The European race must unite

If you support armed conflict between any of these countries in blue, you are promoting white genocide. If you choose a side between the U.S and Russia, you are a race traitor. Both nations have hundreds of millions of whites and those populations must remain unharmed and prosperous.

No more brother wars.

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No More Brother Wars!



Confirmed for just another dumb foreigner who doesn't know squat about my great nation.

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Let's get this trending on Twitter: #NoMoreBrotherWars


Stop the larp you mad cunt, this is serious business.

how do we get people to want to live when they have made it clear they don't want to?

If you're serious then you'll believe me.

Please nuke us.

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This map has israel? Sorry. We can edit it and remove them. I'm phone posting, didn't notice.

>Side against Kike puppets who want to control the whole world.

>or stay neutral

OK, no problem. I support this but not USA

Let's do it

You are white.

WW III is bad for all, I will only support this until we have nothing else left.


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You don't have to agree with either side. We should be 100% against all anti-european, anti-white groups and collectives. Including jews, muslims, mestizo's, liberals, communists, globalists, etc.

There are still hundreds of millions of whites living in the U.S and if you value white people you should not campaign for Russia to nuke us either. Both sides are wrong for trying to fight each other, the U.S is wrong for helping the jews and Russia is wrong for helping the muslims.

Its about resources and geopolitics really, but the two largest white countries should not come to blows over jews and sand niggers.

European race? What does that even mean

People who originate from europe. Everything above greece and west of Russia.

These are the same race and genetically cluster very closely when compared to all other human populations.

Wtf do you think I mean?