"A military ‘operation’ may soon take place in Syria. Notice how they don’t call it war anymore...

"A military ‘operation’ may soon take place in Syria. Notice how they don’t call it war anymore. It’s called an ‘action’ or operation.

We used to have a Department of War. Now they call it the Department of Defense. If we’re supposedly defending the US, why are we attacking people in Syria? Like the war in Vietnam, none of this is about defending America. It’s about doing what the Deep State military industrial complex wants. It’s about furthering globalist plans.

President Trump was wrong about firing missiles at Syria early in his presidency and he’s wrong now. Perhaps he thinks such blustering helps him appear as a strong leader, but war won’t make America great again. The U.S. already has a bigger military budget than the next three leading countries combined. We are busy protecting the borders of others while our own remain wide open. Now Trump has a notorious war hawk and a pro-war Secretary of State ready to stir up trouble. Things are looking ominous.

There’s an ongoing civil war in Syria. President Bashar al-Assad is accused of evil doing and therefore he must be taken out just like Gaddafi and Saddam were. Israel doesn’t want Iranian Hezobollah terrorists on their doorstep. This is understandable. Many Iranian clerics want Tel Aviv and Israel completely destroyed. Obama bought Iran off for a while with billions of dollars in bribes, but it won’t last.

Now the war table is set. It’s the US, Israel and allied powers vs. Assad, Iran, Russia and maybe even China. The reason? There was a poison gas attack that killed children. It was supposedly ordered by the Syrian president, but it appears it may be yet another false flag in order to spark war.

It’s time to walk away from the war table. Let them all sort it out themselves. Get out of Syria and stay out.

Iraq was a disaster and we’re still at war in Afghanistan. Now we want to risk World War Three in Syria?"

Is Ben right?

Attached: shared_vision_war.jpg (2040x1487, 850K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Did he really give them a Jew star nose

That's gotta be an edit

Sorry I have been absent, but with everything said this will be my last message & time I log in until this either blows over or well you know..

Either way my family and my block are all geared up & ready to go moments notice we have been gearing up all day hardcore. The moment official confirmation of either a US or NATO ally has struck or is having a on ongoing assault on the Syria Government, its go time for my group and where hitting the roads. To be honest I am a little nervous myself & hope all our planning and drilling pays off, didn't think I would ever have to put my SHTF go plan into real action ever.

We will not take chances, I have seen the movies, once the US takes direct action against Russian interest it douse not end well. Do you really want to wait and see if the Russians hit back, if so do you really think people in charge can contain it, if so or not how long do you think it would take to blow up, IMO with technology, it won't take long for anything to blow up. Again gl everyone ttyl hopefully..

>There was a poison gas attack that killed children

Was there though? How do we know any gas attack occurred?


It's all so superficial. I truly hope Trump doesn't allow the US (and by extension, the entire Western world) to be dragged into yet another wealth-wasting, region-destabilising, refugee-creating quagmire of a war purely for the interest of Israel and the elite.

I don't see how any of his accomplishments could possibly be enough to forgive this even in the most MAGApede of reddit transplants.

I decided to check Jow ForumsT_D and there are plenty of deleted and downvoted comments on any posts relating to Syria, they really will do anything to defend their god emperor

We're not declaring war on Syria.

We're bombing their chemical weapons facilities to reinforce the norm against their use.

Because the CIA did it of course.

Stop being anti-semitic and being against war goyim!

Attached: Jew spank.jpg (1370x1080, 456K)

>Now the war table is set. It’s the US, Israel and allied powers vs. Assad, Iran, Russia and maybe even China. The reason? There was a poison gas attack that killed children. It was supposedly ordered by the Syrian president, but it appears it may be yet another false flag in order to spark war.

It only appears that way because you're in a Russian zombie echo chamber.
Ask on this board do you support Russia destroying America & you'll see a hundred either meme flags or US flags supporting it that's totally retarded,

We cannot give ground to Russia it's just that simple. Look at the big picture for a moment. Russia has ICBMs with Satan missiles aimed at you me and the entire western world, they arm every dictatorship & madman across the planet who actively chants & demands death to America in the west, they arm anyone who is against western society & culture including our religion.
No sane leader on earth would actively give their enemy ground because of "muh feelings" or "muh based Russia he gonna BTFO out the jews & gas them" at the cost of losing your footing. The people in support of Russia & Assad & Iran are not a single bit different then an illegal immigrant transvestite hooker demanding open borders & sex ed for preschoolers.

