Is voting a pointless?

What was the point of electing Donald Neocon Trump when he is essentially no different to Hillary?

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Okay buddy. You tell me how Drumf is different from any other Republican stooge. Protip: you can't.

Rand Paul was the only legitimate candidate.

You meme loving dopey fuckers voted for the Israeli puppet with extensive experience in manipulating idiots.

Don't get me wrong, though, watching the election was the most fun I've had watching anything politically related, probably in my entire life (save maybe the Zimmerman trial), but if you wanted a candidate with integrity, you went the wrong way.

> If he is essentially no different to Hillary, what does it matter?

Well, Hillary wouldn't have moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.

On the major issues there is no difference at all between the two parties. Both receive the same donors.

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Look at this neokike having the NERVE to call anyone calling out neocon don a Jew.

>Manlet pro-blm

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Look at this jewshill having the nerve to still with the "muh jew puppet" narrative after the promised ww3 didnt happened and the syrian bombing was the same that Trump did in the last year,

>B-but it was only a little bombing...

It was an act of aggression against a sovereign nation on behalf of Israel. The amount of people killed is not relevant. what matters is the fact that he is taking orders from neocon Jews.

Eat a dick taco faggot




next repeating numbers gets to pick my vote in 2020

Politics is local and requires action not symbolic gestures like voting, cocksucker. Get off your ass.

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>Election promises.


Yeah, it's fucking pointless. You get the same result regardless when all political parties are bought out by the same damn Globalist groups.

she won anyway ;)

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Afraid much Schlomo?

>It was an act of aggression against a sovereign nation
yet you are ok with taxation.
face it bucko it was going to cost more money to have those tomahawks inspected than to just fire them AND prevent world war three

Hi! I got the memo too! The one where we are supposed to call Trump a neocon and tie him to Israel. I'm just not in the mood right now so can you just post twice as much and I'll make it up to you later. You're doing me a solid I'm tired of the shit right now.

The fact that the media is still angry tells me he's doing something right.
The day I stop hearing jews shit talk him and start praising him is the day I'll show concern.

What was her prize for winning?

Even if that was objectively true, the MSM meltdown was totally worth my vote.

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>Is voting a pointless?

completely pointless. US democracy is a sham.

He didnt killed anyone, he didnt started ww3, he didnt take out assad.

thats why they are angry.

Con-fucking-gratulations. Now you know why ex-soviets dont have elections (Putin,Lukashenko, Nazarbaev, Merkel etc. are default tzars who rechecks their legetimacy every 4-6 years). We are not brainwashed long enough to believe this farce.

If you think Rand Paul would have been any different, you're fucking retarded. (((Voting))) is retarded. Every single election every one of you gets all excited and starts saying ''oh gee, usually I don't vote, but this election it matters! This election I have someone to vote for!'' Your guy wins and it immediately turns out that you were scammed.
It happens every single time. It will continue to happen.
Go ahead and get Rand Paul in the office in 2020, it will not matter and you'll be on Jow Forums whining about how a bunch of meme loving idiots voted for the wrong candidate as he starts kissing Israeli ass and bombing countries.

(((Voting))) will never solve anything. Civil war will. Politicians needs to be hanged until the entire system collapses and new people are forced to rebuild the country from scratch.

>Democratic Election
There is your problem

nupol couldnt get any stupider

Rand was and is a little pussy when push comes to shove. Based Jim Webb should be president.

America YES!

>US democracy is a sham.
If that were true Hillary would be president now.

It doesn't matter who the president is. The same exact agenda is continuing and there is nothing you can do about it other than kill the people behind it.
The only difference between a Hillary and a Trump presidency would be that the media would shill for her and cover her ass.

if you dont see a difference then youre either a troll, or youre not paying attention
you want more affirmative action/lower standards for some, and making it harder for others to get into uni/get scholarships/get jobs?
trump hasnt furthered that, clinton would have
you want increased punishments for men accused by women of rape/looking at them cross-eyed?
just look at what obama did with title ix, and a 77% myth; imaging what clinton would have done (for an idea look at canada and what its trying to make law). trump has actually countered some of that (no, not enough, but pushing it back 1 step is better than clinton pushing it forward 10)
there are many significant differences, if theyre not enough for you, waste your vote next time, and eat the consequences


>will never solve anything. Civil war will. Politicians needs to be hanged until the entire system collapses and new people are forced to rebuild the country from scratch

Well someone has the idea, but for it to trigger is almost impossible, since giant web of information gathering makes sure communications of any dissent to organize and act, is prevented, it would also require substantial amount of money and some "elites" joining the club.

Imo only way its possible to happen if some chaotic event takes place first, be it giant meteor, giant floods all over, or heh, nuclear bomb xDD

Maybe democracy could work better if we elected a new emperor/king who would rule for life or until their capacity to make decisions for the country is unreliable. The new candidates should not be related to the old ones so as to avoid some kind of royal bloodline that rules forever.
Having a new leader for life would mean that when the time came to choose a new leader, the people would seriously need to think of their choice as it could affect the future of an entire generation.

