Before the Strike

> Trump: "Hey, Vlad? It's Donald."
> Putin: "Hello Mr. Trump, what can I do for you?"
> Trump: "Hey, we are going to be bombing the fuck out of Assad here in about 20minutes and I just wanted to let you know that our aircraft will be flying near Damascus."
> Putin: "Wait, wha-"
> Trump: "Just make sure your planes arnt in the sky because we would want to have to shoot you down again, like we did 4 months ago.
> Putin: "Wait wha-"
> Trump: "Alright Buddy, I'll talk to you later"
>** Phone hangs up, as Putin listens to the dialtone while trying to contemplate what the fuck just happened**

This is how I imagine the phone call went.

Attached: Trump-Putin-Call.jpg (620x413, 54K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The US didn't contact Russia beforehand this time.

I want you to fucking go out in public and tell everyone why you think Asad is so great
Do it faggot
Live stream what happens pussy

That’s right I challenge you to do something besides posting on an user forum with you fucking safe space one sided echo chamber.

You won’t and can’t becaus your autistic and know it!

>I want you to fucking go out in public and tell everyone why you think Asad is so great

Why are you spamming this in every thread?

Trump is pushing Putin to merge with China, and take over the world.

Why would Putin hear dial tone? That's not how phones work.

Of course we did. In able to ensure that we didn't kill any Russian soldiers.

Are you retarded?

Hey Putin it's Trump were bombing some plants.

Putin: go for it bro.

End thread.

China and Russia wouldn't be able to defeat NATO + USA.

> inb4 nukes!

Don't be retarded.


lol, you are delusional as fuck

Attached: 1522105677270.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

Nice damage control

gas killing animal assad

Vladimir = Vova
Vladislav = Vlad

It is probably mindblowing, but just take this name-pill.

>2000% increase in russian trolls

>news broadcasts massive movement of Russian assets away from joint military bases in Syria days before strikes
>strikes happen, zero Russian casualties

Nigger please. The last thing Russia wants is another couple hundred Russian """"""""""mercenaries"""""""""" getting yesterday's Borscht and Starka rations shoved back into them.

I want you to fucking go out in public and tell everyone why you think ISIS is so great

He called him a week before, but nice try.

Attached: Obama-Laughing.png (463x361, 209K)

Bro, no one can understand your language.

It looks like someone took the English language and threw it in a "what the fuck" machine.

China just have to cut export to the US and US turns into shithole country.

>china cuts exports to the US
>chinese economy collapses about 16 hours later
>300,000,000 starving Chinese peasants storm Beijing with pitchforks and torches because the 16 hours a day they spent in sweatshops producing low quality shit for the government to shovel off onto the US in exports is how they fed themselves and their families
>Scene becomes a mixture of the street battle in Dark Knight Rises and what happens when you get attacked by 16 ghouls in Fallout 3
>meanwhile the US has a sudden void in manufacturing that it has the means to fill itself
>millions of manufacturing jobs become available in the US for the first time since the Great Outsourcing of the 90s
>CCP spends 20 years culling a third or a half of it's literal peasantry that are insane from starvation and poverty and openly attacking their government
>is reduced to irrelevance even on a regional scale for at least 3 generations

Yeah bro, a total economic killshot.

Attached: 1520453837253.png (287x287, 173K)

He heard it because he got bow the fuck out into space.

And Russia still wasn't able to defend Syria's capital?

Man you commies really don't know anything about real-world economics...

Per the news yesterday, they already got enough evidence to proceed with an obstruction case on Drumpf firing James "Slime Ball" Comedy and on Drumpf pressuring Jeff "Mr. Magoo" Sessions.

Mueller's closing in fast now that he knows the Orange Orangutan will not sit down to be interviewed, since his feelings are hurt about the state of NY raiding Michael "Tom Hagen" Chen's office in an apparently entirely separate investigation into all the women Drumpf paid off to not talk about how small his dick is.

