What does Jow Forums think of the Incel epidemic?

What do you think turned them into Incels? How do we fix this? Who do you blame?

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fix by OP hanging himself SAGE

>What do you think turned them into Incels? How do we fix this? Who do you blame?

Single mothers.

>What do you think turned them into Incels?
Being fat fucks with ridiculous hair

>How do we fix this?
Lift. Roid is genetics are total shit
Go out and develop social skills
Shave head
Minoxidil beard

>Who do you blame?
No one to blame but themselves

No one turned us into this. inceldom is the a byproduct of the current state of society. No religion, hyper-narcissism, sexual degeneracy, dating apps and hookup culture, gyno-centricism, hollywood influence, feminism, voting rights for women etc. In short - Kikes.

>Go out and develop social skills
This doesn't just happen.
I've been going to church outings for a whole year now and I haven't made any progress in the GF department.

But surely something caused me to have such a low self-esteem?
How is it that my entire life I have doubted myself when other hadn't?
Why have I fallen victum to ridicule so often?

thats not socializing, thats weird church people. People who go to church and people who actively go to church related events are very different

Talk to people. When you get home, analyze what went well and what didn't. Work to improve.

3 years ago I was incel with no friends. I'm at the point now where I block every girl I end up getting to know at some eventual point cause they get clingy and won't leave me alone.

Joining the military helped a bit since you have literally no choice whatsoever but to socialize.

Even if they were raised by two parents, they'd still look hideous. And that applies to the vast majority of incels. Just shitty genetics.

there are a 100 little things that can be wrong with an incel and all those things are noticed by normies. Bad skin, teeth, facial features, height, hair, eyes, dick size, energy, social awkwardness etc. Girls can sniff out this shit.

Redpill on roids. Will they shrink my balls or cause hair loss.

Stop looking like a potato and pay for sex in the beginning. Also avoid online communities like the plague.

>I showed you my dick answer me

>Girls can sniff out this shit.
How did they obtain such a skill?

Listen to this user. We are men, not women. We are not static, and we have a far greater capacity for growth and change than any given woman. No matter how fat, ugly, misanthropic, asocial, or pathetic you may feel/be, you can turn your entire life around in a shockingly short period of time. You only need to have some courage and conviction. Start small with tangible goals, and never stop reaching for a new milestone.

Read philosophy and history, and lift your fucking ass off. You won't even recognize yourself in 360 days.

>Start small with tangible goals

They're born with it. It is maybe the most necessary skill they need to succeed in life. That's part of the trouble between men and women and social dynamics, is that they naturally understand the ruleset whereas men typically have to learn it through practice and study.

Testicular atrophy, yes. If you take the proper post-cycle therapy & such, they should go back to their regular size.

Hair loss, depends. If you're genetically predisposed for balding or thinning, roids may speed up the process. Take a look at your grandpa on your mom's side. If he's balding, that's your future.

Probably unrelated in this context but by itself i whole heartedly agree.

I was raised by a single mother and the uphill battle to attract the opposite sex is real.

You don't notice then someone is awkward? Do you look at Zuck and say 'hm nothing wrong with this reptilian'?

their unchecked biological urge to get the most alpha man is now satisfied because of dating apps. Even 4/10 tub of lards can get their supply of dicks in their 20s. Then they settle down for a betabux provider after spreading their legs for all the Tyrone and Chad dick they can get.

At least he has his health

>What do you think turned them into Incels?

All enviromental effects would also affect everyone else. But they don't. They only affect incels, by popular wisdom. Which is of course completely illogical.

It's just you guys got raised and educated into dumbass soyboys. I dunno if it is reversible. You'd probably have to go to the army, experience war, etc.

Well, it depends on your particular needs. For instance, I'm a skinnyfag and not a fatfag, so I needed to focus on increasing appetite, diet, and muscle mass. Some people need to cut that down.

For social stuff, practice makes perfect. Find a place where its acceptable to talk to strangers, and just "open" people. Some people say to focus on women, but I think being able to initiate conversation with men is just as important.

What else... guess I mentioned diet, but cook for yourself with good food. No fast food. Stuff is designed to make you a depressed, lethargic, returning customer. Honestly, after 7 days of eating some wholesome food, and the notion of fast food will make you nauseous.