Also limit the voting population to only those who can prove to be mature enough to make decisions. Use a psychological test to determine if someone is mentally an adult instead of relying on age. Give legal adults certain rights like allowing them to own a gun in order to motivate people to attain a higher standard for themselves and therefore make the voting population much better at making decisions.

An imperial democracy if you will.

No, right now we the people told the elites to fuck off with the election of trump and they are showing us what they think of that (and us), by continuing to force his hand with bullshit like this. Trump needs a second term where he has nothing to lose and then the gloves come off.

It's not only pointless but actually counterproductive, since you're giving the goons the excuse "well you participate in it, therefore you must accept the outcome" for when you protest their sociopathic self-serving absurdity.

No matter who you vote for, you always get John McCain. The military lobby will never be ignored by any sleeze who pretends they can represent millions of people.

Also allow the possibility of removing the current ruler from office if he does become too much of a liability, a traitor or a dictator

So I could Wade through THREAD AFTER FUCKING THREAD of this COMPLETE SHIT By FucKing blueGoodShills™. Mmmm yeah that's the fuckin ticket

If you put a gun to my head and told me to drop bombs on Syria on any country that isn't Israel, I wouldn't do it.
Trump is either complicit or he is weak. If they can force him to drop fucking bombs on foreign countries and kill people, they can force him to do anything.

He has a lot to lose, his fortune, his family, his future, him self.

If it was only so simple.

The best way to solve the issue is to not participate.
Don't pay taxes. Don't obey absurd laws. Don't comply with thugs and goons. If 5% of the population didn't pay income taxes, the IRS would be incapable or handling that many people - it'd be impossible for them.

Meme lab created memes are the fucking worst

the point was that trump campaigned against most of this stuff
so we at least had a fighting chance when we elected him, rather than resigning ourselves to our fate by voting hillary

Whats meme lab? I used MS paint.

He would have already done 64% of his promises if the congress & senate werent a thing.

but he has russia, and soon just before isreal 70 anniversary shit will hit the fan.

I’ll castrate you JIDF fucks.

Half the world could see Trump was a lier and yet you voted for him. Do say we didn't warn you OP.

You didn't use MS Paint.
You used this checkmark from google images, but you had to change its size. If you made it smaller using Paint it would look janky as fuck.

You fucking faggots think you can fit right in and shill against Trump just because a bunch of people have legitimate problems with what he is doing. You are not fooling anyone.
Fuck Trump and fuck you /leftypol/ faggots.

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>He would have already done 64% of his promises if the congress & senate werent a thing.

THAT'S BULLSHIT PACO.....Look how much Obama was able to fuck up with a pen and a phone

On the left is the checkmark /leftypol/ shill OP made in photoshop or some other software. On the right is what the check mark would look like if he had used Paint.
He could have just said that he used Photoshop, but he lied and said it was MS Paint to try and fit in. These retarded leftists are low IQ morons who can't even come up with a good lie.

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Fuck off meme flag nigger

Trump 2020

Fake Austria has a point when it comes to the futility of elections,
but I don't think revolution is the answer --it's the same fuckers
put in power, except with bloodshed.

You don't need/want revolution.
You need to outJew the Jew... or eliminate him.

maybe because the federal judges loved him and his unamerican policies.

I didn't vote for either of them because the entire system is a fucking sham anyway.

The root of it all is worship self vs worship of God. Violence wont solve that, it will just compound more evil. Eastern Orthodoxy is da way.

/ptg/ doesn't have a defense against this. They blindly support anything Trump say or do like a fucking cult.

1+ year delay. Just be happy that you throw a wrench in (((their))) cogs.

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Voting on foerign policy is laughable

now Trump is reconsidering the TPP

>add it to the list

Go out In public and sperg off your mouth kid watch what happens I fucking dare you pussy!
Tell them how Jews are evil
Tell them how Asad is your god
Tell them how you hate America and the president

Live stream It I want to see you get your ass beat!

Yes, it's autism to call out blatant lies
Go suck your /leftypol/ comrade's dick.

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to make people cry

>I'm Jow Forums's most prolific checkmark investigator
>please respect me

Autism intensifies.

>I come in to defend my /leftypol/ comrade after he has been called out at lying

>muh checkmarks! MUH CHECKMARKS


if only if was a good deal, the same thing he said when he pulled out of the deal.

people who think voting doesn't matter are retards by default and should go protest on the street wearing black hoodies and panty's with their antifa friends.

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Hay fucking pussy ass shill!

Go out In public and sperg off your mouth kid watch what happens I fucking dare you pussy!
Go ahead prove me wrong and voice you openion out of your echo chamber like a normal person.

Tell them how Jews are evil
Tell them how Asad is your god
Tell them how you hate America and the president

Live stream It I want to see you get your ass beat!

Also, your damn right this is a copy paste and damn right no one here has the fucking balls to do it!

Kill yourself JIDF

Show your flag meme fag

I would agree but we live in a police state and the NSA spies on everything we do.

So I d-disagree

Deez Nuts

Over 40% don't pay taxes anyways. An additional 5% of poorfags won't do squat. Only if you took out the top 5% of earners, but they profit from the system as is so they would never follow that plan.

>Jews are evil
Where's the lie?