Jow Forums would you drink a whole glass of diarreah shit if meant saving the white race?

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>how much saving the white race..?
>how much diarreah?

The white race doesn't need saving, it needs a serious purging. Wheat chaff etc.


it would result in the extermination of all jewry

and the amount of shit is one malt-sized glass

That is a pretty good deal

Be more specific, who is the person that took the shit and what did he/she eat?

somebody would take one for the team

>wanting to save something that let itself die like this

Fuckin no. Wypipo just gonna have to die.

>Why would I drink shit for a race that is not willing to drink shit?
Not that I would take seriously someone presenting this deal irl either but

David Hogg, he ate corn beef hash with jalapenos.

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it'd be this guy's shit. & he just ate a full family course of curry and garlic naan

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I don't mean that. I mean to be outbred and replaced and corrupted. Nothing of value is lost if the race that fell for such bullshit dies out. Jews and asians are the only master races contending with eachother. I'm not talking about IQ either.

this is the right answer

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>extermination of all jewry
Hope that includes niggers, muslims, chinks and mutts

Go ask the Germans, that's no big deal for them.

Can I just shoot the guy making the deal and go to bed?

Fill er up!

atta boy! this fag just saved the race!

I dont think that option is on the table bud. Things would be alot simpler if that was the answer. particularly with your mom around

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No you'd have to drink a whole another glass for each undesired race.

one cup of diarrhea please

there are people out there RIGHT NOW that do that gargle diarreah shit for much MUCH less on CAMERA

pussy bitch

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k i'll go tell my boy

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Ending world jewry and usery and re-establishing the white race's dominance is a lot harder than chugging a chaser full of Andy's aerated log

I would do it for pretty much anything, specially if its from a cute girl.

you throw in niggers, spics, sandniggers, coalburners, mutts of all creeds, bankers (bit of redundant after exterminating kikes) polticians, presstitutes, most of catholic priesthood, traitorous christian priesthood of all denominations (racially aware are ok somewhat), all talmuds, all qurans
and you have yourself a deal!