lawyer obviously gives them blackmail material, the timing of all this is too convenient.. i dont think hes flipped i think theyre holding a loaded gun to his head

>Trump has abandoned us

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>The Frankfurt School of Social Research and the Pathologization of Gentile Group Allegiances
>Jonathan Bowden on Cultural (((Marxism))):
>Cultural (((Marxism))): The Corruption of America
>(((Erich Fromm))), Judaism and the Frankfurt School
pages.gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/kellner/Illumina Folder/kell24.htm
>Frankfurt School of Social Research
>The Frankfurt School & Cultural (((Marxism)))
>The History of Political Correctness
>How a Handfull of Marxist Jews Turned Western and U.S. Culture Upside Down
>The Jewish Frankfurt School and the End of Western Civilization
>The New Dark Age: The Frankfurt School and "Political Correctness"
>Who Stole Our Culture?
>The Frankfurt School and Its Legacy
>Critical Theory (Cultural (((Marxism)))) and Jewish Thought
>Fallen Jews, Critical Theory, and Cultural (((Marxism)))

>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.

>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content

>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign

awww fag have you now resorted to stupid ad hominen attacks, last resort for every paid shill

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i don't doubt that this may be the case but he needs to launch the fucking final missile into the deepstate NOW and expose them COMPLETELY. the US is already on the brink of civil war and we would rally strong against a confirmed and definite deepstate threat (which we all know exists)

this Syria thing has ensured his defeat in 2020 if he doesn't pull out all the fucking stops. this is insane senpai.

If you still support a politician that gets airtime on (((TV))) then you're a retard.

hillary and huma insurance policy video and pedo exposure is that nuke... i think they delay dropping it because it will cause riots and deathsquads

When did Jow Forums become bill mitchell 2.0?

We always were afraid he might act like this because he's surrounded by neocons and jews. It's not that big of a surprise.

We have a shred of hope in Donny and it's basically gone. Smoke and mirrors, another plaything for israel.

It's hilariously obvious, too.

this. it's unironically sad that they spend all day on discord and coordinate posts and think they are convincing anybody other than retarded boomers and nupol reddit faggots of anything

when i see "shill" i know this is a pro jew thread. listen up boomer fag , im not "shareblue" or a shill , trump lost my vote ,fuck him. go back to redit stupid fags , why the fuck does this board allow you ptg fags

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>trying this hard

Man ((this)) again I don't get why they don't see none of us give a fuck enough to change our minds. I love how the lefty cuckommunists Think we all cant think for ourselves and them "raiding" here would just flip us. If you ever came to Jow Forums and everyone was a cuck we would we would all know who they are and post after they got bored and stopped being paid.

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No good threads just shills and leftypol everywhere. (((They))) think we don't notice.

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>Trump blew up a hundred empty buildings across the world as a counter psychological op and I'm not going to see the obvious and instead paint him as a traitor WAAAAHHHHHH

This isn’t Jow Forums, this is /ptg/ and their unwanted failed abortions flooding the site.

trump is a neo con faggot fighting for israel , i think you faggots thought it was a joke when we said we hate jews.

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I rather Jow Forums return to its pre-election self then be called a “shill” just for not liking trump anymore

Oh and this too

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>Trump loves Israel, he move the capital of israel to Jerusalem, all of his sons are married to a jewish person, his grandson is jewish and he is very proud, he bombarded syria, no wall, wanted keep DACA and increase his range, no repeal of obama care, hillary clinton is not in prision, mexico isnt gonna pay for the wall,

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these are gold

it's as simple as this. when Trump does things that go against the heart of what he ran on, a lot of people are going to be pissed. not everybody is a blind supporter.

will shills take advantage of it?
>yeah of course.
is calling everyone who points out Trump's fault a shill or a russian troll?
I'm not going to stand by Trump when he's being a kike puppet. sorry I'm not going there.

Or just read the obvious subtext and them for the shill that they are.

>not a shill
> trump lost my vote ,fuck him.
If you're not a shill you must be retarded or new. We vote him in again in 2020 for the lulz and salt mining you brainlet.

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And this

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cry some more

What about when it's obviously not the case, though.

Why are Korean posters the worst? Literally posting outdated screenshots from over a year ago.

