Roast me
Roast me
Your wig looks nice
Niggajew i choose you lol
I would breed you hard you ugly coon whore.
I'd rather cover my dick in fucking honey, go to a fucking ant hill and proceed to hump it for a day straight with no breaks than come to contact with you.
you are the most unattractive fucking piece of shit i have seen shit i have seen. ever. I cannot tell if you are a fucking ugly ass man or even uglier girl.
also you are a nigger.
Thats cause your from u are gay lol
>subscribed to Ghetto Gaggers
It's because i'm r-selected and horny all the time.
Google images.
No thanks, you look quite roast already.
nigger this is Jow Forums not /b/ get out of my board
are you trans or no?
this is a real fucking question.
K, starting the oven now.
im not trans
im half jewish and half african american
That's unfortunate
Autoimmune disease sufferer.
Half jew half nigger?
for what?
Ugly ads fuck! Cut your hair, take off those stupid ass glasses you look like that nigga from family life and loose some wait more importetly damn you fat as fuck girl shape yourself bitch. See me? I look fine as a motherfucker
she look lyke dis bih
The jap already spoke, the thread is done
not even close lol
fuck me
that chick is a supermodel in comparison lol
Looks like you are over done enough.
Why would you come here and let yourself be treated in such a way by these goobers?
Hello Diane Abbott
She is fairly cute, if not a nig id give her the good dick then ignore her for sure.
So....your black AND Jewish? Good fucking god...
Life alreday did.