Not for long. He's an alcoholic and a chain smoker

Someone should tell him to stop

Thankfully, it is reversible. I've seen incels become chads. Education caused it, which means that education can undo it.

Really, IMHO, it's a matter of reacquainting men with the ancient knowledge of our ancestors. We've all always known male and female nature - it's just these past few decades that people have been indoctrinated by, well, nonsense.

How many hot women have you LED in conversation? How many have you unapologetically revealed your needs and desires to with "ATTITUDE"- not "explanation"?

WOMEN ARE SLAVES TO THEIR EMOTIONS AND BIOLOGY!! Women are born with a "submissive gene" that causes their pussies to get wet when a carefree, confident, fun-loving, ORDER-CREATING man deals with them. You autists need to study this and "FAKE IT 'TIL YOU MAKE IT"! Learn how to give these "50 Shades-wired" bitches the ATTITUDE they NEED, then how to LEAD them (control them) and fuck hot white bitches and make beautiful white babies, yourself:


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Two types

1. Genuinely ugly men like OP
2. Autists

Normally neither of those would matter because women rely on men for resources. However with the introduction of the welfare state, if a woman's "perfect mate" checklist doesn't get marked at least 95%, the man she is judging is less than dirt. Incels need to lower their standards significantly if they don't want to die alone. Too bad incels are extremely arrogant and value themselves far higher than market value and demand the best, in the exact same way the women they hate do.

It's why Asian masculinity is full of raging manlets crying that the 6'1" scandanavian supermodel rejected him.

>tfw 28yo kissless virgin

I just don't think modern women are worth the effort i will have to put in.

There's no hope for some people. See pic related--do you really think he'd be any better if he just ditched "feminism" and hated on women? The only way that would improve anything is by way of accelerating his descent to suicide.

An incel doesn't become a non-incel by further poisoning his mind against women.

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same but I'll be a 30 year old kissless handholdless wizard in a few months. I don't have any interest anymore. I relish the thought of turning a roastie down.

theyd be funnier if they filmed vids for yutuub and went supreme

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I actually tried going on dates this year and it was just painful. I had to do all the conversation, put in all the effort and for what? Some used up slut who can't even say anything interesting?

What the fuck is the point? I just don't see it.

>a 30 year old kissless handholdless wizard
> I relish the thought of turning a roastie down.
doesnt sound to me like that's going to happen but congrats on your coming powers

I have to disagree, pic related could totally turn himself around. His only real problem is his skin, and that's fixable.

I agree about the poison part. That's certainly not healthy. But incels get into their position because they've been lied to about men, women, and reality in general for their entire lives. Only truth can break a cage like that. And, yeah, there will be a lot of bitterness that comes with that kind of truth, but it's the only road out of being an incel.

women dont ever say anything interesting thats not the point of dating

So what is the point?

Have you ever seen that ugly, scar-faced negro calling himself Seal (the singer) who used to go out with that hot white bitch (Heidi Klum?} ? Women are much more influenced in LOVE and willingness/desire to date you (not "giggly girl, Oh- he's so cute" shallow shit!) by how we men ACT and what we DO than by how we look.
WOMEN ARE SLAVES TO THEIR EMOTIONS AND BIOLOGY!! Women are born with a "submissive gene" that causes their pussies to get wet when a carefree, confident, fun-loving, ORDER-CREATING man deals with them (doesn't matter if he's a "scar-faced" dude). You autists need to study this and "FAKE IT 'TIL YOU MAKE IT"! Learn how to give these "50 Shades-wired" bitches the ATTITUDE they NEED, then how to LEAD them (control them) and fuck hot white bitches and make beautiful white babies, yourself:

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I'm not a wizard because of my looks but lack of interest in normie activities. Once I stake raking in the bucks, I think roasties will start approaching me. Also, thanks, I will soon be shooting fireballs.

Is Eggman still a celeb on Jow Forums?

>Yeah, just neg those HB8s XDDD

I thought you're trying to get people to get over their autism, not get them to use autism-based social mimicry

it's a mindset. plenty of ugly as FUCK dudes in great relationships, and plenty of mog-machines WHO ARE VIRGINS but with robust skulls, insane maxilla forward growth, near-45 degree gonial angles, short midfaces, just generally high pre-natal test levels.