>Trump turns into a piece of shit neocon so much that he gets a metro station named after him in Israel
>most of Jow Forums turned on him a year ago
>I have a brilliant idea you guise, let's shill that Trump is a neocon

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if Trump wants to be a kike puppet then it doesn't really matter and America is lost. I might vote for him but if he keeps this Bush era shit up. I won't be voting for him in the primary. call me a bot or a shill or whatever but I'm not alone in my sentiment. just look at turnout for these elections. dems aren't winning new voters, republicans are staying home. but keep telling yourself any vaild criticism of Trump is just shilling. Trump actions are doing more to demoralize his supporters than you realize

there cant be that few

jesus christ you fucking kikes have no shame in your game eh? just gonna repeat my argument with a different mask?

>found the glow nigger

Thanks I didn't make them though feel free to spread I also posted one and the list of leaked shareblue posters the last time they tried this

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It's infuriating user, I know. Wait until the fallout from Trump's latest actions come to light. We are going to win and the shills cannot spin the truth.

why do retarded boomers not understand this. in pol only the strongest ideas survive. shills will never be effective on this board because their ideas are weak. shills have not and never will be a problem because no matter how many times their ideas are repeated, their arguments are always deconstructed, saged, and sent off to die. just like this thread. dont expect our unconditional love for trump while he shills the mic and israeli lobby.

No. I bet there is other groups like this. they all link up on ((facebook)) and come on in waves that is where the name list came from

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is he doing that though? fucking reactionary overly emotional faggotry on your part if you ask me. man up and support our guy stop buying into all this crap

how stupid are you ? trump is pro israel , you cant call someone a jew if theyre against jews , how stupid do you have to be.

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He damn well better pull something out of his ass right quick, or he's basically done.

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wasting their time really because we dont do consensus, and thus no illusion of such will compel us at all.

if everyone on earth thought being a commie was a good idea it doesnt make me be a commie too it just means i'm gonna need a bigger oven

Shilling this hard lol this quick.
Nah, Trump is fulfilling his promises, the kikes JIDF Shareblue and other Shill groups shill against him.
All the Jow Forumsacks I know IRL, think he is dope and kikes are shilling against him.
>shill/retard agreeing with shill/retard
Me so surprised.

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How much do you make per post I need a job who do I e-mail? I got kids and shit ill be able to work right away.

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I really just said the same they have no idea how this all works

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>Trump has done jack shit on the wall
>Sessions has done jack shit
>We get some lukewarm tax deal
>Considering rejoining TPP
>Bombs Syria TWICE over dubious if not entirely fake circumstances with a low IQ explanation for it
>Get's absolutely BTFO'd on a terrible omnibus bill that literally prohibits him from building a wall while giving money to Israel, Egypt to fucking build walls in THEIR countries.
>John Bolton
>Swamp is mysteriously filled with shitty bank execs almost immediately after he gets into office

I mean, he was better than Hillary but he's doing fucking awful. He's probably going to be a 1 term pres.

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that's what these /ptg/oyim don't understand. Jow Forums is never going to accept zionism

Go the fuck back to t_d you kike loving pos

Take the ptg faggots with you.

Also this

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imitation and homosexual

this is some serious cope-posting.

rock yourself, my dude.

Wow one post I'm shocked you found that so fast user you must be a hack0r

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Kys neocon faggot. Glow in the dark support ME intervention, you absolute fucking retard.

So when was this post? Does anyone know?

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doesnt matter dude there's 50 billion shades of shilling right now occurring.

mainly because the one thing Jow Forums and plebbit agree on is no one fucking wants war in the middle east - period.

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>dont expect our unconditional love for trump while he shills the mic and israeli lobby.

This. Its literal cult of personality /ptg/ brainlets supporting trump now.

It is a shill post but some of the shill are in here so have fun

Why the fuck would JIDF be putting out anti trump propaganda when he is helping to realize Israeli political goals?

A heavily politicized World leaves nothing but echo chambers unfortunately.

of course we agree on that but to say that trump is full neocon shill for israel wwIII by blowing up some bases and very few people dying seems shillish to me

>if you drive us away you'll just be an echo chamber!
>what do you mean you don't believe in chess you fucking shill!

Oh I wonder why?


>attacking Syria
>nay sayers are JIDF

how fucking dumb can you /ptg/niggers actually be?