Why do we pretend like we are even a country anymore...

Why do we pretend like we are even a country anymore? It's been increasingly clear for the past 20 years that the notion of "America" as a legitimate nation is just a guise.

Our constitution is just something symbolic that literally means nothing to lawmakers and politicians. We are literally a post national corporate entity that thinks it's a country.

America started dying at the beginning of the civil war and officially died after world war two. Since then we are nothing but an american themed shopping mall.

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anybody have input on this? USA is most definitely not a real country. We are nothing but a corporatist state that doesn't even serve it's own people or resemble in anyway the government which the founding fathers imagined.


>anybody have input on this?
And risk it going in my permanent file? Not a chance.

>And risk it going in my permanent file? Not a chance.

What do you mean.

This is why I'm a Communist.

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Quality thought posting

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I really kinda wonder if this whole notion of USA vs Russia vs China etc is just bread and circus to bury the fact that it's really just one large corporate entity.

I don't know how we could possibly extract anything the Founding Fathers said and relate it to our current state. It's just an illusory form of "democratic republicanism with checks and balances" but in reality none of that's there.

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Saudi is just an israeli puppet state

>The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.

Why aren't we a country? The globalists/jews don't want America to be a country. Americans have too many freedoms and would rather see our country split apart so we're easier for them to control. China's buying-up California, they call it the Gold Mountain Project or something.

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Agree with you, but careful diverting ALL attention away from them

This is what I'm talking about. We speak these platitudes but we lack any of the agency to actually act on this sort of thing. It's all over.

>That's why I want the fucking same changing only the flag and the bushiness owners for my friends from the party

Rigging an electron in a single state is easy enough. Rigging elections in 50 states all at once? They failed to keep Trump out and realized they don't have as much control as they thought.

>Americans have too many freedoms
Sure on paper. Enjoy your prison term while you get your court date. The first time the constitution of the US was flagrantly trampled was almost immediately after it's conception. Washington marched on Pittsburgh during the Whiskey Rebellion without approval from the state of Pennsylvania. The couldn't even keep it together for like 20 years. Minor compared to what would happen during the civil war but you see my point.

America gradually eroded.


I used to pretend we were a country until about 10 or 12 years ago because the truth was so desperate and horrifying. The truth is there’s nothing we can do in our lives to affect this country beyond being wage batteries so satanic psychopaths can play Sim City in real life.

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Care to elaborate on why you posted those photos? I imagine Saudi is in a similar situation. They're not really a country either.

It's a bad feeling. Ouch.

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If they weren't so concerned with taking away our freedoms, then why the obsession with repealing the second amendment or burring it under a mountain of bureaucracy? America is gradually eroding, but there are people who want to protect and fix it, and that gets in the globalists way.

Yeah. The truth is you need your own candidates and even a whole new political party. Pretty slow aren't you. Little fags.

Fucknoff russia
I want you to fucking go out in public and tell everyone why you think Asad is so great
Do it faggot
Live stream what happens pussy

Well everything that’s a cooperative effort is essentially just a collective idea. The idea is still there.

Lotta projection there.

I'm not saying Assad is great. He was stable and the rightful ruler of Syria. Us going there is not our interest or our problem.

I'd be willing to bet that at least 1/3rd of Americans didn't even know who Assad was until this week.

Sure. I'd say the idea exist, but the living embodiment of it is gone. The spirit that founded the nation died long ago. America doesn't know what to do with itself now. The notions of Freedom that the FF were talking about don't even make sense to a lot of people living in America today. The whole philosophical basis is lost on them for the most part.

america was founded to make money. america keeps chugging along as rich and corporate interests make money

The knowledge is there. I guess it takes curiosity to find it though.

>america was founded to make money

No lol


This is literally what I'm talking about.

i always liked when Max Keiser called America a "casino gulag"

time for people to claim back their nation; the government works for the people, aka NOT getting our unborn children enslaved for a ((hidden)) ((foreign power)). Evil fucking scum shadow puppet masters with their fake controlled (economy) en limitless debt printing apparatus.

wake up fucking people
wake the fuck up


The only countries left in 2017 without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild Family are:

North Korea

Stop being uniformed zombie slaves

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the solutions are simple

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>reddit spacing
>reddit tier content
>meme flag

yep, it's confirmed. You know where you belong.

I blame Saudi Arabia for 9/11