Company, meaning, status, fulfillment, whatever bullshit name you want to call it.

There's nothing like having positive feminine energy around you. It can help give and reinforce a personal sense of drive, determination, and meaning.

I mean, nothing staves off depression like having a purpose and a place in life, and nothing can do that better than being the master of a household. Not that it's easy, I mean, marriage and children is signing up for a never ending struggle. Of course, life itself is a never ending struggle (until it does end), so, you know, pick your poison.

Danebro, the bigger issue is the quality of women around. Because they are tremendously fucked up, just as we are/have been. But, again, men have a far greater capacity for change and self-reflection than women. So the ball is in our court. Because we're men. The ball is *always* in our court.

initially the sport of getting her to like you
once its a committed relationship you have a supporter. someone who cares and wants to please you
and to have kids
and puss

forgot to mention positive canthal tilt and wide zygos

I see, i just don't see why i would want a girl who wasn't a virgin. I will never accept anything else.

Leave Eggman alone dammit.

It's unavoidable with female hypergamy.

I mean, his formatting and pics are pretty fucking retarded, but the points made still stand. From the male perspective, women are simple-minded. Why? They're primarily social oriented. Infant girls are attracted to faces and dolls, not trucks and nerf guns.

Men are systemic thinkers. It's why I can talk to a male friend about a hobby for 3 hours but not to a woman for more than 5 minutes - unless it's a social thing.

Women receive their value at birth (looks/genes), and it is constantly needing reinforcement by a social group. Men are born with practically no value and must generate their own, thereby projecting their power onto a group. The dynamics are totally different.

Negging... easiest thing to shit on. If you think negging means "be an asshole," you're wrong. Negging is being firm, having convictions, and holding your ground - women will poke, prod, and test, and you show some backbone to prove yourself *and* to put them in their place. Which is precisely what benefits everyone involved. The woman wants order, and the man needs to be able to provide that order. Where negging comes in is that we're talking about power dynamics, and there is an inherent hostility that comes with power plays in social groups. Negging is far more than "hur dur ur a slag."

This is where I run out of full-of-myself advice. I got extremely lucky with my fiance, and each and every day I have to remind myself to step back and honestly evaluate her to make sure I'm not being taken advantage of, that she is in fact committed to me, that my frame is robust enough, and that I am materially and emotionally protected should it all fall apart.

Because, you're not wrong. It's an absurd amount of effort to put in for some roastie. But then there are other problems, too.

You, I, and every faggot reading this board - every single one of our ancestors for the past 3 billion years has successfully reproduced and contributed to a legacy of life so mind-numbingly large in scale that it's nearly beyond comprehension. So the question we have to ask ourselves is: are we prepared to have that legacy die with us because the dating market wasn't ideal in our time?

I'm not prepared to accept such an outcome for myself.

I didn't know I shared this board with unvirgin scum. I just assumed everyone in Jow Forums was a virgin..

>every single one of our ancestors for the past 3 billion years has successfully reproduced and contributed to a legacy of life so mind-numbingly large in scale that it's nearly beyond comprehension.

This is not true.

About half of our male ancestors failed to reproduce, a figure that will be far lower in contemporary times now that society has been feminized.

Ever since he got framed for the murder things went downhill.

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I don't think you know what an ancestor is

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This. I'm an otherwise normal, healthy, and well-adjusted young guy that 50 years ago or pretty much any time before that would have at least found a decent girl. The problem isn't me or the rest of the normal guys who happen to find themselves as incels but society. Female hypergamy, pussy inflation, and just the vast swathes of low quality females that feel entitled towards the very best men. Video related


It's just evolutionary speaking, human females are fucked in the head. The only reason civilization was able to flourish was because men were able to be paired up with equal women. Now this dynamic has eroded which means modern civilization as we know it no longer has a reason to exist.

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>How did they obtain such a skill?

You know how most of us nerds stuck here on Jow Forums spent all of our adolescence locked away in a basement alone playing videogames / watching anime or movies / reading books / listening to music / jerking off to porn / etc. instead of doing "normie shit" like practicing team sports, smoking weed behind school, loitering around, trying to buy booze and going to house parties because you didn't care for it / it seemes like a waste of time / you didn't want to make your parents worry?