Meanwhile Drumpf continues to isolate himself by firing everyone around him who shows anything short of undying loyalty to him, so much so that Steve "Sloppy Steve" Bannon actually feels safe enough to crawl back out from under the rock Drumpf made him slither underneath in the first place.

It's already over folks. What we are witnessing now is the final moments of the bath, when the drain in the tub starts making that faint sucking sound as the last few ounces of but track and armpit water flows down to the sewer.

Lol calm down psyco

I came home and literally crying, I told my wife's son how powerful American military is.

change 20 mins to 5 days
change to we going to hit here here and here
change to "ok Don, see you in 5 days"

then its about right

>The US didn't contact Russia beforehand this time.
lol keep beleiving that

>And Russia still wasn't able to defend Syria's capital?
whats to defend ?
empty buildings with no Russians in them ?

Dumb nigger.


Bro, i dont understand your language

It looks like somebody took English language and simplified it for idiots.

You forgot about the inflation. Workers in the US cost a hell of a lot more than China.

Instead of 1 dollar for a bread you pay 20 bucks, you have save a year of paychecks to pay for an Iphone.

Companies realize they can't make money of you fat American so they leave. Leaving only a bunch of crying Americans.

Checked and this. He would hear the na na na na na na na na sound

Hi latvia
How goes potato

funniest comment I've seen today

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You cannot defend Trump in this situation. If he was truly as selfless and/or patriotic as you magapedes claim he is, he would go on Twitter, and just say "I'm not attacking Syria until we find out what happened". That's it. So what if the deep state goes after him, I thought Trump was brave? The fact of the matter is this: All of us, in Trump's position, would be questioning the official narrative instead of instantly condemning Assad and launching an attack. So why is Trump not doing so? Biding his time? I call bullshit, he's had a full year since the last false flag and he's done NOTHING except good things for Israel and Saudi Arabia.

>We bumped up our military aid to Israel and have record breaking arms deal with the Saudis. We've increased our already bloated military budget, despite Trump's promise to bring troops home and the MIC is truly unleashed. On top of that, Trump continues to surround himself with self-serving warhawks and neocons/zionists like Bolton.

>It's time we accept that Trump is a puppet and we are once again being played by the false dichotomy of the two party system. It's over. The only silver lining is that maybe, just maybe, in the age of the internet, we won't fall for the same shit we did during the Bush administration.


once we work out the (((kinks))) it'll run like clockwork.

>implying it won't be the Dr Strangelove phonecall

>> Trump: "Hey, we are going to be bombing the fuck out of Assad here in about 20minutes and I just wanted to let you know that our aircraft will be flying near Damascus."

no US planes entered Syria

Redditards bend over themselves with this trying to make it into some sort of sane non-failure, huh. Stop being delusional, even most dense of you must be understand by now that deep state and kikes has his balls firmly in their grasp. There's no difference who you will choose, result will be the same regardless.

She wants some Chad American cock

> Trump: "Yo, Vlad you drinkin blood nigger?."
> Putin: "Nyet Trumpskie, is vodka"
> Trump: "We have moose & are ready for the transfer but squirell has gone fuggin nuts"
> Putin: "Is alright comrade, but they say you are 56% lie yes?"
> Trump: "Bitch I'd stab you for a watermelon and flee in stolen sneakers"
> Putin: "Wait wha-"
> Trump: "Alright Buddy, I'll talk to you later"
>** Phone hangs up, as Putin listens to the dialtone while trying to contemplate why niggers steal...

Attached: 1523772434462.jpg (620x413, 71K)


>while trying to contemplate why niggers steal
Mafia isn't going to "wonder why people steal". They steal and they know exactly why they do it - because it makes their worldly lives better when they can get away with it.

pick one.

>Instead of 1 dollar for a bread you pay 20 bucks
you act like we buy bread from china

the only things that would be affected are electronics and toys, and even then in varying degrees.

honestly, realistically we'd just shunt most of production to other third world shitholes. so youd get a lot more india instead, for instance

>like we did 4 months ago.
What are you even talking about?

most of the /PTSDs are bots spamming ((1 post by this IDs)). The others think the bots are real people.