You are arming anti american dictators you gigantic fucking retard 56%er

>Walk in T_D
>Get a spoonful of tumor clogged government funded pro-israel propaganda
>Get cancer
>360 degree and walk away

really activates my almonds.

Attached: independent-1993 (1)-1.jpg (800x534, 113K)

>You are arming anti american dictators you gigantic fucking retard 56%er
This isn't an argument. You have ignored what I shared entirely & went on a rant about America instead.

The fuck you talking about, leaf? You from Quebec? When did we start speaking French? Mind your business faggot

Proof of fake gas attack.


I was using quotes (note the quotation marks) from the page I got this cartoon from, these are Ben Garrison's words not mine. I even said at the end of the quote "Is Ben right?"

Learn to fucking read faggot

>they arm every dictatorship & madman across the planet who actively chants & demands death to America in the west, they arm anyone who is against western society
Literally Israel, Saudi Arabia and the fucking US itself.
Russia didn't fund the Mujahideen, the Taliban, Al-Qaeda or ISIS. it was your own goddamn side in every one of the above.
It's not the Russians spreading anti-American Salafi fundamentalisn throughout the Islamic world ... and funding the spread of that exact same movement into mosques from London to New York.
It's not Russian billionaires shipping a nation destroying human plague across the Mediterranean or across the Mexican border, and calling you racist for objecting.
Its not Russia providing safe haven to every paedophile lucky enough to be born with a Right of Return

Get your head out of the 1960s. Russia is no threat to the West anymore.

that's not proof of anything

>The nose knows

Holy shit Ben is a genius


Assad is so weak he has to resort to gassing muslims to win.

That is not a leader worth supporting, and the Syrian people not worth American blood defending. Missiles are a better solution.

Attached: 1523752941229.png (884x861, 934K)

I thought the same, almost didn’t check to the original. Then I did.


Just back the other side and Russia's influence in the region is suddenly reduced by 50%.

They only love Russia because Russia loves them back.


I witnessed a Fox news host call it "humanitarian aid" once regarding the recent demands to strike Syria.

>they arm every dictatorship
Imagine calling someone a "dictator" as an insult in 2018, on Jow Forums no less.

Attached: Führer senpai.gif (500x400, 996K)

It's no longer necessary to locate his originals anymore. Even the edits get the point across well enough anymore.

What does pic related mean? What symbol is this?

Attached: 1516515413123543.png (304x323, 155K)

Iranian symbol on their flag

It's really degenerated into a mindless muh liberal patriotism jew-loving cult which claims that the true essence of RW values is to spread liberal degeneracy around the world trough force whilst the original creators and grassroots metaphorical engines of the movement have been pushed to the sidelines for being fringe.
Just like the Reagan movement ... and the tea party...
These kike fuckers are so good at capitalising on the ignorance of certain demographics and misleading them into movements which fight against their own interests like how theyve now made patriots think it is in their interest to fight a war to make Syria either a IS or get annexed by evil kikes when the effects of that would only deepen the problems which worry patriots. Either way it is another proof as to why democracy is a stupid idea. A democratic society is ripe for evil people with agendas to swindle and mislead otherwise well-meaning populations by positioning themselves as the middleman between information and the people and thus regulating what they hear and know, into actions which are for the interest of the swindler in question but not the population.
When the DOTR comes democrats must join communists, liberals, degenerates, kikes on top of the spikes. They are marxists at their heart and a 5 column for an orderly ambitious society.

Attached: dasdasd.jpg (734x738, 500K)

You are why the meme exists



30 OUT OF 100

>Heh nothing personal America even though I got hit thirty times specifically where you wanted to hit me, looks like your hit ratio is bad. Sorry Trump not today



Attached: 1trsx3.jpg (1920x1080, 139K)

It's not called a war because the US hasn't declared war. The president can order military strikes without congressional approval but only congress can declare war. You're dumb.

>false flag events
Fucking Garrison and his autistic labels