WELL turns out those were all high-stakes peer-to-peer social activities, integral to the normal development of an adult, designed to build the foundations of social skill later in life.

We fucked up.

That fucking face. I've always wondered who that was?

Well lets take a look at this graph. That may have been true during certain periods like during the advent of agriculture but before that and after that equal numbers of men and women reproduced.

Holy quads

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>Take a look at your grandpa on your mom's side. If he's balding, that's your future.

This is a meme actually


But Eggie had sex and from what I've heard he even has a girlfriend nowadays. He's always been a wagie too and it shows - just look at him.

Join the ascetic NEET masterrace today and prevent becoming like him, brothers.

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Eggy is MGTOW, not an incel

>Well lets take a look at this graph. That may have been true during certain periods like during the advent of agriculture but before that and after that equal numbers of men and women reproduced.
Holy fuck, nevermind read the y-axis. No wonder humanity is so fucked. All those poor males in history that never reproduced.

He is a NEET right now, I think. No gf either, he just had a few dates with that tranny Pizza

so basically just still a loser but you're saying what you hope is true. you're probably a virgin.

Well i don't feel like i have much of a choice anyway with regards to ending my lineage. I'm not very attractive to women. I'm a loser i've been straight up called this by a woman after a date.

this and all its' side-effects

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That's not true.

Plenty of nerds I know got a long term gf and a cushy job.

More than likely, you just have innate social anxiety.

He's partially right though. Just because our dads and beyond managed to reproduce doesn't mean we're all on the top of the evolutionary pool and guaranteed to perpetuate our genes. My autist of a father only managed to pull my mom (an absolutely average brazilian woman) because he's full german blooded and rich to boot. Now I, his miscigeneated offspring, have inherited the absolute autism of my lineage but lost COMPLETELY the german phenotype and wealth won't become a factor until my father is dead. The peril of being forced out of the gene pool is very real for me.

Why, what did you do?

I'll never understand these retards. It's not fucking hard.
How to get a GF:
Don't be fat. If you're fat, lose weight
Get a job
Have a good hobby so you're not fucking suffocating them being a clingy little shitter
Don't have acne, actually fucking wash yourself
Don't stink
Brush your teeth
Don't listen to shitty emo music because let me tell you this, what you listen to says a lot about you. and if she hears you listening to some depressing shit all the time then she'll assume you're depressing and want nothing to do with you because newsflash, happy people don't like being around miserable people because it ruins happy moods

That's about it. Don't be a shitter and you're good. If you're a shitter then you have no right to complain, it's your fault anyway. Maybe if your mothers picked a better father, she wouldnt have birthed a retard like you-ever think about that? Women are supposed to choose alphas for a reason. Better offspring.

1). Jews and America's base (which is Roman and has gone through the same slow cuckening by kikes)
2). Kill the Jews.

Bump. Also how get an incel friend to change their ways and start making relationships with women?

quads of truth

It's mainly an issue related to one's physique.

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Yeah, men are pretty much entirely expendable. It's why we're cannon fodder, or broken-body coal miners. It only takes a handful of men to create a new generation, and every man who isn't part of that select group can be discarded. That's why monogamy is so important. It offers men a deal that makes engaging in society worthwhile.

I knew she wasn't interested in me and i wanted to know exactly what it was about me that she found so unattractive and why she even went on two dates with me in the first place. I've spent the last 7 months going on dates and talking to girls just to see what would happen.

You can't make someone want to do something like this, user, and confronting him about it can backfire and have him dig in his heels deeper into inceldom. Hard as it is, you can't make him change his ways - he has to want to do it himself.

Visit third world shitholes like Bosnia and just impregnate the women there, it's what I'm doing.

Make sure they're muslim and that you find out their parents' adress so that, in case she decides to abort, you can tell them. Mashallah, habibi :^)

Seal got cucked by Klum's bodyguard you retard

The absolutely unhinged hypergamy in modern wh*Te women makes it almost impossible to find a suitable mate. They haven't evolved in thousands of years, and their primitive impulses have taken over modern society.

