Lesbian here

Lesbian here.

Just a reminder that we are taking over. The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to men: we needed them for protection, economic support and procreation, and sex is what we traded for those things (or they just raped us).

But now? First-world men have been totally domesticated, so no need to worry about violence. We're taking over the work force too, so we can provide for ourselves. And medical science has made procreative sex totally unnecessary; we can just buy the sperm (with our superior earnings) and have it cleanly injected without getting within ten feet of a penis.

Women are naturally more attracted to other women. Who wouldn't be? We're beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy, basically the opposite of hairy oafish ape-like men. And we know how to please each other like no man ever could. Lesbian sex can last for hours.

Every day more and more "straight" girls are being turned. The world of the future is where a small number of strong men act as our designated studs and the rest of you losers are eunuchs designated for manual labor exclusively. Deal with it.

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you tell me who dykes appeal to
they dont appeal to men or women, they're just ugly abominations
now trannies on the other hand....

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You can't be MtF and also be lesbian, faggot.

Stale pasta is stale

Your identity revolves around your vagina. A hole that becomes loose, sad, and droopy with age. Nothing better describes an aging lesbian. Enjoy the small window of hedonistic pleaure. The rest of your life will be a sad testament to your naivete.

>Women are naturally more attracted to other women. Who wouldn't be?

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>TERFs and political lesbians have been banished from the queer community to such an extent that Jow Forums is the only place they can state their beliefs

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Bullshit totally and absolutely. Women are turned on by cock as biological response to the presence of sperm. Psychologically women may prefer to be with each other but will always be sexually attracted to men

Women are not attracted to men, that's obvious.
Only stupid men believe that.
Women who get involved with men, are looking to get something out of the relationship.
When the body of a woman feels llike the woman is worth reproducing, then she gets all needy and looks for a man, either for his seed, or the whole package.
But going back to the point, it was never about attraction, never ever. Only men get attracted to women, not the other way around, you stupid cunt. It was cute that you believed you had control over nature tho.

Death to America you are trash and degenerat.

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Turn the mirror around and tell me what you see? Are you proud of yourself? You think you are pretty?, to any sex??? Are your family anf true friends proud of you a or sick of your degen shit???

I know the answers. The Q? Can you tell the truth to yourself? Doubt it.

>Just a reminder that we are taking over.

All LGBT people account for less than 4% of the population.

There are literally 3x as many black people in the US as there are all homos, lesbians, trannies, bi sexuals etc.

Lmfao this is the worst bait I've seen in months.

i'm sorry that you actually believe this.

But this will never happen.

also you can easily become over powered by one of our skinny males.

you don't have the testosterone.

you'll never be like us.

sorry but you have benis envy.

I also see through your shitty bait.

Lesbian is just a woman who is so petrified by a man she seeks comfort from other women. I.e. a coward, psychologically stunted and pathetic excuses for women.

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Fucking kikes, they have posted this pasta garbage at least 4 times that I know of.

tits or GTFO!

I literally care about nothing you say. please step off the closest tall building.

Well no shit thats why men will all just have artificial wombs in a robowaifu in about 30 years from now. Then women will practically have nothing to offer mem for protection anymore.

>Who wouldn't be? We're beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy

women maybe, lesbians are hideous

Are you people this fucking retarded? Its obviously a bait/troll thread. This poster isnt a lesbian

Holy fucking shit. You people are so pathetic and gullible

yea tits or gtfo.

>Who wouldn't be? We're beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy

Ah yes, it all makes sense now

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You're a man, everything on the internet was written by men

Im ftom the 3rd world. so can i rape? If not, im still doing it because i like raping white women.

Fucking SAGE

Also even if all Western Women or Women in general became lesbian, we'd just start getting demon, or alien pussy lol

Don't be bigots

nah mate, boong "women" is where its at. Real beauty this one

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Shhhh dont be a buzzkill man. Feed the bait. Feed the troll.

reverse card

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Bestiality is illegal in most countries mate

>that’s a fishing pole. He just threw it in dot jay peg

you don't exist one day you'll wake up and realize how badly you want the cock and all that scissoring was just foreplay for the biggest orgasm of your life probably with a nigger because if your a lesbian your probably a degenerate anyway.

By pussifying your men and Robotifying your military, you have gift wraped your pussies to us (Third world men)
Some EMPs, and you are fucked. Literally.

Shitty pasta


Well that's unfortunate

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Nice larp faggot. Fake and gay.

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OP, you are telling Jow Forums that you are lesbian is like going into 1940s Germany and telling the local population that your jewish

>hello I'm a roastie who was promised a prince charming Chad by 30 and I didn't get him so instead I decided to aspire to achieve domestic abuse and dry roasties

Or this is just a shitpost.

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no user its the first of its kind...a cancer post

>taking over
>can't reproduce
ten thousand keks, you ugly dyke

this thread is gay
go back to /lgbt/

Honestly tits or stfu

This thread again?

Kid, I sympathize really I do. But copypasta only gets you laughed off the board and you forfeit any right to be taken seriously. One more pasta, and you might as well go to /tv/.

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>A world without men

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If women are so attractive, why do lesbians make such a big effort to look like men?

Lesbians aren't real. I'm sorry a male figure(s), ex boyfriends, bullies who are dudes hurt you in the past.

Yeah nah. I'll believe you once there is more content for lesbians in different forms of mainstream medias.

> First-world men have been totally domesticated, so no need to worry about violence
Oh, poor girl... looks what happens when your brothers, fathers and co-nationals get "domesticated" (i.e. castrated). Just fucking look around. Look at Sweden. That grave you call a bed will be the end of you.

Nobody gives a shit about the OP burger. Shitposting is shitposting

Fuck Yeah! I cant wait to live in dyke world! My dick is super hard

YOU AGAIN? Lame. Sage.

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>Lesbian here.

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>Naturally more attracted to other women
>"Straight" girls are being turned
Shut the fuck up retard. You can like women but don't brag about your homosexuality. I hope people like you drown in a pool of your parter's pussy juice


Good question bob.!
My manager was exactly this, wore a suit ,had short hair like a man,tried to be like a man,.

>Naturally more attracted to other women
Do you comprehend basic biology?
Almost all LGBTQ members ever do is bitch and brag without a clue as to what the hell they're talking about.

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There is not a lesbian I could not turn. Homosexual females do not exist.

This fucking thread again? Fuck the fuck off you fucking fuck. Sage your fat dyke fat arse.

>2 posts by this ID.

Sage and hide.