I'm 28, high salary programmer, own apartment. But because I'm average-looking, not jacked and not prepared to spend 100% of my time on women, I'm always brushed aside. "Bad boy" losers get a pass, of course, being an integral part of the cock carousel and all.

This shit wouldn't fly even some 50-60 years ago.

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Well Danebro, a major test for a man is whether or not we "get it" when it comes to social interactions. For whatever reasons this girl wasn't into you, asking her to be specific about your shortcomings so you could improve yourself is absolutely anathema to her. It was the final demonstration to her that she didn't want you, hence why she insulted you and called you a loser.

This is what I meant before when I said that men have to learn and study social interactions in a way women don't. Because she sure as shit isn't going to give you any advice, because asking for that kind of advice from a woman is repulsive.

It's like that for most species. It's more effective for females to reproduce than not, meaning the weight of genetic fitness lies more on the ever so expendable male.

Doesn't help that many of those men probably had sex but women cucked them out for another man while he provided for her.

So be the bad boy, esti. They're being very clear about what attracts them.

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Lol holy fuck this thread hurts. I'm garbage myself regarding what I did recently.

Long story short I messaged a girl on Facebook that I never talked to, but basically fell in love with because she was gorgeous.

She was flirtatious, we kept staring at eachother, but I never initiated.

It's been like two-three years since I haven't seen her so... Bummer.
I recently received a friend suggestion from her though.

I messaged and added her as a friend, saying how I wanted to catch up with her.

She hasn't been on Facebook yet.

Do you think there is a slim chance it'll work?

I'm not confident at all, but I told myself fuck it.

And please don't call me a loser like /b/ did. That shit hurts you niggers.

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The point I'm trying to make it is you don't develop social skills without socializing. And the later in life you realize the importance of it the more fucked you are. Most nerds will only put some effort into socializing in college, it's a little late, but acceptable.

Now try being a 30 year old nerd that has never hanged in a bar or gone to the club. You won't be having a good time from the get go, you won't be able to fool anyone, you won't have a single genuine positive interaction, you will not advance your social skill (except maybe the ability to withstand rejection) and you will be actually bothering other people. Because your social development was arrested. You should be hanging out with teenagers or college kids, people actually in your social range. It's a sad situation.

I'm a super serious computer nerd. I will not in any way enable modern women and their bullshit. My ancestors didn't, why the hell should I?

If I'm not destined to have kids, then so be it. At the very least I'll savor the thought of those cunts dying alone and being eaten by their horde of cats.

>country is full of sand niggers tearing it apart
>focuses on thots

le france is lost

Forget about her. Seriously. You're in a position now where she is the prize and you're chasing after her. This is all wrong, in concept and in function. You, my froggy friend, are the prize, the one to be pursued and locked down.

So long as this girl holds this place in your heart, you will *never* have ever. But if you let go, and allow life to take its course without falling in love with women you barely know (not a dig, we all fucking do it, hurts like hell man), you might be surprised to find her in your bed one morning. Because life is a bitch like that.

>be the bad boy
There is probably a way to reach a happy medium, just remember that women just get wet for male violence which is the anti-thesis of civilizations not at war. This is why they go for retards, they're too low IQ to not chimp out at shit and commit crimes.

I already did. If it's a positive message, then be it. If it's not, same.

Though I seriously thought I was rational enough not to get infatuated with women this way.

Guess I ain't shit.

>I'm a super serious computer nerd. I will not in any way enable modern women and their bullshit. My ancestors didn't, why the hell should I?
Perfect! Excellent attitude. Resolve, conviction, pride, and determination.

>If I'm not destined to have kids, then so be it. At the very least I'll savor the thought of those cunts dying alone and being eaten by their horde of cats.
No, bad baltica, bad! Self-defeating platitudes lead, shockingly, to defeat.

yup, she basically ran away with his money and took his children

Don't get down on yourself, Napoleon. We learn through error and failure, not success.

Sometimes i don't even know why i'm sitll trying to get a proper girl because every one of them seems the same. They like the same stupid shit and spout the same stupid shit. I'm sick of hearing how much they love to travel and how they like "bland selv slik"(danish dating memes) or how much they pretend to love nature.

Right now i'm talking to a trap from thailand who is studying here and i'm legit considering it.

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Ye. Plus seal isn't actually bad looking despite the scars. Also fame.